Title: 20042005 Budget Presentations College of Education Department Chairs
12004-2005 Budget PresentationsCollege of
Education Department Chairs
- March 26, 2004
- Dr. Gail Burnaford, Teacher Education Chair
- 2000-2010
32000-2010 University Goals
- 1. To increase student access on each of FAUs
partner campuses - 2. To provide student support services and other
activities that contribute to an exciting and
supportive learning environment. - 3. To encourage curricular and pedagogical
innovations responsive to the diverse learning
styles, circumstances, and educational needs of
FAUs student populations.
4(University goals continued)
- 4. To achieve recognition from local, regional,
national, and international constituencies for
academic program excellence. - 5. To enhance graduate education and research
(goal 5 increase in of matriculated graduate
students per yr.) - 6. To expand partnerships with business,
government, cultural and educational
institutions. - 7. To promote the academic and organizational
integration of FAUs partner campuses. - 8. To allocate and develop resources on the
basis of strategic priorities and performance.
5College of Education Goals 2003-2004
- 1. Faculty Support
- 2. Course Development
- 3. FTE
- Review your FTE productivity on each of your
campus locations and develop specific strategies
for increasing both the total FTE and the
efficiencies of your offerings. - Continue to refine your strategies for scheduling
of course offerings to meet the needs of your
constituents with a primary emphasis on the
Graduate Level I offerings.
6(COE 2003 2004 Goals, cont.)
- 4 Departmental Development (includes the
identification of two Spheres of Excellence
that reflect the strengths of the faculty and
programs). - 5. Research Initiatives
- 6. Committees .
- One additional Goal for Teacher Education offered
by the Dean - 7. Review the Department Structure and make
recommendations for a more effective and
efficient organization arrangement.
7DEPARTMENT GOALSAugust September,
2003(Originated by Dept. Chair and Faculty at
first two faculty meetings
- 1. Restructure Department
- 2. Examine Quality of our Programs
- 3. Work on Research Initiatives/Collaborations
- 4. Assess and revise doctoral programs
- 5. Support and strengthen secondary ed.
- 6. Support and strengthen literacy/reading
- programs
- New Department Chair
- US Congress has mandated a wholesale cataloguing
of the work done by the nations
teacher-preparation programs for the first time
since 1933. Subtext and states realities
teacher preparation is being challenged - Legislative bill to permit community colleges to
fully certify teachers
9- Alternative certification, AIT, PDT programs
within and outside of the College are
10Dr. Pritchett -Conversation with COE faculty
- Colleges of Education need to stop hiding their
light under a bushel. - Bigger is not better we need to rein in on our
enrollment a little bit.
11(Dr. Pritchett, continued)
- We need to find different revenue streams. We
dont have an identifiable strategy for funding
quality. - What are we going to be known for?
12(Dr. Pritchett, continued)
14Table One Departmental Productivity Trend
15Table Two Teacher Education Faculty Totals
(four campuses)
16- The loss of Senior Faculty in a Department as
large as Teacher Education affects not only the
number of available sections being taught by
experienced, knowledgeable faculty it also
impacts the essential leadership across nine
programs (in Elementary Education and Secondary
Education) within the Department (TESOL, Reading,
Math, Science, Social Studies, Graduate
Curriculum and Instruction- Masters and
Doctoral, Multicultural Education, Educational
Psychology, Art, and Music). Further, reduction
of numbers of Senior Faculty influences one
significant goal of the College and the
University to increase research activity that
would bring in additional external dollars to
support programs. In order to meet our FTE, we
have been forced to hire more adjuncts to do the
teaching in the department. - G. Burnaford, October 20, 2003, Memo to the Dean
17Table Three - Fall 2003 Class Sections and
Assigned Instructors in Teacher Ed. Courses
18 19- Goal 3 Increasing FTE means more adjuncts and
greater jeopardy to accreditation success in
NCATE process. (Dr. Pritchett Bigger is not
better we need to rein in on enrollment a little
20- Goal 3
- Graduate level I status is not
- possible if there are fewer and
- fewer senior faculty to seek and
- maintain Graduate Faculty Status
- in the Department
21- Goal 5 Research Initiatives and the pursuit of
other revenue streams is not possible with fewer
and fewer full-time faculty.
22Teacher Ed THE GOOD NEWS
- In response to the Deans 7 Goal for the
Department March 17, 2004, Faculty Vote was
positive on a Structure (2004-2005) for
Leadership, Authority, and Accountability through
Program Area Coordinators, Assistant to the
Chair, and Chair Leadership Team
- Searches are underway for these FUNDED POSITIONS
- Asst. Professor Reading Jupiter
- Asst./Assoc. Professor Reading Davie
- Assoc./Full Professor C and I/SS Davie
(Kizlik/Kirkwood replacement) - Assoc./Full Professor Early Childhood Boca
- Two positions (joint with ESE) Early Childhood
Early Childhood Center Director and Faculty - Asst./Assoc. Professor Art Boca
24Support Staff is Growing
- One Senior Secretary (Gloria George) and one
Secretary (Janice Oliveira) have been added this
year. - Teacher Education also has two graduate
assistants and three work study students working
with faculty and the Chair this year on the Boca
25Deans Proposal to ProvostOctober 29, 2003
- 12 CORE TEACHING INSTRUCTORS (each teaching 4
sections per semester)
26GOOD NEWS (we hope) - PENDING
- 1. Assoc/Full Professor TESOL
- 2. Assoc/ Full - Graduate Studies Coordinator
- 3. Assoc/ Full - Ed. Psychology
- 4. Assoc/Full C and I/Secondary Ed.
- 5. Assoc/ Full Reading/Language Arts
27OUR DEPT. DISCUSSION RE Dr. Pritchetts charge
- March 17, 2004
- Paying adequate attention to QUALITY (a dept.
goal) - Doing more to help students be degree seeking (40
of our students college wide are NONDEGREE
SEEKING) - Offering more in the summer TEACHERS NEED
28(More from the department on what we should be
- RECRUITMENT particularly for our graduate
programs - Greater mentoring and support for adjuncts
- More creative scheduling weekends, summers
- More needs assessment for teachers in districts
- Evaluating programs
- Supporting our graduates
- Improving field experiences for our students
- Working on rotation schedules across campuses
and not looking at campuses as competing entities
30In response to Dr. Pritchetts What are we doing
that we shouldnt be?
- Employing too many adjuncts with too little
coordination - Doing much advising that could be done by OPS
- Starting new initiatives without sufficient
support - We shouldnt be maintaining the status quo
because its comfortable.
31The Teacher Ed. Chairs Comments
- College Dept. Chairs must work together
considering the challenges to the College as a
whole, considering what interdisciplinary
initiatives make sense (i.e. Early Childhood
Center) and presenting a budget proposal that
addresses College Goals. - Pritchett Its not enough to say give me more
money. Re-engineer something, make something
32Chairs comments (cont)
- This department needs to look ahead to more and
better doctoral and masters programming - Respond to school districts needs for induction
and retention professional development, teachers
in years 1 4. THESE COULD BE GRADUATE PROGRAMS. - Respond to National Board for Professional
Teaching Standards within graduate programs - Employ more senior faculty
- Nurture Associate Professor level faculty to be
researchers, become expert at grant writing, and
view graduate programs as powerful research
arms of the College.
33(Chairs comments, continued)
- See programs across campuseschallenge upper
level administration to do so as well. The notion
of seamless programs is essential. - See Faculty as Teaching and Researching in
Program Areas, not just on a campus. This means
more consideration of program needs, not just
campus ownership, in the budget process. (We are
awarded lines where we do not need them and not
awarded lines where they are most needed, due to
budgeting by campus rather than by program.) - Prepare and use more Teaching Assistants and
Research Assistants in teaching undergraduate
courses with faculty. - Seek collaborative partnerships with
organizations and schools in the community. - Go where the students are try professional
development school approaches to offering course
work in schools. - Explore more cohort models.
34TED Budget ProposalsReflective of Goals
- Table Fiscal Year 2004-2005
- Budget Template
- Factors
- Pending tenure-line searches
- Pending core teaching instructors proposal
- Two tenured faculty (Reading and TESOL) on
full-year sabbatical next year - One senior faculty (Reading) on full time NCATE
this year and ½ time NCATE next year - NO Language Arts faculty (Voss retirement 2003)
- Income Generated by Department/COE
36- Four Goal-Based Strategic Initiatives and Budget
Implications - for 2004-2005
37Reducing Reliance on Adjuncts Increasing
Program Quality Through Leadership Strategic
Initiative 1
- University Goals 2,3,4, 7,8
- College Goal 1,2,3,4,5,6
- Received Department Goal (Teacher Ed. Specific)
Goal 7 - Department Goals 1,2,5
38- Restructuring means developing a leadership model
for a large department with complex, layered
programming. This means that resources need to
be applied for this team to coordinate
scheduling, serve students, assess programs and
lead the department in developing new and
innovative course designs (university goals
1,2,3, department goal 5 regarding secondary
education). Core Teaching Instructors hired to
teach four courses per semester reduce the number
of adjuncts and permit faculty, including the
Assistant to the Chair, to work on the Leadership
Team with a one or two course reduction load. - The Leadership Team illustrates an
organizational model that integrates campuses
(university goal 7) around content, programs, and
disciplines, rather than independently structured
and budgeted geographic systems that jeopardize
quality and fracture faculty.
39- Successful accreditation and evaluation results
in the next five years depend on a plan for the
reduction of adjuncts coupled with an increase in
senior leaders who are expert in disciplines and
can implement research of the highest quality.
This is a critical need that cannot be
overestimated. - Quality issues quite obviously are directly
related to all the other goals set out by this
department for the coming year. A Leadership
Structure (dept. goal 1), Research Initiatives
(dept. goal 3), Viable and Rigorous Graduate
Programs (dept. goal 4), and Innovative Reading
Research and Teaching as a Sphere of Excellence
(dept. goal 5) all address QUALITY as an under
girding parameter to drive FAU teacher education
beyond the status quo. -
- 1 CTI _at_ 35,000 Math Education Boca
- 1 CTI _at_ 35,000 Social Studies Education - Boca
- 1 CTI _at_ 35,000 Language Arts or Reading Boca
- 1 CTI _at_ 35,000 Art - Davie
- 1 CTI _at_ 35,000 Multicultural Education Davie
- 1 CTI _at_35,000 Effective Teaching Practices
Davie - 1 CTI _at_ 35,000 Science Education Jupiter
- 1 Assoc/Full Prof _at_ 65,000 Secondary
Ed/Curriculum Instruction -Boca - TOTAL 310,000
41Increasing Collaborative Research Strategic
Initiative 2
- University Goals 5, 6
- College Goals, 3, 5
- Research requires senior level faculty engaged on
a regular basis in seeking grant support, working
with partners in and beyond the department and
the university, and engaging graduate student
research and teaching assistants. Offering more
and better graduate programs suggests that the
department participate in a differentiated
faculty assignment model in which Core Teaching
Instructors teach more classes and senior,
tenure-earning faculty teach more graduate
classes and engage in research as a more central
part of their assignments. - Leadership in this department demands senior
level hires to address the large numbers of
retiring faculty particularly on the Boca
campus. Leadership also suggests the release of
promising faculty from a 3-course assignment in
order to pursue alternative funding streams to
support research and program initiatives.
- 1 CTI _at_ 35,000 Curriculum and Instruction
Boca - 1 CTI _at_ 35,000 Curriculum and Instruction -
Jupiter - 1 Asst. Prof. _at_ 45,000 - Early Childhood - Boca
- 1 Assoc/Full Professor _at_ 65,000 - Educational
Psychology Boca - 1 Graduate Assistant (to assist with grants and
contracts development)_at_8000 - TOTAL 188,000
43Assessing, Strengthening, Marketing Graduate
ProgramsStrategic Initiative 3
- University Goal 5
- College Goal 3
- Department Goal 4
- Looking at FTE figures, one can see the
preponderance of undergraduate course work in the
Department of Teacher Education. Both the
university and the college initiatives indicate
the pressing need to increase efforts at the
Graduate levels. To that end, we have reformed a
department level Graduate Program Committee and
are currently working on updating the doctoral
program and engaging more faculty in graduate
level decision making with respect to masters
and doctoral programs. -
44- We do not, however, have sufficient faculty who
have Graduate Faculty and who are therefore able
to teach on the Graduate level. We also do not
have enough faculty with sufficient experience
with curriculum and instruction (the core
knowledge area of the doctorate) in the
department. - Finally, the position of Graduate Studies
Coordinator is an essential one to guide faculty
and staff in recruiting, providing student
support, and overseeing programs. That role has
not had sufficient support in the department. If
we are to increase our FTE at the Graduate Level,
we must strengthen support and faculty expertise
at that level. The greatest need is at the Boca
campus, where there are currently no funded
searches for 2004-2005 lines and where the
greatest number of retired and retiring faculty
are in evidence. -
- 1 Visiting Asst. Professor _at_ 45,000 TESOL
(Ariza/Full-Year Sabbat) -Davie - 1 Associate/Full Professor _at_ 65,000 Graduate
Studies Coord/Curriculum Instruction Boca - 1 Associate/Full Professor _at_ 65,000 TESOL
Boca - 1 Graduate Assistant (specifically for Graduate
Studies Recruiting/Admissions) 8,000 - TOTAL 183,000
46Supporting and Strengthening Literacy/Reading
Programs and ResearchStrategic Initiative 4
- University Goals 1, 3, 4, College Goals 2, 3, 4,
5, Department Goal 6 - Reading is a priority of the No Child Left Behind
legislation, the State Board of Education
(Florida Just Read!, Family Literacy Initiatives,
Reading Endorsement requirement) , the local
partner school districts, and FAU. This year,
TED had one senior reading faculty chair NCATE
full time, thus effectively removing her from
engagement in teaching reading. (Next year, she
will be working half time with NCATE and half
time in the department) One reading faculty
member resigned in June of 2003, (currently, her
line is being served through a visiting line)
and one faculty member (English/LA) had been on
leave for two years and has now resigned.
Another senior reading faculty member is retiring
in December of 2004. One reading faculty will
be on full-year sabbatical during 2004-2005.
47- There are four core reading courses required of
all elementary education courses. Reading
faculty cannot address the needs of students, the
numbers of adjuncts, and the increased demands
for graduate programming. Much curriculum
development is possible to design online
courses, web-assisted courses, innovative cohort
programs, and graduate programs. All four
campuses have great need of reading faculty
Davie is already being supported with one funded
position, as is Jupiter. There are NO
tenure-line faculty currently in Language Arts, a
required core course area in Elementary
Education. - The university and college strongly supported the
first Literacy in Teaching Conference in January
of 2003. As follow up to this conference, the
reading faculty working across four campuses
is poised to continue its efforts to further
contribute to the field, work with school
partners, and pursue other revenue streams while
strengthening programs. It cannot do that
without sufficient faculty on all campuses.
- 1 CTI _at_ 35,000 Reading -Treasure Coast
- 1 Visiting Professor _at_ 45,000 (Harris/Full-Year
Sabbatical) - Jupiter - 1 Visiting Professor _at_ 45,000 (Crawley/NCATE and
Messmore/Retirement, December, 2004) Boca - 1 Language Arts Associate/Full Professor _at_
65,000 Boca - TOTAL 190,000
- The current expense budget for Boca Teacher
Education is currently 50,000. Boca is the
campus site for the Chair, the Assistant to the
Chair, and the departmental secretarial staff.
The majority of departmental materials originate
at Boca and are circulated to other campuses. - In 2003-2004, 196 course sections were offered on
the Boca campus by adjuncts and full time faculty
in Teacher Education. If the expense budget were
only allocated for support for these 196
sections, each would be allotted 255. We are
calculating this figure on the basis of sections
rather than full-time faculty (23 on the Boca
campus) because of the dire needs of adjuncts
which are only sporadically addressed, leading to
a wide range of quality. - We are requesting that this number be increased
to 350 per course, or an 18,620 increase, to
accommodate our increased attention to quality,
support and coordination of resources to all
instructors, committee materials, and
departmental recruiting and informational
materials. Additional office resources are also
increasingly necessary as data and student work
are collected to address assessment standards,
syllabi collection, vitae for NCATE and other
materials. - BUDGET REQUEST 18, 620
- Using the traditional expense allocation of 2000
for each new faculty member, the following budget
requests by campus are submitted - Boca 13 x 2000 26,000
- Davie 7 x 2000 14,000
- Treasure Coast 1 x 2000 2000
- Jupiter 5 x 2000 10,000
- 1. 310,000 (Reducing Adjuncts/Increasing
Quality/Leadership) - 2. 188,000 (Increasing Research/Finding New
Revenue Streams) - 3. 183,000 (Assessing, Strengthening, Marketing
Graduate Programs) - 190,000 (Supporting, Strengthening
Reading/Sphere of Excellence) - _______________
- Subtotal 871,000
- 70,620 Expenses Tech.(28,63052,000)
- __________________________________________________
____ - TOTAL 941,620
52Next Steps for Us
- Designing Performance Measures for each Strategic
Initiative - Working on Equity in Salaries as a Function of
Budget Process - Generating innovative scheduling
- Generating new grants and contracts
- Shining our light without the bushel