Title: Grantmaking Trends in Health Advocacy
1Grantmaking Trends in Health Advocacy
- Health Action 2007
- Annual Grassroots Conference
- January 26, 2007
- Anne L. Schwartz, Ph.D.
- Grantmakers In Health
2What is a Foundation?
- A foundation is an entity that is established
as a nonprofit corporation or a charitable trust,
with a principal purpose of making grants to
unrelated organizations or institutions or to
individuals for scientific, educational,
cultural, religious, or other charitable
purposes. - Source Foundation Center, http//foundationcente
3The Diverse Field of Philanthropy
- Foundation type
- Size (assets, staff)
- Age
- Source of funds
- Geographic area served
- Mission
- Focus of grantmaking
- Priorities
- Strategies
- Flexibility
4Conversion Foundations
- Foundations created when a nonprofit health care
organization (hospital, health system, health
plan) is sold, merges with, or enters into a
joint venture with a for-profit organization - Phenomenon began around 1980
- ? 170 foundations with assets gt 18 billion
5Philanthropic Trends
- Resources on the increase
- Health and education account for almost half of
foundation grant dollars - Share going to health is growing
- Small percentage of national spending on health
Source The Foundation Center, Foundation Giving
Trends Preview, 2005. Based on a sample of 1,172
larger foundations.
6What Do Health Funders Do?
- Support direct services
- Provide a voice for vulnerable groups
- Improve public understanding of health issues
- Educate policymakers and the press
- Fund research
- Shape policy development and implementation
- Convene stakeholders
- Support capacity building
- Donate meeting space
- Make introductions, connections
7Policy Funding Trends, 1995 to 2002
- The number of foundations making health policy
grants increased by more than half - Grant dollars targeting health policy activities
more than tripled
Source The Foundation Center, Update on
Foundation Health Policy Grantmaking, March 2004.
8Health Policy Giving, 2002
Other Special Topics 11
Health Care Cost, Quality, and Reform 22.7
Reproductive Health 6.2
Smoking Prevention/ Tobacco Addiction 7.8
Mental Health/ Substance Abuse 9.9
Health Care Access 19.4
General 10.5
TOTAL DOLLARS 358.6 million
Research/Training 12.5
Source The Foundation Center, Update on
Foundation Health Policy Grantmaking, March 2004.
9Public Policy Continuum
Source Grantmakers In Health, Funding Health
Advocacy (Washington, DC 2005).
10Why Fund Health Policy?
- Shrinking public budgets
- Limited foundation assets
- Complement to direct service grants
11Foundation Challenges
- Legal concerns
- Board support
- Inherent conflict and uncertainty
- Long-term nature of policy work
- Evaluation
- Experience with one foundation is all it takes.
- Any foundation funding in health should care
about my issue. - Foundations are glorified checkbooks
- Foundations will step in when government funding
goes down.
13Before You Ask for
- Research the foundations specific mission,
programming areas, geographic restrictions on
funding - Start building personal relationships
- Think about where you are headed
- www.gih.org
- www.fdncenter.org