Title: August 3, 2005
1Institutional Benchmarks
Robert C. Bates
Karl Boehmke
Deans Retreat
August 3, 2005
2(No Transcript)
3What is
World Class. Face to Face?
4The Destination
Washington State University will be one of the
nations premiere research universities with
emphasis on top quality undergraduate education.
5The Core Four
Goal Offer the Best Undergraduate Experience in
a Research University
Goal Nurture a World Class Environment for
Research, Scholarship, Graduate Education, the
Arts and Engagement
Goal Create an Environment of Trust and Respect
in All We Do
Goal Develop a Culture of Shared Commitment to
Quality in All of Our Activities
6WSU Benchmarking Goals
7WSU Benchmarking Goals
Under Revision
8WSU Benchmarking Goals
9WSU Benchmarking Goals
8. Funding
10WSU Benchmarking Goals
Under Revision
11WSU Benchmarking Goals
Under Revision
12Undergraduate Enrollment
13First-Time Freshmen WSU, Fall 1990-2005
14Fall 2005 freshman enrollment will be restricted
to about 2900 to slow growth - bringing total
enrollment closer to funded enrollment
15Annual Average FTE by Campus
Academic Years 1983-2005
16Annual Average FTE, Pullman Campus, Academic
Years 1983-2005
17Student Quality
18Average AIN For Entering WSU Freshmen
1990-2004 (Goal of 60 exceeded in 2003)
19Average SAT Scores, WSU
(Peer SAT scores are still 100 points higher than
WSU scores.)
20Undergraduate Progress Index, WSU Peers
Data source Constorium for Student Retention
Data Exchange (1997 cohort for graduation, 2002
cohort for 1 year retention) IPEDS (2004 UG
degree to UG enrollment)
21Six-Year Graduation Rates, WSU and Peer Average,
Cohorts 1990-1998
22Diversity Student
23Percent of Women in Student Body WSU, All
Campuses, 1995-2004
24Percent of Minorities in Student Body WSU
Overall, 1995-2004
25Diversity Faculty
26Instructional Faculty, Percent Women Pullman
Campus, 1995-2004
27Instructional Faculty by Minority Status, Pullman
Campus 1995-2004
28Diversity Staff
29Staff - Percent Women, Pullman
1995 - 2004
30Staff by Minority Status, Pullman Campus
1995 - 2004
31Percent of Minority Staff, All WSU Work
Locations, 1995-2004
32Faculty Compensation
33Instructional Faculty Salaries, Top 3 Ranks WSU
Average and Peer 50th and 75th Percentiles
Peer 50th
Peer 75th
WSU Avg.
34Full Professors as Percent of Faculty WSU and
Peers, 1995-2004
35Research, Scholarship, and the Arts Success
36Total Research Expenditures Per Faculty as
Reported to NSF, WSU and Peer Average
FY 1995-2004
37Federal Research Expenditures Per Faculty as
Reported to NSF, WSU and Peer Average
FY 1998-2004
38Grant Contract Revenue per Tenure Track Faculty
WSU and Peer Average, 1994-2004
39Sponsored Programs Fiscal Year Comparison of
Expenditures (in millions of dollars)
40Graduate Programs
41Graduate Enrollment as Percent of Total
Enrollment WSU and Peers, 2004
42Doctoral Degrees Overall and for Science
Engineering, WSU,1990-2005
43WSU Professional Degrees,1990-2005
45WSU and Peer Average Percent Change in State
Appropriations Per Student, in Constant Dollars,
(2005-07 estimated with limited enrollment growth)
46Tuition and Fee Revenue Per Student WSU and Peer
Average, 1994-2007
(2005-07 estimated)
47Total Operating Expenditures Per Student, WSU and
Peers, FY 1994-2004
48Tuition Rates (Resident Undergraduate) WSU and
Peer Average, FY 1995-2006
50Private Giving, WSU and Peer Average
1990-2005 (Thousands of Dollars)
51WSU Endowment Growth FY 1980-2004 Millions of
53PAC-10 Six-Year Graduation Rates, Scholarship
Athletes and All Students, 1997 Cohort
54Average Athletic Expenditures
55Funding Sources for WSU Athletics
56Debt Service on Facility Projects, 2003
57Learning Outcomes and International
(In Development)
58Institutional Benchmarks
Robert C. Bates
Karl Boehmke
Deans Retreat
August 3, 2005