Title: Information Agencies and Their Environments LIS 450
1Information Agencies and Their EnvironmentsLIS
- Questions
- Structure of the profession
- Organizations, agencies
- Documents, publications, conferences
- Core values
- Codes of ethics
- Landmarks of Education (if time)
- Discussion of Gorman and Saracevic
3Organizations, Agencies
- Autonomous professional organizations
- Government agencies
- Unions CUPE
- Other Groups, e.g. WWLW
4For any professional organization, ask
- Who are the members?
- What is its governance structure?
- What activities does it sponsor?
- How may members participate?
- What else?
5Example ALA -- Who?
- Members personal, organization, corporate,
student, library support staff - Governance Council, Elected officers, Executive
Board - Staff Executive Director, other paid staff
6ALA -- What?
- Council committees include
- Accreditation
- Diversity
- Education
- Intellectual Freedom
- Legislation
- Pay Equity
- Status of Women in Librarianship
7ALA Offices include
- Office for Diversity
- Office for Intellectual Freedom
- Office for Research and Statistics
- Public Information Office
- Washington Office
8Members activities
- Chapters
- Divisions
- Round tables
- Discussion groups
- Other committees
9Divisions include
- American Association of School Librarians (AASL)
- Association of College and Research Libraries
(ACRL) - Public Library Association (PLA)
- Reference and User Services Association (RUSA)
- Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA)
10Round Tables include
- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered (GLBTRT)
- Government Documents (GODORT)
- Intellectual Freedom (IFRT)
- International Relations (IRRT)
- Library History (LHRT)
- Library Instruction (LIRT)
- New Members (NMRT)
- Social Responsibilities (SRRT)
11Dozens of discussion groups
- Digital Libraries Technologies (LITA)
- Distance Learning (LITA)
- Diversity Officers (LAMA)
- Electronic Publishing/Electronic Journal (LITA)
- Bookmobile Service (PLA)
- Business Reference Services (RUSA BRASS)
- Childrens Books (ALSC)
- Circulation/Access Services (LAMA SASS)
- Commercial
- Greenwood, McFarland, Libraries Unlimited,
Neal-Schuman, Ablex, Scarecrow - Organizational
- ALA (and subsidiaries like ACRL, PLA), SLA, ARL
- Government publications
13 Core Values (ALA)
14How do we discover what moral value librarians
place on information? code of conduct
statements like Library Bill of Rights written
policies in actual libraries practices in
actual libraries what gets into the
collection what is learned/taught in library
school what they write or say in journals and
conferences what they say and do in
relationship to funders, library boards, college
administrators etc
15Code of Ethics Practical framework for moral
decision-making American Library Association
"Code of Ethics http//www.ala.org/ala/aboutala/o
cfm We provide the highest level of service to
all library users through appropriate and
usefully organized resources equitable service
policies equitable access and accurate,
unbiased, and courteous responses to all
requests. We uphold the principles of
intellectual freedom and resist all efforts to
censor library resources.
16 We protect each library user's right to privacy
and confidentiality with respect to information
sought or received and resources consulted,
borrowed, acquired or transmitted. We respect
intellectual property rights and advocate balance
between the interests of information users and
rights holders. We treat co-workers and other
colleagues with respect, fairness, and good
faith, and advocate conditions of employment that
safeguard the rights and welfare of all employees
of our institutions.
17 We do not advance private interests at the
expense of library users, colleagues, or our
employing institutions. We distinguish between
our personal convictions and professional duties
and do not allow our personal beliefs to
interfere with fair representation of the aims of
our institutions or the provision of access to
their information resources. We strive for
excellence in the profession by maintaining and
enhancing our own knowledge and skills, by
encouraging the professional development of
co-workers, and by fostering the aspirations of
potential members of the profession.
18Landmarks of Education
- 1925 minimum standards
- Revisions 33, 51, 72, 92
- 1960s expansion
- 1970s contraction
- 1980s information
- 1990s multiculturalism
- 1887 Dewey founded first school
- 1903 ALA Committee on training
- 1923 Williamson
- 1924 BEL
19Readings for next week
- Wiegand example of early research article
- Unequal Legacies a big picture analysis