Title: Paraeducators Work in Schools: Policy Issues
1Paraeducators Work in Schools Policy Issues
- Nancy K. French, Ph.D.
- Executive Director, The PAR2A Center
- Research Professor, The University of Colorado at
Denver Health Sciences Center - 1380 Lawrence St. Suite 710
- Denver, CO 80204
- Voice 303-315-6362
- FAX 303-315-6367
- Email nancy.french_at_cudenver.edu
- Internet www.paracenter.org
2Stepping Into Their Shoes
- Every now and then we all need to stretch
ourselves - Some call it a whack on the side of the head
- To see things from a different angle
- To understand where others are coming from
3Administrators Challenges
- To make the best use of resources while
- Providing the right amount and types of services
- Providing services at the right time and place
- Assuring that services are affordable
- Satisfying both parents and teachers
- Acting systematically and fairly in assigning
resources - To avoid expensive litigation or other contest
- Satisfying the interests of various
constituencies - Assuring student safety and welfare (academic and
4The Solution
- Employ paraeducators
- Know potential problems
- Proactively devise ways to avoid problems
- Establish policies
5Potential Problems with Paraeducators
- Become primary teacher
- Lack specific training on inclusion, literacy,
math etc - Lack supervision
- Develop ownership of the child, lose
perspective - Communicate directly with families, leaving
teacher out - Foster overdependence on adult assistance
- Fail to provide specific data to professional
- Relieve classroom teachers of responsibility
for student - Give student the answers
- Adapt materials or assignments without direction
- Create social barriers between students
- Rapid turnover lack of program stability
6What Policies Are Needed?
- Policies that
- define roles and responsibilities
- link specific knowledge and skills to particular
job duties - guide training efforts
- provide for career development vertical and
horizontal promotion opportunities - clarify skills assessment, performance
monitoring, and evaluation.
7Policy 1 Role Definition
- Definitions of appropriate roles for each
position - Teachers, paraeducators, building administrators,
central office or program administrators - List and define the range of responsibilities
that are legally and ethically a part of each
role - Clarify the amount of and lines of authority for
each position and role - Clarify the levels and types of supervision for
each position and role
8Teacher Responsibilities
- Planning
- curriculum / instruction for students
- Assessment
- for program eligibility and progress
- Instruction
- causing instruction to happen
- Collaboration
- with other professionals and families
- Supervision
- characterized by executive functions
9 An 'A' in 'works well without supervision.
10What do teachers need to know?
- How to
- Lead teams
- Plan for students served by multiple providers
- Orient new people to the job
- Introduce changes in policies, programs
- Delegate judiciously
- Create and manage schedules
- Provide on-the-job training
- Monitor performance
- Establish communications
- Solve problems
- Deal with conflicts
11If These are Professional Responsibilities
- Planning
- Assessment
- Instruction
- Collaboration
- Supervision
- The big question is
What does the paraeducator do?
12 The Answer
13 Categories of responsibility
- Instruction
- Data collection / reporting
- Activity preparation / follow-up
- Team participation / membership
- Clerical work
- Ethical practice
- Supervision of groups of students
- Health / personal related services
- Other tasks (assigned in accordance with legal,
liability, ethical considerations)
14Policy 2 Linking skills to the job
- Different positions within a school require
specific kinds of knowledge and skill - e.g.
- children with autism
- children who have trouble reading
- children who have trouble understanding math
- students who are learning to speak English as a
second language - students with emotional and severe behavior
issues - Should be acknowledged and training should match
15Policy 3 Training Policy
- Clarify
- What training, for whom
- Logistics (when and how you deliver training)
- Criteria for selecting curriculum materials,
trainers, programs - Compensation - trained vs untrained personnel
- How new hires learn about training expectations
- How current employees gain updated information,
new skills - How the program is sustained
- Create systems for ongoing capacity to deliver
training - Where resources will come from
- Who has responsibility for running the program
16Training Program Considerations
- Sustainable systems
- Joint training is great but only works once
- not sustainable
- only useful for topics that are of equal
relevance to both positions - Formal offerings must be predictably repeated -
so continuing employees continue to grow and new
employees receive what they need to start - Requirements must be clear and incentives
explicit - Teachers - actively involved in the system
17Selecting Curriculum Materials
- Apply these criteria
- Need
- Consistency
- Integrity
- Relevance / Role legitimacy
- Depth
- Practicality
- Instructional quality
- Accountability
- Cost
18Paraeducator Training Needs Assessments
Potential Contributions Cautions
- Completed by paraeducators
- Identifies preferences and desires for certain
topics - Acknowledges importance of the role
- Markets upcoming training
- Doesnt necessarily identify all training needs
- Completed by supervisors
- Encourages reflection
- Creates awareness of training needs
- Acknowledges that some training can be provided
in groups not just on the job - Demonstrates administrative support for teachers
work with paraeducators - Doesnt necessarily identify all training needs
19Policy 4 Career Development
- Career Ladder
- a term used often to mean paraeducator to teacher
20Not Every Ladder Takes You Somewhere Else
21Career Development
- Career Lattice
- Term used to signify that professional growth can
also prepare a person - To be better at what they already do
- To do other kinds of jobs with different kinds of
responsibilities and requiring other kinds of
knowledge and skill
22Policy 5 Skills Assessment and Performance
- Policy should clarify
- Who does evaluations
- How often
- What procedures are used to collect observational
and other hard data - What purpose evaluation serves
- Continuation of employment
- Promotion
- Raises
- How paraeducators can plan for their role in the
evaluation process
23Better Policies Are Related to
- Less turnover
- Higher morale
- Pride in the job
- Dedication to students
- Increased Student Achievement