Title: Legislative Advocacy 101
1Legislative Advocacy 101
- By Brenda Ritson MD, Emily Rothbaum MD, Meg
Sullivan MD, Dodi Meyer MD - MarÃa Cecilia Mosquera MD
- History of Curriculum
- Goals
- Intro to Leg Advocacy
- YOUR Responsibilities
- Resources
- Fall 2007
- Comm Peds Residents
- Brenda Ritson, Emily Rothbaum, and Meg Sullivan
- Helped faculty revise 2nd Yr Comm Peds block
Legislative Advocacy component - 5 Session Curriculum developed
- To teach Residents HOW to effectively develop and
dissipate an advocacy message. - To increase resident and faculty AWARENESS of
advocacy issues and opportunities.
- Expose residents to current legislative efforts,
issues, and needs surrounding children's health. - Teach techniques for researching current
legislative issues that pertain to childrens
health . - Provide a forum for residents to share their work
on current issues, legislation, and advocacy
efforts with medical students, residents, and
6Overarching Goals
- To foster awareness about legislative advocacy
among residents and the CHONY community. - WHILE
- Empowering CHONY pediatricians to be active
advocates for childrens health issues, both now
and in the future.
7Legislative Advocacy 101
8What is Advocacy?
- Act of pleading for, supporting or
recommending Websters Dictionary. - From the Latin advocare to call to ones aid
9What is Advocacy to US?
- An attitude, plan of action and behavior that
have as specific goal(s) the improvement of the
physical, emotional, or environmental condition
of an individual child or adolescent, family or
their community. Dyson Initiative definition
10The Three As of Advocacy
- Awareness
- Your own, friends, family, colleagues,
legislators. - Advancement
- By getting involved, you can help advance a
movement or effect a policy change. - Action
- Make contacts, write letters, call or visit your
elected officials, support an organization.
11Why Should WE Be Advocates?
- Children cant advocate for themselves
- We have a unique position to see problems and
understand their implications - The problems matter
- We have respect and credibility
12Why Should We Be LEGISLATIVE Advocates?
- You may hate politics, but you cant ignore the
consequences of politics especially for
children who cant speak for themselves.
13Examples of Leg. Advocacy
- Mandating window bars in apartments with children
(NYC) - Helmet Laws (State)
- S-CHIP (Federal)
14The Legislative Process
- Sloooooooooow
- Varies for different Legislative bodies
- Know when your voice will be heard
- Proposal of a bill
- Public Hearings on the issue
- Lobbying individual legislators
- And Intervene!
16How does a Bill become a Law?
- http//www.votesmart.org/resource_govt101_02.php
- http//www.legis.state.wv.us/Educational/Bill_Beco
mes_Law/Bill_Becomes_Law.cfm - http//www.youtube.com/watch?vmEJL2Uuv-oQ (video)
17Who are your Representatives?
19Summary of This Block
20Block Responsibilities
- I Advocacy 101 with Attending
- Choose Advocacy Hot Topic
- II SCHIP Case Study
- III Research Hot Topic
- IV Create Hot Topic Presentation
- V Present Hot Topic
- Optional Media/Spread the Word
21Session I
- Advocacy 101
- Today
- Intro to the Legislative Process
- Pick your Hot Topic
22Session II
- SCHIP Case Study
- Documents/PPT provided to you
- Compose a letter to your legislator
- Why you think SCHIP reauthorization and/or
expansion is a priority for pediatricians and
legislators - Note Only if you agree
- Goals are to learn
- What is SCHIP? What is reauthorization? etc.
23Session III
- Research your Hot Topic
- Define the problem with a population perspective
- Who will be affected? How severe are the effects?
- Who are the stakeholders?
- Review recent history
- Learn about current controversies/events
- Find federal and state policies under
consideration or debate - Develop your own stance on the issue
24Session IV
- Create your Hot Topic Presentation
- Powerpoint?
- Samples available
25Session V
- Present your Hot Topic
- Goals
- Educate others about your issue and
- Motivate their participation in advocacy
- Presentation (Powerpoint?)
- 15 to 20 minutes
- Noon conference at the end of the block
- Theres a guide to help you along ?
- 10-15 minutes
- Start
- Letter writing campaign,
- Petition signing, or
- Post an invitation to an upcoming policy briefing
meeting or other advocacy activity
- Find out who your Legislators are.
- Call them in support/against a bill.
- Write a Letter to the Editor
- Write an Op-Ed
- Lobby visits to the State Assembly with Violet
Moss - Participate in Lobby Day or Call to Action
Phone call
28How to Choose your Hot Topic?
29Sample Presentations Given
- The New York State Healthy Schools Act What is
it? How can we support it? - Barriers to Renewing SCHIP Doesnt anyone care
about kids anymore? - New NYC School Policies about MRSA Infections
Science or Scaredy-Cats? - Universal Health Care Proposals from the
Presidential Candidates What do they really
mean? What will it mean for doctors?
30Sample Other Hot Topics
- Obesity
- Vending Machines
- Trans Fat
- School Meals
- Skater Helmets
- Plan B
- CMS Regulations
- SCHIP Reauthorization
- MediKids
- Title VII Health Professions Programs
- Reducing Resident Funding
- www.communityped.org
- www.aap.org/advocacy.html
- www.kff.org
- http//capwiz.com/nycac/home/
- http//www.familiesusa.org/resources/action-center
/ - http//familiesusa.org/tell-us-your-story.html
- Its easy to be an advocate.
34Your Tasks
- Learn!
- Pick a Hot Topic and Research it
- E-mail it to me by Monday
- Write a Letter to your Rep
- Give a Noon Presentation
- Become an Advocate!
36The End