Title: Overview of Title I Part A
1No Child Left Behind
Title I, Part A Elementary and Secondary
Education Act (ESEA) Reauthorized by the No
Child Left Behind Act of 2001 - Public Law
107-110 (NCLB)
22005 Fall Workshop-Agenda
- Introductions
- Overview of Title I, Part A
- Program Options
- Paraeducator
- Professional Development
- Parent Involvement
- Private Schools
- Complaint Procedures
- Fiscal Requirements
- Applications
- Adequate Yearly Progress
- Public School Choice and SES
- Curriculum-Reading
3Overview of Title I, Part A
4The Intent of Title I, Part A
- The intent is to help all children have the
opportunity to obtain a high-quality education
and reach proficiency on challenging state and
academic standards and assessments.
5- The program focuses on promoting reform in
high-poverty schools and ensuring student access
to scientifically-based instructional strategies
and challenging academic content.
6How It Works
- Title I distributes funds to schools based on
the number of children from low-income families
rather than achievement scores.
7- Title I, Part A provides federal dollars to help
supplement educational opportunities for children
who live in high poverty areas who are most at
risk of failing to meet states challenging
achievement standards.
8Two Program Models for Title I, Part A
- Targeted Assistance
- Schoolwide
9Targeted Assistance Model
- A Targeted Assistance program is one which
individual students are targeted to receive Title
I services.
10- The term targeted assistance signifies that
the services are provided to a select group of
children- - those identified as failing, or most at risk of
failing, to meet the states academic achievement
11- Students are identified based on multiple,
objective, educationally- related criteria and
12- Services may be delivered in a number of ways
such as - In-class instruction
- Pull-out model
- Extended day
13To accomplish this goal, a targeted assistance
program must be based on
- Improving achievement of participating children.
- Using effective instructional strategies that
give primary consideration to extended-time
14- Providing accelerated, high-quality curricula.
- Minimize the removal from the regular classroom
during regular school hours.
15- Coordinating with and supporting the general
education population. - Providing instruction by highly-qualified and
trained professional staff. - Implement strategies to increase parent
16Components of Targeted Assistance Building Plan
- 1. Comprehensive needs assessment (use Title
I resources to help participating children to
meet states academic standards expected for all
children). - 2. Ensure planning for students incorporated
into existing plan.
17- 3. Use effective methods and strategies that
rely on scientifically-based research that
strengthens the core academic program of the
school. - 4. Coordination and support the general
education program, which may include services
to assist preschool children in transition from
preschool programs to elementary school
18- 5. Provide instruction by highly- qualified
teachers and paraprofessionals. - 6. Provide opportunities for professional
development using Title I resources and other
19- 7. Provide strategies to increase parent
involvement. - 8. Coordinate and integrate federal, state and
local services and programs.
20Schoolwide Model
- A Title I school is eligible to become a
schoolwide program when the poverty level counted
in the most recent census data is at or above 40
21- A schoolwide program is designed with the
knowledge that there is a link between poverty
and low achievement therefore, when there are
large numbers of disadvantaged students,
interventions will be successful when implemented
22- A schoolwide program has more flexibility in the
use of Title I funds and in the delivery of
23- Staff paid with Title I funds are free to work
with all students in the building, for there are
no students identified as Title I.
24- The school works together to develop its
curriculum and instruction to raise the
achievement of all students.
25- Schoolwide programs are comprehensive programs
of school reform, intending to meet the needs of
all students.
26- Schoolwide programs have the latitude in
determining how to spend their Title I, Part A
27- A schoolwide program can use their
- Title I, Part A funds in the manner they choose,
as long as they engage in reform strategies that
increase the amount and quality of learning time
and help provide a high-quality curriculum for
all children, according to a comprehensive plan
to help all children to meet the states
challenging standards.
28Identification of Schoolwide Students
- All students are eligible to participate in all
aspects of the schoolwide program.
29- The statute requires schools to particularly
address the needs - of low-achieving children
- and those at-risk of not meeting the state
student academic achievement standards.
30The primary design of the Schoolwide plan must
address the following four elements
- 1. Describe how the school will implement the
mandatory schoolwide ten components - 2. Describe how the school will use resources
from Title I and other sources to implement
schoolwide components
31- 3. Include a list of federal, state, and
local programs that will be consolidated in the
schoolwide program and - 4. Describe how the school will provide
individual student academic assessment results,
including an interpretation of those results, to
parents in a language they can understand.
32NCLB of 2001 Title I, Improving the Academic
Achievement of the Disadvantaged Public Law
- Section 1114(b)(1) of the statute enumerates the
ten components of the schoolwide program model.
33Schoolwide Ten Components
- 1. A comprehensive needs assessment of the
entire school based on information that includes
the performance of children in relationship to
the states academic achievement standards. - 2. Schoolwide reform strategies that
- Provide opportunity for all students to meet the
states proficient and advanced levels of student
achievement. - Use effective methods and instructional
strategies from scientifically- based research.
34- 3. Instruction by highly-qualified teachers
and paraprofessionals. - 4. High quality and ongoing professional
development for teachers, principals, and
paraprofessionals and, if appropriate, pupil
service personnel, parents, and other staff to
enable all children in the school to meet the
states student academic achievement standards.
35- 5. Strategies to attract high quality,
highly-qualified teachers to high- need schools. - 6. Strategies to increase parental
involvement, such as literacy services.
36- 7. Plans for assisting transition from early
childhood programs to local elementary school
programs. - 8. Measures to include teachers in the
decisions regarding the use of academic
assessments to provide information on, and to
improve, the academic achievement of individual
students and the overall instructional program.
37- 9. Activities to ensure that students who
experience difficulty mastering the proficient
or advanced levels of academic achievement
standards are provided with effective, timely,
additional assistance. - 10. Coordination and integration of federal,
state and local services and programs including
programs related to Title I, violence,
nutrition, housing, Head Start, adult education,
vocational and technical education, and job
38Schoolwide Plan
- The plan must be developed over a one-year
period unless the LEA determines, after
considering the recommendation of the requisite
technical assistance providers, that less time is
39- The plan must be developed in consultation with
the LEA and its support team and other technical
assistance providers. - Must be developed with the involvement of
parents, and other community to be served and
individuals who carry out such a plan, including
teachers, principals and administrators.
40Essential Elements Consolidated Program Review
(CPR) Targeted Assistance and Schoolwide Model
- Common to both options
- Principal Attestation (highly-qualified
certification form) - Building Parent Involvement Plan
41- Parent-teacher student compact
- Documentation to show addressing needs of low
achieving students - Letter To Parents (teacher highly qualified
42- Student Monitoring Progress Reports
- Annual Evaluation of Program
43Program OptionsSpecific Requirements
- Specific to a Schoolwide
- Schoolwide /SIP Building plan
- Specific to Targeted Assistance
- Targeted Assistance Building Plan
- Rank order list of identified students served
44Learning Assistance Program
- Focus on low-achieving students.
45Learning Assistance Program
- A state-funded program to serve students with the
greatest deficits in academic basic skills
identified by statewide assessments. - Basic skills include reading, writing,
mathematics, and readiness associated with those
46Who benefits from LAP?
- Students in kindergarten through grade 11 (moving
through grade 12 in 2007) - Students in grades 9-12
- Who score below standard at grade level on
statewide assessments and - Identified in an OSPI-approved plan to receive
services as those with greatest academic deficits
in basic skills.
47 Which Districts Receive LAP Funds?
- Each school district with an OSPI-approved plan
is eligible to receive an allocation. - Districts failing to make AYP must receive
technical assistance in development of their
plans. - Schools in any of the AYP Steps must have plans
and activities reviewed and approved in
conjunction with state and federal school
improvement requirements.
48 How do Districts Receive LAP Funds?
Through a distribution formula, in accordance
with the biennial appropriations act, based on
a) projected or reported enrollment and b)
family income factors, usually free/reduced
priced lunch.
49 LAP Funding Cycle
- Program runs from September to August.
- An allocation, not a grant, the amount a district
receives each month changes during the year,
based on reported enrollment.
- Formula figured on F203 form.
- This is the same form on which basic ed funding
is figured, usually by or with the district
business manager.
50 Program Decisions
- LAP funds may enhance programs in
- Title I schools.
- LAP may be distributed to non-Title I schools
with low performing students. - Unlike Title I funds which are distributed to
schools on a rank order poverty formula, LAP
funds may go to any schools with significant
numbers of low performing students. - LAP schools may not be schoolwides.
51 Program Plan
- By July 1, 2005, participating districts must
- submit a district plan to OSPI for approval.
- This is also their application for funds and
must - address one or more of the following allowable
- activities
- Extended Learning Time
- Professional development
- Consultant teachers
- Tutoring
- Parent Outreach
52 Program Plans
- Requires Accelerated Learning Plans which must
include four elements - Achievement goals for students
- Student, teacher and parent roles
- Communication of student progress
- Review and adjustment of the plan
- Required to be in place in 2005-06 school year.
- May be developed as part of existing student
achievement plan processes for either individual
students or groups of students.
54 Paraeducators NCLB Section 1119
- Paraeducators must meet Title I requirements
immediately when - hired after January 8, 2002 and
- assist with instruction and
- funded with Title I funds and/or Title I
Schoolwide Building. - Paraeducators, hired prior to or on January 8,
2002, have until the end of school year 2005-2006
to meet Title I requirements.
55Paraeducator Duties
- Teacher provides assessment, lesson plans, and
modifies instruction based on evaluation. - Paraeducators may instruct in small groups or
tutor one-to-one if supervised by
highly-qualified teacher in close proximity.
56Paraeducator- Duties and Responsibilities
- Title I paraeducators may perform
non-instructional duties if - Other paras in building are performing for like
period of time and - Small amount of work day and
- Use caution when assigning non-Title I activity.
57Professional Development
Section 1119
58High Quality Professional Development
- 5 of the districts allocation set aside to
ensure teachers and paraprofessionals meet the
highly-qualified standards under NCLB unless a
lesser amount is needed. - Research staff personnel files to determine
status. - Determine staff who meet the standard.
- Create a plan for those who do not currently
meet the standard. - Estimate the cost to carry out the plan.
- Set Aside the amount necessary.
- Keep documentation on file.
- 34 CFR 200.60
- 34 CFR 200.58
- 34 CFR 200.56
59High Quality Professional Development
- Funds can be set aside to increase the knowledge
and skills of teachers, principals,
administrators and paraprofessionals. - Title I professional development opportunities
need to be aligned with EALRs and the grade level
expectations for both math and reading. - This set aside in the Title I iGrant application
is is located under part 2 (D4).
60School Improvement Professional Development
- Once a school is identified for school
improvement Step 1 - The building needs to set aside 10 of its Title
I, Part A funds to provide the staff with
high-quality professional development. - Required each fiscal year the school is
identified. - Must address the academic achievement problems.
- On the Title I iGrants application, this type of
professional development is under the building
allocation section, part 3.
61District Improvement Professional Development
- Once a school district is identified for
improvement, the district must set aside 10 of
the districts Title I allocation to address the
professional development needs of the
instructional staff. - This 10 mandate applies each fiscal year that
the district is identified for improvement.
62District Improvement Professional Development
- This mandate may include any amount of funds
reserved for professional development from the
schools that have been identified. - District 10 minimum commitment for professional
development is in addition to the set aside for
highly qualified.
63Parent Involvement
Section 1118
64Title I Parent Involvement
- Any effort to give parents more opportunities to
help their children learn will require a
willingness of educators to fundamentally rethink
the role of parents and school-family
65Title I Parent Involvement
Each school district receiving Title I funds must
develop parent involvement policies at both the
district and building levels.
Building A Parent Policy
District Parent Policy
Building B Parent Policy
66Parent Involvement
- District Parent Involvement Policy is
- a written document
- jointly developed and agreed upon with parents
and - distributed to all parents of participating
students. - If the district already has a parent policy,
it can be amended to meet Title I requirements.
67Title I Parent Involvement
- Components of the District Policy
- Involve parents in the development of the policy
and the process of school review and improvement. - Provide assistance to buildings in carrying out
their parent involvement activities. - Build the schools and parents capacity for
strong parental involvement.
68Title I Parent Involvement
- Components of District Policy
- Coordinate Title I parent involvement policies
with other programs such as Head Start, Reading
First, Even Start, ECEAP and other pre-school
programs. - Conduct, with parents, an annual evaluation of
the content and effectiveness of the district
Title I parent involvement policy.
69Title I Parent Involvement
- Components of District Policy
- Identify barriers that prevent greater
participation in Title I parental activities by
parents of economically- disadvantaged, disabled,
limited English proficient, racial or ethnic
minority students.
70Title I Parent Involvement
- When developing the district parent involvement
policy remember - The What Policy (generic)
- The How Procedure (specific)
71Title I Parent Involvement
- Example
- Policy The Day School District will coordinate
and integrate parental involvement strategies in
Title I, Part A with the parent involvement
strategies in Head Start. - Explains what the district will do or promote
the statement is generic.
72Title I Parent Involvement
- Example
- Procedure The Day School District will
coordinate and integrate Title I, Part A parental
involvement strategies in Head Start by - A. Sponsoring meetings and screening involving
Head Start Families and Kindergarten teachers
and - B. Inviting Head Start families to school
activities such as Books and Blankets and
Preschool Fun Time. - Explains how the district will meet or
accomplish this aspect of the policy the
statement is more specific.
73Title I Parent involvement
- Districts receiving Title I allocations of
500,000 or more must set aside not less than 1
of the districts Title I allocation for parent
involvement purposes, including promotion of
parent literacy and developing parenting skills. -
- Parents of students receiving Title I services
are to be involved in decisions regarding how the
district parent involvement funds are allocated
for parent involvement activities.
74Title I Parent Involvement
- School-Parent Involvement Policy (Plan) is
- Written policy (plan).
- Agreed upon by parents.
- Describes the means for carrying out parent
involvement activities at the building level. - Distributed to parents, and the local community,
in a format and language, to the extent
practicable, that parents can understand. - If the school has a parental involvement
policy that applies to all parents, it may be
amended to meet the requirements of Title I.
75Title I Parent Involvement
- Building Parent Policy Involvement
- Annually convene a meeting for parents of
- Title I students to explain the Title I program
requirements. - Offer flexible number of meeting times, and may
provide, with Title I funds, transportation,
child care, or home visits, as such services
relate to parental involvement.
76Title I Parent Involvement
- Building Parent Policy Involvement
- Provide timely information about programs.
- Involve parents in an on-going, timely planning,
review, and improvement of the school parental
involvement policy and the joint development of
the school wide program plan. - Include a description and explanation of the
curriculum in use at the school, the forms of
academic assessment used to measure student
progress, and the proficiency levels students are
expected to meet.
77Title I Parent Involvement
- Building Parent Policy Involvement
- If parents request opportunities for regular
meetings to formulate suggestions and to
participate, as appropriate, in decisions
relating to the education of their children,
respond to such suggestions as soon as
practicably possible and - If the schoolwide program plan is not
satisfactory to parents of participating
children, submit any parent comments on the plan
when the school makes the plan available to the
78Shared Responsibility for High Student Academic
- Compact
- Each Title I school shall jointly develop with
parents, for all children served, a school-parent
compact that outlines how parents, the entire
school staff, and students will share the
responsibility for improved student academic
achievement and the means by which the school and
parents will build and develop a partnership to
help children achieve the states high standards.
79Shared Responsibilities for High Student Academic
- Components of Compact
- Describe schools responsibility to provide
high-quality curriculum and instruction in a
supportive and effective learning environment. - Identify ways in which parents will be
responsible for supporting their childrens
learning (i.e., monitoring attendance, homework
completion, volunteering in the classroom, and
participating as appropriate in decisions
relating to the education of their children).
80Shared Responsibilities for High Student Academic
- Components of Compact
- Address the importance of communication between
teachers and parents on an on-going basis
through, at a minimum -
- Parent-teacher conference, at least annually,
during which time the compact will be discussed
as it relates to the individual childs
achievement - Frequent reports to parents on their childrens
progress and - Reasonable access to staff, opportunities to
volunteer and participate in their childs class,
and observation of classroom activities.
81Building Capacity for Parent Involvement
- To ensure effective involvement of parents and to
support a partnership among the school involved,
parents, and the community to improve student
academic achievement, each school and LEA
assisted with Title I
82Building Capacity for Parent Involvement
- Provide assistance to parents of children served
in understanding the states academic content
standards, state student academic achievement
standards, state and local assessment standards,
and how to monitor a childs progress and work
with educators to improve their childrens
achievement. - Provide materials and training, as appropriate,
to help parents work with their children to
improve achievement and foster parent
involvement. - Educate teachers, pupil services personnel,
principals, and other staff with the assistance
of parents, in the value and utility of parents,
and how to reach out, communicate with and work
with parents as equal partners, implement and
coordinate parent programs, and build ties
between parents and the school.
83Building Capacity for Parent Involvement
- To the extent feasible and appropriate,
coordinate and integrate parent involvement
programs and activities with Head Start, Reading
First, Even Start, public preschool and other
programs, and conduct other activities such as
parent resource centers, that encourage and
support parents in more fully participating in
the education of their children. - Ensure that information related to school and
parent programs, meetings, and other activities
is sent to the parents of participating children
in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a
language the parents can understand.
84Building Capacity for Parent Involvement
- Involve parents in the development of training
for teachers, principals, and other educators. - Provide necessary literacy training from funds
received, if the LEA has exhausted all other
reasonably available sources of funding for such
training. - Pay reasonable and necessary expenses associated
with local parental involvement activities,
including transportation and child care costs, to
enable parents to participate in school-related
meetings and training sessions. - Train parents to enhance the involvement of other
85Building Capacity for Parent Involvement
- Arrange school meetings at a variety of times, or
conduct in-home conferences between teachers or
other educators, who work directly with
participating children, with parents who are
unable to attend such conferences at school, or
in order to maximize parental involvement and
participation. - Adopt and implement model approaches to improving
parental involvement. - Establish a district-wide parent advisory council
to provide advice on all matters related to
parental involvement in programs supported by
Title I. - Develop appropriate roles for community-based
organization and businesses in parent involvement
activities. - Provide reasonable support for parental
involvement activities as parents may request.
- LEAs and schools, to the extent practicable,
shall provide full opportunities for the
participation of parents with limited English
proficiency, parents with disabilities, and
parents of migratory children, including
providing information and school reports in a
language the parents understand.
87Review of Parent Involvement Policies
- The state educational agency will review the
LEAs parental involvement policies and practices
to determine if the policies and practices meet
the requirements of Title I.
88 Providing Equitable Services to Private
School Students
Section 1120
89 Goal
- To provide equal educational opportunities under
Title I, Part A to students attending
participating private schools. -
90 Title I, Part A-Equitable Services
- Services are equitable if the district
- Addresses and assesses the specific needs and
educational progress of eligible private school
children on a comparable basis as public school
children. - Meets the equal expenditure requirements for
instructional programs, professional development,
and parental involvement activities. - Provides private school children with an
opportunity to participate that - Is equitable to the opportunity provided to
public school children and - Provides promise of private school children
reaching high levels of academic achievement. - NCLB Section 1113(a) and 200.78
91Eligibility to Participate
- Funds are generated by poverty
- To be eligible the student
- Must live in an attendance area served by a Title
I building - AND
- be low income.
- NCLB 1115(b)
92 Services are based on students
achievement needs
- Must reside in participating public school Title
I attendance area AND are failing or most at risk
of failing to meet high standards. - Selected on the basis of multiple,
educationally-related, criteria. - Homeless, two preceding years in Head Start, Even
Start, Early Reading First, Title I Preschool or
Title I, Part C (Migrant Education). - Poverty is NOT a criterion.
- District chooses children to be served from the
list that the private school provides of eligible
93 Serving Options
- In consultation with the district and private
school officials, one or both of these serving
options may be selected - 1) School-By-School Basis or
- 2) Pooling
- Combining funds from more than one district to
serve eligible private school students from those
districts (Requires agreement between districts
with one acting as lead).
94Determining Poverty
- The district may calculate the number of private
school children from low-income families who
attend private schools by - Using the same measure of poverty as district.
- Using comparable poverty data from a survey and
allowing the survey results to be extrapolated if
complete actual data are unavailable. - Geographic information verifying residence
- Grade level of each child
- Income level of parents
- NCLB 1120(c)(1) and 34 CFR 200.78(2)
95Documentation of Poverty
- Private school officials should maintain the
poverty data in their files. - If the district or an auditor wish to review the
data, they may review the data at the private
96Timely and Meaningful Consultation
- To ensure timely and meaningful consultation,
the district must consult with private school
officials prior to making any decision that
affects opportunities of private school children
to participate in programs. - NCLB Section 1120(b) and 34 CFR 200.63
- Begins with Intent to Participate Form.
- The district must contact private school
officials with children who reside within
district boundaries, even if the private school
is located outside those boundaries. - It is the primary responsibility of private
school officials to initiate contact but public
school officials and parents may initiate as
well. - The district convenes a meeting to discuss needs
and service options.
- Must include
- Identification of needs
- Services to be offered
- How
- Where
- By whom
- Assessment and evaluation of services
- Includes
- Services that will be provided to teachers and
families. - Discussion of service delivery mechanisms the
district will use to provide services. - Consideration of the private school officials
views on whether the district should contract
with a third-party provider. - Final decision and responsibility rests with the
100Affirmation of Consultation
- Affirmation of consultation should be signed by
private school officials when consultation on the
planning and design of the next years program
has been completed. - Exact timing for signing should be part of the
consultation discussion. - It is important to keep documentation on file.
101Right to Complain
- Private school has the right to complain if they
believe that the district did not engage in a
timely and meaningful consultation process or did
not consider their views. - The complaint should be submitted to OSPI, the
State Education Agency.
102Identification of Needs
- Must be timely.
- Responsibility of public school.
- Complete rank order based upon
- Multiple assessments
- Teacher referral
- Parent input
- Through consultation, design and delivery of
services to best meet needs of students.
103Services Offered
SCHOOL!!! - Only services are provided.
- Services may be provided at private school, at
public school or other agreed-upon location. - May be offered in sacred location, but services
must be secular.
- May be offered by employee of public school
district or person with whom the district
contracts. - Private school teachers may only provide services
under a separate contract with the public school
for hours in addition to their private school
contract. - Private school may not be reimbursed for teacher
- Equipment, curricula, books, etc., used for the
Title I program in the private school remain the
property of the public school and reverts to the
public school when no longer used in the private
school program. - Simply providing a private school with
instructional materials and supplies is NOT an
106District Set Asides
- Calculated on Part 2 of the Title I Application
- Eligible students attending private schools
within the district - Set aside allocation and equitable share
- Eligible students attending private school
outside the district - Set aside allocation
107District Set Asides
- The amount set aside for equitable services to
private school students, parents and teachers is
calculated based on the proportion of low income
private school students compared to the total
number of public and private low income students
living in the district. - This is calculated on the Title I iGrant
108Parent Involvement
- Parents are an essential component of the childs
education. - Funds set aside on application to be used for
parent involvement. - Consult with parents in same manner as public
school parents. - Include parents in public school parent
activities and/or parent activities at the
private school. - NCLB 1118 and 34 CFR 200.65
109Professional Development
- Funds set aside on application to be used for
professional development. - Private school staff may be included in
professional development activities at the public
and/or private school. - Subs for private school teachers may not be paid
out of Title I. - Reasonable and necessary stipends may be paid
directly to private school teachers. - NCLB 1119 and 34 CFR 200.77
110Fiscal Requirements
Section 1120A
111Complaint Procedures
112- WAC 392-168-110 Purpose. The purpose of this
chapter is to provide complaint procedures in
compliance with 20 U.S.C. 7844 and 7883, and
with 34 C.F.R. 299.10-299.12.
113WAC 392-168-115 Applicability. This chapter
shall apply to federal programs authorized under
the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and
administered by the superintendent of public
instruction, including the following
- (1) Title I, Part A Improving Basic Programs
Operated by Local Educational Agencies - (2) Title I, Part B, Subpart 1 Reading First
- (3) Title I, Part B, Subpart 3 William F.
Goodling Even Start Family Literacy Program - (4) Title I, Part C Education of Migratory
Children - (5) Title I, Part D Prevention and Intervention
Programs for Children and Youth Who Are
Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk - (6) Title I, Part F Comprehensive School
Reform - (7) Title II, Part A Teacher and Principal
Training and Recruiting Fund - (8) Title II, Part D Enhancing Education
Through Technology - Title III--Language Instruction for Limited
English Proficient and Immigrant Students - (9) Title III, Part A English Language
Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic
Achievement -
114- (10) Title IV--21st Century Schools
- (11) Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1 Safe and Drug
Free Schools and Communities - (12) Title IV, Part B 21st Century Community
Learning Centers - Title V--Promoting Informed Parental Choice and
Innovative Programs - (13) Title V, Part A Innovative Programs
- Title VI--Flexibility and Accountability
- (14) Title VI, Part A, Subpart 1 Improving
Academic Achievement, Accountability, Grants for
State Assessments and Enhanced Assessments - (15) Title VI, Part B, Subpart 1 Small, Rural
School Achievement Program - (16) Title VI, Part B, Subpart 2 Rural and
Low-Income Schools - (17) Title IX--General Provisions
- (18) Title IX, Part E (Section 9532) Unsafe
School Choice
115WAC 392-168-125 Definition--Complaint
- As used in this chapter, the term "complaint"
means an allegation, by the complainant, that the
state, a local school district, an educational
service district, or other subgrantee receiving
federal funds has violated a federal statute or
regulation or a related state regulation that
applies to a federal program covered under this
116WAC 392-168-132 Informing citizens about
complaint procedures
- The superintendent of public instruction shall
inform parents and other interested individuals
about the citizen complaint procedures in this
chapter. Specific actions to be taken by the
superintendent of public instruction include - (1) Disseminating copies of the state's
procedures to parents, advocacy agencies, ((and))
professional organizations and other appropriate
entities - (2) Conducting inservice training sessions on
the complaint process through educational service
districts and - (3) Including information about the system in
statewide conferences.
117WAC 392-168-135 Right to register a complaint
- Any individual or organization may file a signed,
written complaint.
118WAC 392-168-140 Contents of complaint
- A written complaint filed under this chapter
shall include - (1) A statement that the state, a local school
district, an educational service district, or
other subgrantee has violated one or more
requirements of federal statutes or regulations
or state regulations that apply to a federal
program covered under this chapter - (2) The specific requirement alleged to have been
violated - (3) The facts on which the complaint is based
- (4) The name and address of the complainant
((and)) - (5) The expected resolution of the alleged
violation and - (6) In the case of a complaint alleging a
violation by an entity other than the state and
filed directly with the superintendent of public
instruction, the name and address of the
allegedly offending entity.
119WAC 392-168-145 Procedure for filing a complaint
- The procedure for filing a complaint shall be as
follows - (1) A complaint alleging a violation by a local
school district, an educational service district,
or other subgrantee shall be filed directly with
the superintendent of public instruction. - (2) The superintendent of public instruction,
upon receipt of a signed, written complaint
against a local school district or other public
agency, an educational service district, or other
subgrantee, shall refer the complaint to the
educational entity for action pursuant to this
chapter. A complaint against the state shall be
investigated pursuant to WAC 392-168-180. - (3) Receipt of a complaint by the superintendent
of public instruction activates a time limit not
to exceed sixty calendar days, unless an
extension of the time limit is approved by the
superintendent of public instruction on the basis
of exceptional circumstances with respect to a
particular complaint.
120WAC 392-168-155 Investigation of and response to
complaints against a school district or other
public agency, educational service district, or
other subgrantee
- Investigation of and response to a complaint
shall be as follows - (1) Upon receipt of a properly filed
complaint, the superintendent of public
instruction shall send a copy of the complaint
to the educational entity, for investigation of
the alleged violations. - (2) The educational entity shall investigate
the complaint. The responsible official of the
educational entity shall respond in writing to
the superintendent of public instruction, and
include documentation of the investigation, no
later than twenty calendar days after the date
of receipt by the entity of such complaint. - (3) The response to the superintendent of
public instruction shall clearly state either - (a) That the educational entity denies the
allegations contained in the complaint and the
basis for such denial or (b) Propose reasonable
corrective action(s) deemed necessary to correct
the violation. -
121WAC 392-168-155 Investigation of and response to
complaints against a school district or other
public agency, educational service district, or
other subgrantee
- (4) The superintendent of public instruction
shall provide the complainant a copy of the
entity's response to the complaint. - (5) The superintendent of public instruction will
provide the complainant the opportunity to submit
additional information or a rebuttal, either
orally or in writing, about the allegations in
the complaint. -
- (6) Upon review of all relevant information
including, if necessary, information obtained
through an independent on-site investigation by
the superintendent of public instruction, the
superintendent of public instruction will make an
independent determination as to whether the
public agency is in violation of any federal
program requirement covered under this chapter. -
122WAC 392-168-155 Investigation of and response to
complaints against a school district or other
public agency, educational service district, or
other subgrantee
- (7) The superintendent of public instruction
shall issue a written decision to the complainant
that addresses each allegation in the complaint
including findings of fact, conclusions, and the
reasonable corrective measures deemed necessary
to correct any violation. The superintendent of
public instruction will also determine whether to
accept any reasonable corrective action proposed
by the local entity or other subgrantee. The
state may provide technical assistance
activities negotiations and corrective measures
necessary to resolve a complaint. All actions
shall be instituted, as soon as possible but in
no event later than thirty calendar days
following the date of the decision, unless
otherwise agreed to, or for good cause. -
- (8) The written decision by the superintendent of
public instruction is the final decision in the
matter. A complaint is considered resolved when
the superintendent has issued a written decision
and corrective measures, if warranted, have been
completed. -
123WAC 392-168-155 Investigation of and response to
complaints against a school district or other
public agency, educational service district, or
other subgrantee
- (9) If compliance by a local district or other
public agency, educational service district, or
other subgrantee is not achieved pursuant to
subsection (7) of this section, the
superintendent of public instruction shall
initiate fund withholding, fund recovery, or any
other sanction(s) deemed appropriate. -
- (10) For complaints arising under 20 U.S.C.
7883 (participation by private school children),
a complainant may appeal the superintendents
resolution to the Secretary of Education (U.S.
Department of Education) within 30 days of
receiving the written decision from the
superintendent of public instruction.
124WAC 392-168-180 Complaints against the
superintendent of public instruction--investigatio
n of and response to complaints
- (1) The staff responsible for investigating the
alleged violation shall commence investigation
within ten days of receipt of the complaint by
the superintendent of public instruction. - (2) Investigation by the superintendent of public
instruction may include on-site investigations as
appropriate. - (3) Upon completion of the investigation,
investigating staff shall provide the
superintendent of public instruction with a
written report on the results of the
investigation, no later than sixty calendar days
after the receipt of such complaint. -
125WAC 392-168-180 Complaints against the
superintendent of public instruction--investigatio
n of and response to complaints
- (4) The superintendent of public instruction
shall respond in writing to the complainant as
expeditiously as possible but in no event later
than ten calendar days after the date of receipt
of the written report described in subsection (3)
of this section. -
- (5) The response shall clearly state either
- (a) That the complaint is without merit, the
allegations are denied, and the basis for such
denial or - (b) The reasonable corrective measures deemed
necessary to correct any violation provided,
that any such corrective measures deemed
necessary shall be instituted as expeditiously as
possible, but in no event later than thirty
calendar days following the date of the response
to the complainant.
126Supplement Not Supplant
- Considers services
- Section 1120A(b) and (d) of NCLB
- 34 CFR 200.79
127Supplement Not Supplant
- Targeted Assistance Schools
- Title I funds must be used only to supplement the
level of funds that would, in the absence of
Title I, be available from non-federal (state and
local) sources for Title I students. - The district is not required to provide Title I
services using a particular instructional method
(i.e., pull out programs, in class, etc.). - Based on services.
128Supplement Not Supplant
- Schoolwide Program Schools
- Must use Title I funds only to supplement the
amount of funds that would, in the absence of
Title I funds, be made available for that
schoolwide program (including funds needed to
provide services required by law for disabled
children and LEP children). - Similar to MOE.
129Supplement Not Supplant
- Presumption of supplanting
- The district has used the Title I funds to
provide services that the district was required
to make available under federal, state or local
law. - The district used Title I funds to provide
services it provided with non-federal funds in
the prior year(s). - The district has used Title I funds to provide
services for participating children that it
provided with non-federal funds for
non-participating children - Rebuttals are possible, see OSPI website
130Supplement Not Supplant
- Exclusions
- The district may exclude supplemental state or
local funds expended in any school for programs
that meet the intent and purposes of Title I,
Part A.
131Supplement Not Supplant
- Program meets the intent and purposes of Title I
in a schoolwide program if - It is implemented in a school with 40 or more
poverty - It is designed to promote schoolwide reform and
upgrade the entire educational operation of the
school - It is particularly designed to meet the
educational needs of at-risk students and - It uses the states assessment system to review
the effectiveness of the program.
132Supplement Not Supplant
- Program meets the intent and purposes of a Title
I program in a targeted assistance program if - It serves only children who are failing or most
at risk of failing to meet the states
performance standards - It provides supplementary services designed to
meet the educational needs of the children who
are participating in the program and - It uses the states assessment system to review
the effectiveness of the program.
- Building level
- Section 1120A(c) and (d)
- 34 CFR 200.79
- OSPI Bulletin 011-04
- A district may receive Title I, Part A funds
only if it uses state and local funds to provide
services in Title I schools that, taken as a
whole, are at least comparable to services
provided in non-Title I schools.
- If all schools in the district are Title I
schools, the district must use state and local
funds to provide services that, taken as a whole,
are substantially comparable in each school.
- Comparability is met if the district provides
written assurance it has established and
implemented - A district wide salary schedule
- A policy to ensure equivalence among schools in
teachers, administrators, and other staff and - A policy to ensure equivalence among schools in
the provision of curriculum materials and
instructional supplies.
- Alternative Criteria
- The district may meet the comparability
requirement if it establishes and implements
other measures for determining compliance such as
student/teacher ratios, student/instructional
staff salary ratios or total expenditures per
school. - Staff salary differentials for years of
employment may not be included in comparability
determinations. - The district need not include unpredictable
changes in student enrollment or personnel
assignments that occur after the beginning of a
school year.
- Documentation
- The district must develop procedures/policies
for meeting the comparability requirement and
maintain records that are updated at least
- Exclusions
- Bilingual education for children of limited
English proficiency. - Excess costs of providing services to children
with disabilities. - Supplemental state and local funds spent for
programs that meet the intent and purposes of
Title I, Part A (LAP).
140Time and Effort Reporting
- Why Does it Take So Much Time and Require So Much
141Where is the Requirement?
- Time and effort reporting is required under the
Federal Office of Management and Budgets
Circular A-87, Cost Principles for State, Local,
and Indian Tribal Governments. - Attachment B, Selected Items of Cost, Item 11,
Compensation for personnel services.
142When is Time and Effort Required?
- Time and effort reporting is required when any
part of an individuals salary is charged to a
federal program. - Charge may be direct or indirect.
143What type of reporting is needed?
- Single cost objective ?Semi annual certification.
- Multiple cost objectives ?Monthly time reports or
Personnel Activity Reports (PARs).
144What is a cost objective?
- Work activities allowable under the terms and
conditions of a - funding source.
145What are some examples of a single cost objective?
- 100 charged to a single federal program
activity. - Exceptions
- Title I, Part A and LAP
- Federal Special Education and State Special
Education - Schoolwide programs
- Multiple activities in a single federal program
146What are some examples of multiple cost
- Salary charged to more than one activity in a
single federal program. - Salary charged partially to federal program and
partially to state and/or local sources. - Salary charged partially to sources combined into
a schoolwide program and partially to those not
147What is a semi-annual certification?
- Statement individual(s) worked solely on
activities related to single cost objective. - Completed at least every six months.
- Signed by employee or supervisor with first-hand
knowledge of work performed.
148What is a monthly time report?(PAR)
- Accounts for total activity
- Prepared at least monthly
- Signed by employee
- Reflects actual work performed (not budget)
- Agrees to supporting documentation
149When are adjustments to actual made?
- If payroll is initially based on budgeted or
estimated time/amounts, payroll and time and
effort reports must be compared at least
quarterly. - If the difference is 10 or more
- and any needed adjustments made.
- Payroll records must be adjusted to actual.
- Following quarters estimates must be adjusted.
150What time and effort is reported?
- Report time actually worked in a specific
activity not time budgeted. - Budgets are reconciled to actual at least
151Who should sign the reports?
- Monthly reports (PARs) should be signed by the
employee. - Semi-annual certifications should be signed by
employee or supervisor having first-hand
knowledge of work performed. - For internal control purposes, districts may
require both the employee and supervisor to sign.
152What type of supporting documentation is needed?
- Documentation is VERY important.
- Examples include, but are not limited to
- Class schedules
- Number of students
- Number of minutes
- Remember
153Supplemental Contracts, Stipends, Extra Hours
- Primary contract and additional contracts may be
considered separately. - Based upon whether or not charged to federal
program. - Time and effort may be required for primary
contract but not supplemental (or vice versa).
- Superintendent, assistant superintendent,
principal, assistant principal usually not
allowable charge to federal program. - Requires good documentation to support.
- Could be a supplant issue.
155What is a substitute system?
- Other method for determining time and effort
report based on sample of work performed. - Must be approved by OSPI prior to use.
- JoLynn Berge is responsible for approval.
- Must be statistically sound.
- Should be periodically reviewed to determine if
still appropriate.
156Schoolwide Programs
- Schoolwide plan must specify programs to be
included (not all programs may be included). - A schoolwide program is a single cost objective
- If employee works 100 on programs combined ?
Semi-annual certification - If employee works partially on programs combined
and partly on those not combined, ? Monthly time
report (PAR).
157For Additional Information
- OSPI Bulletin 006-04 (Time and Effort Reporting)
- Examples
- Sample forms
- OSPI Bulletin 077-5 (Combining Funds in
Schoolwide Programs) - OMB Circular A-87, Cost Principles for State,
Local, and Tribal Governments
158Timely Submission of Applications
- Title I, Part A applications are from July 1,
Year 1 through August 31, Year 2. - Applications have always been due
- July 1.
160Extenuating Circumstances
- In 2002-2003, OSPI converted from WebApps to
iGrants. Issues associated with the conversion
necessitated pushing the due date back. - OSPI has not received district allocations from
the US Department of Education until late spring.
To accommodate for this the due date was pushed
back to August 19, 2005.
161Current Practice
- Some districts are taking increasingly more time
to submit their applications. - Late applications are accepted.
162The Problem
- Determination of carryover and reallocation funds