Title: Strategic Vision
1Strategic Vision Process
2The end result of this process is to have a
strategic plan for the next five years, completed
by May, 2003.
3- This plan will be
- an overarching vision of the strategic direction
the KU community wishes to pursue. - concise, focused, and its progress achievable and
measurable. - consistent with mission, goals and core values
4Kutztown University Mission Statement Kutztown
University of Pennsylvania, a member of the State
System of Higher Education, is actively dedicated
to excellence in learning and to the success of
its diverse community of students. The University
prepares its students to meet lifelong
intellectual, ethical, social, and career
challenges and responsibilities by providing
quality programs that engage them in critical,
analytical, and aesthetic inquiry. Further,
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania is committed
to continuous improvement, partnerships, and
collaborations that encourage the development of
citizens who contribute to a global society.
- Learning and Success of Students
- Prepare KU students to meet lifelong
intellectual, ethical, social and career
challenges and responsibilities
- Scholarship
- Develop, interpret, evaluate, apply, and
disseminate - knowledge to and on behalf of the KU community
and society
- Collaboration
- Collaborate with public and private agencies,
institutions, organizations, and businesses on
behalf of the KU community and society
- Globalization
- Prepare KU students to respect and celebrate
human diversity as they develop inclusive and
international perspectives
- Technology
- Prepare KU students to use current technologies
to enhance their learning and knowledge
6Core Values
Strategic Visioning Conference in 2000) A
community of students, faculty, and staff,
Kutztown University of the Pennsylvania State
System of Higher Education is committed to these
four core values which are the foundation for all
strategic goals
7We Believe that the Student and His/Her
Development Must Be the Primary Focus of Our Work
Enhanced Knowledge of the Human Condition The
University must provide students, faculty and
staff opportunities to increase their
appreciation and knowledge of the human
condition, respect for individual and cultural
differences, social justice, academic integrity,
and democratic process. Equal Access
Institution The University must promote and
embrace the diverse needs of society by ensuring
equal access to programs, services, and
intellectual offerings without regard to race,
gender, creed, age, national origin, sexual
orientation or disability. Collaborative and
Integrative Learning and Teaching Using new,
innovative and collaborative pedagogical
approaches, the University must promote student
learning, both in and out of the classroom, and
provide students opportunities to develop and
practice critical thinking and decision-making
skills. A Dynamic, Technologically Advanced
Environment The University must be a dynamic
academic environment devoted to programs,
services, and academic offerings which emphasize
investigation and information management through
technologically advanced skills of locating,
evaluating, organizing, using and presenting
8We Believe that We Must Maintain a Sense of
Community A Just and Caring Community The
University must be a just and caring community
where dignity, and respect for all individuals
without regard for race, gender, religion, age,
and national origins, disability or sexual
orientation is affirmed and supported and where
equality of opportunity is vigorously
pursued. The Principles of Civility The
University community must appreciate, respect,
and embrace the principles of honesty, integrity,
and civility, and it must demonstrate such values
in all of its actions. Character Development and
Values Education The University must be
committed to immerse students in the process of
values education character development must be
central to our work and must be embodied in the
social and intellectual dimensions of campus life.
9We Believe that We Must Influence the Quality of
Our Community Shared Governance The University
must respect, promote, and practice shared
governance among faculty, staff and students in
all aspects of the decision-making process. Free
Exchange of Ideas and Beliefs The University
must provide a quality of campus life which will
encourage the growth of self-esteem, respect for
the beliefs of others and the open exchange of
ideas. Community Collaboration and Service As a
member of the State System of Higher Education,
the University must actively engage in serving
the community, whether local, regional, state
national or global, in creative and collaborative
ways to meet emerging social needs.
10We Believe that We Must Have the Opportunity to
Strive for Excellence A Community of Inquiring
Scholars The University must be a community of
scholars engaged in diverse learning styles and
academic inquiry, both in and out of the
classroom and we must foster an environment of
positive interaction and continuous improvement
that maximizes the professional, intellectual,
social, and professional development of all
11Some Statistics 41 ideas teams to 43 ideas
teams 183 volunteers composing the 43 Ideas
12Some Recent Statistics Recent student
volunteers 32 inquiries 3 identified themselves
as graduate students 4 identified themselves as
non-traditional undergrads. Of the 32 who
inquired 21 students volunteered to serve on
Ideas Teams. 1 is a graduate student and 4 are
132 new teams with 4 students each added. One of
the new teams has one graduate student and both
have one non-trad undergrad. Added one student
each to 13 different Ideas Teams. Two of those
teams had only 3 members before the student was
assigned. The remaining 9 teams had 4 members
before the student was assigned. As of today,
there are 5 more volunteers on the Synthesis
Team. November we were hoping to get 50 Vols!
15THE FACILITATORS Dr. Eileen Hogan Dr. David Haas
Strategic Planning and Resources Committee
Synthesis of Questions (All Opinions Forwarded)
Synthesis Team
Individual input
Answers to Questions (All Opinions Forwarded)
Idea Teams
17Idea Teams
Synthesis Team
Individual Input
18First CHARGE for Teams!
From the input received so far by the
President,what important areas are missing?
19Second CHARGE for Teams!
Keeping the mission statement and core values in
mind, what are KUs strengths and unique
qualities that will help us achieve our mission
over the next five years?
20Third CHARGE for Teams!
We are posing this next question Which of the
responses in question 1 fall into these broad
areas 1) short term action items, 2) long-term
action items, and 3) strategic items?
21(No Transcript)
22Fourth CHARGE for Teams!
From your perspective, what opportunities are
available for KU to better achieve its mission,
goals and core values?
23Our working definition of an opportunity is A
favorable combination of circumstances in either
the external or internal environment that offers
a chance for the university to better fulfill its
mission or achieve its goals.
24Email address for individual input into
Synthesis Team ideas_at_kutztown.edu Deadline for
Question 4 MARCH 14, 2003
25S - Strengths W - Weaknesses O - Opportunities T
- Threats
26What It Is
- It is a framework
- The framework is grounded on four basic questions
about the organization, two relating to the
organization itself (internal), and two relating
to the environment in which the organization
operates (external).
27The Basic Questions
- Internal
- What are the organizations strengths?
- What are the organizations weaknesses?
- External
- What opportunities exist for the organization?
- What threats does the organization face?
Internal Strengths Weaknesses
External Opportunities Threats
29Then What?
- Matching
- What opportunities are a good fit for our
strengths? - How can we use our strengths to reduce our
vulnerabilities to the threats? - How can we prevent our weaknesses from making us
highly susceptible to the threats? - How can we overcome our weaknesses to pursue
30Caveat Emptor
- SWOT analysis demands
- Candor and honesty.
- Subordinating self interest to the good of the