Cardiovascular Physiology Part 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cardiovascular Physiology Part 1


In small animals 1 mm transport of materials totally by diffusion ... these changes recorded by an ECG = characteristic pattern of electrical activity ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cardiovascular Physiology Part 1

Cardio-vascular PhysiologyPart 1
  • Circulation
  • The Heart

Circulation Introduction
  • In small animals lt 1 mm transport of materials
    totally by diffusion
  • In larger animals, transport orchestrated by
    varying levels of organization circulatory
    system nutrients, gases, wastes, hormones,
    antibodies, salts, etc. moved in blood (a complex
    tissue containing specialized cells)

General Plan
  • Main propulsive organ (e.g. heart) forces blood
    through body
  • An arterial system that distributes blood acts
    as a pressure reservoir
  • Capillaries transfer material between blood and
    other tissues
  • A venous system that acts as blood storage
    reservoir as a system for returning blood to
  • 1 major organs leaving central circulation 2
    through 4 peripheral circulation

Mechanisms Movement of Blood
  • Forces imparted by rhythmic contractions of the
  • Elastic recoil of arteries following filling by
    the action of the heart
  • Squeezing of blood vessels during body movements
  • Peristaltic contractions of smooth muscle
    surrounding blood vessels
  • Importance of each varies with the species

Movement of Blood cont
  • Valves or septa determine direction of blood flow
  • smooth muscle surrounding blood vessels alters
    vessel diameter
  • regulating amount of blood that flows through a
    particular pathway controlling the distribution
    of blood within the body

Open Circulation
  • E.g. invertebrates blood pumped by heart
    empties via an artery into an open, fluid-filled
    space hemocoel lying between ectoderm
  • Fluid contained within hemocoel hemolymph not
    circulated through capillaries but bathes tissues
  • Pressures open circulation low blood volume
    20-40 of body volume

Closed Circulation
  • Blood flows in a continuous circuit from arteries
    to veins through capillaries I.e. all vertebrates
    and some invertebrates such as cephalopods
    (octopus/squid) fig 12-3 p. 476
  • More complete separation of function
  • Blood volume generally about 5-10 body volume
  • Heart propulsive organ maintains BP

Closed Circulation cont
  • Arterial system acts as a pressure reservoir
    forcing blood through capillaries
  • Capillaries thin walls allowing high rates of
    transfer of material between blood tissues by
    diffusion, transport or filtration
  • Each cell is no more than 2-3 cells away from
    capillary cap networks have many branches in
    parallel allows fine control of blood
    distribution O2 delivery to tissues

Closed Circulation cont
  • Ultrafiltration separation of an ultrafiltrate
    (fluid devoid of colloidal protein particles )
    from blood plasma by filtration through a
    semi-permeable membrane (I.e. cap. wall) using
    pressure (BP) to force fluid through the membrane
  • Lymphatic system evolved to recover fluid lost
    to tissues from blood via ultrafiltration
    returns it to the venous system

Closed Circulation cont
  • Permeability of caps varies among tissues as does
    BP with circulatory conditions e.g. liver high
    permeability permits rapid transfer of substrates
    products of metabolism pressures are lower
    than rest of body vs. low pressure in lung
    capillaries would reduce filtration into the gas
    space of lungs which would impair gas transfer

Closed Circulation cont
  • Systemic circuit circulates blood thru body
  • Respiratory (or pulmonary) circuit circulates
    blood to organs of gas exchange
  • Mammals maintain different pressures in these two
    circuits because they are equipped with a
    completely divided heart i.e. right side pumps
    blood through pulmonary circuit left side
    through systemic circuit

Closed Circulation cont
  • Venous system collects blood from capillaries
    delivers it to heart via veins typically
    low-pressure, flexible structures (large changes
    in blood volume have little effect on venous
    pressure) contains most blood reservoir

The Heart
  • Valved, muscular pumps propel blood around body
    fig. 12-4 p. 477
  • 1 or more muscular chambers connect in series
    guarded by valves (some animals sphincters e.g.
    mollusks) allowing blood to flow in only one
  • Mammalian 4 chambered 2 atria 2 ventricles
    contraction of heart ejection of blood

Cardiac Muscle more info
  • Presence of gap junctions electrically coupled
    to each other except for the uptake release
    of Ca2, similar to skeletal muscles
  • Myocarium - heart muscle 3 types of fibers
  • Sinus node (aka sinoatrial node)
    atrioventricular node smaller, autorhythmic,
    weakly contractile exhibit very slow electrical
    conduction between cells

Cardiac Muscle more info
  • Largest myocardial cells inner surface of
    ventricular wall, also weakly contractile but
    specialized for fast electrical conduction
    constitute system for spreading excitation over
  • Intermediate-sized myocardial cells strongly
    contractile constitute the bulk of heart

Electrical Properties of the Heart
  • Heartbeat rhythmic contraction (systole)
    relaxation (diastole) of whole cardiac muscle
  • Electrical activity initiated in pacemaker region
    spreads over heart from 1one cell to another
    since cells electrically coupled by gap junctions
  • Sinoatrial node location of pacemaker a group
    of small, weakly contractile, specialized muscle
    cells capable of spontaneous activity either
    neurogenic (most invertebrates) or myogenic
    (vertebrates some invertebrates)

Electrical Properties of the Heart
  • Myogenic pacemakers may be several cells with
    capacity to stimulate heart beat but those with
    fastest intrinsic activity generally determine HR
    if main pacemaker stops, other cells can take
  • Cardiac pacemaker potentials NB pacemaker
    cells lack stable resting potential after AP,
    pacemaker membrance undergoes a steady
    depolarization pacemaker potential

Cardiac Potentials cont
  • Pacemaker potential brings membrane to threshold
    potential usually inless than a second, giving
    rise to another all-or-none cardiac AP
  • Interval between APs determines HR depends on
    rate of pacemaker potential extent of
    repolarization threshold potential for cardiac
    AP fig 12-5 p. 478

Cardiac Potentials cont
  • Only small currents needed to change pacemaker Vm
  • Origin of activity interaction between several
    time-dependent voltage dependent membrane
    currents in combination with time-independent
    background currents I.e. at least 6-time
    voltage-dependent ligand-operated K channels,
    several different Ca2 Na channels found in
    pacemaker cells

Cardiac Potentials cont
  • Result pacemaker can funciton for many years
    without interruption
  • Ach (from ParaSym terminals of vagus nerve Xth
    cranial nerve) innervates the heart I.e. slows
    HR by increasing K conductance reducing Ca2
    conductance of pacemaker cells vs. norepinephrine
    (Sym NS) accelerates pacemake potential
    increasing HR

Cardiac APs
  • Skeletal muscle AP is completed membrane in
    nonrefractory state before onset of contraction
    repetitive stimulation tetanic contraction
  • Cardiac muscle AP reaches a plateau which
    remains for 100s milliseconds membrane remains
    in refractory state until heart has returned to a
    relaxed state summation of contractions does
    not occur in cardiac muscle fig. 12-7 p. 479

Cardiac APs
  • Long cardiac AP produces prolonged contraction
    entire heart chamber can fully contact before
    any portion begins to relax essential for
    efficient pumping of blood
  • Duration of plateau phace rates of
    depolarization repolariza6ion varies among
    different cells summation of these changes
    recorded by an ECG characteristic pattern of
    electrical activity

ECGs fig 12-8 p. 480
  • Initial P-wave depolarization of atrium
  • QRS complex depolarization of ventricle
  • T-wave repolarization of ventricle
    (repolarization of atrium is obscured by huge QRS
  • Varies with species nature/position of
    recording devices nature of contraction

Transmission of excitation
  • Electrical activity initiated in pacemaker region
    is conducted over entire heart as depolarization
    in 1 cell results in depolarization in
    neighboring cells by virtue of current flow
    through gap junctions
  • Transmission generally unidirectional because
    impulse spreads away from pacemaker region

Transmission of excitation cont
  • Mammals wave of excitation begins sinoatrial
    node spreads over both atria in concentric
  • Atria connected electrically to ventricles
    through atrioventricular node on right side of
    heart (in other regions, atria ventricles
    joined only by CT which is nonconductive) fig
    12-4 p. 477
  • Excitation spreads via junctional fibers
    connected to nodal fibers connected via
    transitional fibers to bundle of His

Transmission of excitation cont
  • Bundle of His branches into R L bundles which
    subdivide into Purkinje fibers extending into
    myocardium of 2 ventricles (causing all regions
    of ventricular myocardium to contract together
    from internal lining (endocardium) to external
    covering (epicardium)

Transmission of excitation cont
  • Functional significance electrical organization
    of myocardium is its ability to generate
    separate, synchronous contraction sof 1st atria
    then ventricles (1st by slow condcution through
    atrioventricular node allowing atrial contraction
    sto precede ventricular contractions and time for
    blood to move from atria to ventricles

Catecholaminesepinephrine norepinephrine
  • 3 distinct positive effects on heart
  • Increase rate of myocardial contractions (HR)
    positive chronotropic effect (mediated via
  • Increase force of myocardial contraction
    positive inotropic effect
  • Increase speed of conduction of wave of
    excitation over heart positive dromotropic

Mechanics - terms
  • Cardiac output (CO) volume of blood pumped per
    unit time from a ventricle refers to either R
    or L ventricle not combined
  • Stroke volume (SV) volume of blood ejected from
    ventricle by each beat (mean stroke volume CO
    divided by HR) SV difference between volume
    of blood in ventricle just before contraction
    (end-diastolic volume) volume in ventricle at
    end of contraction (end-systolic volume)

Cardiac Cycle p. 484-485 fig 12-12
  • During diastole aortic valves are closed
    maintains large pressure difference between
    relaxed ventricles aorta pulmonary artery
    atrioventricular (AV) valves are open blood
    flows directly from venous system into ventricles
  • Atria contract pressures within them rise
    blood ejected from them into ventricles

Cardiac Cycle cont
  • Ventricles begin to contract, ventricular
    pressure rise exceed that in atria AV valves
    close, preventing backflow of blood into atria
    ventricular contraction proceeds both AV
    aortic valves are closed so that ventricles form
    sealed chambers no volume change (ventricular
    contraction is isometric)

Cardiac Cycle cont
  • Pressures within ventricles increase rapidly
    exceed those in systemic pulmonary aortas
    aortic valves are pushed open blood ejected
    into aortas resulting in decrease in ventricular
  • As ventricles relax, intraventricular pressures
    fall below pressures in aortas, aortic valves
    close there is isometric relaxation of
    ventricle (once once this happens, AV valves
    pushed open cycle starts again

Cardiac Cycle final points
  • Mammals volume ob flood forced into ventricle
    by atrial contraction 30 of volume of blood
    ejected into aorta by ventricular contraction
    ventricular filling is largely determined by
    venous filling pressure (which forces blood from
    venous system directly through atria into

2 phases of contraction
  • Isometric contraction - tension in muscle
    pressure in ventricle increase rapidly
  • Isotonic contraction - tension doesnt change for
    as soon as aortic valves open, blood is ejected
    rapidly from ventricles into arterial system with
    little increase in ventricular pressure
  • tension is generated first with almost no
    change in muscle length, then muscle shortens
    with little change in tension

Coronary Circulation
  • Supplies nutrients O2 to heart
  • Extensive blood supply
  • Cardiac muscle higher capillary density more
    mitochondria than most skeletal muscles
  • High myoglobin content (typical red coloration)
  • Heart relies on aerobic pathways to generate
    energy very dependent on O2 supply
  • Adenosine key metabolite maintaining
    relationship between coronary flow cardiac

  • CT membrane surrounding the heart
  • Magnitude of pressure changes within pericardial
    cavity depends on rigidity of pericardium on
    magnitude rate of change of heart volume
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