Title: College of Education
1(No Transcript)
2Western Oregon UniversityCollege of Education
NCATE/TSPC Site Visit Briefing October 13, 2007
3Welcome to the Exhibit Room
- Secure, wireless access, SMART room
capabilities, phone, - supplies, shredder, printer, and copier access
- Notebooks contain hard copies of each link
referenced - in reports, organized by both NCATE and TSPC
- Also includes other links of interest not
referenced in reports, - particularly General WOU and COE Information
and at the - end of each sections links
- Shelves include additional collections of
4In your packets
- Two page list of edits to the NCATE IR report,
most of - which are also in the TSPC report
- Addendum provides additional explanatory
details useful - in your review
- Convenient lanyards that contain your ID, meal
card, and - flashdrive
- Contains TSPC and NCATE Institutional Reports,
- General categories of evidence in the exhibit
room, - Online exhibit index, and
- List of posters scheduled for Sundays reception
5In your packets
- Technical information for computer use on
campus - Maps of all COE classrooms and offices
- MapQuest directions from hotel to WOU
- Hours and services of Werner University Center
- List of teacher preparation classes (Mon
Tues) - Phone list for of all COE faculty and staff
- List of online exhibits
- Conceptual Framework visual
- List of Sunday posters
- Extra sign in sheets for interviews
- Reimbursement paperwork
- Detailed Schedules--two types
6Mon. and Tues. Schedule
- Based mostly on half hour time slots
- Includes both small group and individual
interviews - that have been pre-arranged
- Identifies name/s, role, and location of each
meeting - Loosely structured around the NCATE standards
- Identifies potential classes to stop by and
visit - Visits to 8 local schools
- Packets include details regarding visits
- Provides for additional meetings times on
Tuesday - as requested
7- context (kntkst) n.
- The part of a text or statement that
- surrounds a particular word or passage
- and determines its meaning.
- 2. The circumstances in which an event
- occurs a setting.
8- Small public liberal arts college (5,000
students) - Located in a rural community
- Historically known for its teacher
- preparation programs (1856)
9- Home of Teacher Work Sample Methodology
- Del Schalock, TRI mentor to the College
- Leadership role in Oregon teacher preparation
10Research meets Practice!
College of Education
Teaching Research
Continuous improvement
Research backed results
Advanced research skills and experience
History and experience in teacher preparation
11Our Reputation Continues
As of today, 70 of our COE graduates from the
past six years are employed in Oregon public
schools. WOU was one of 30 teacher preparation
programs selected to be part of the Teachers for
a New Era Learning Network funded by the
Carnegie Corporation.
12Our Reputation Continues
30 of the nominees for this years Salem
Keizer Crystal Apple Award nominees are WOU
alumni. Dean Hilda Rosselli is one of three
panelists invited by Art Wise to speak at this
years NCATE General Assembly on October 19th.
Undergraduate Teacher Program
- Moved from 3 cohorts a year to 2 cohorts a year
- Offer 5 age level authorizations
- Offer 8 content areas for middle/high and high
- Students are admitted in Jr year
- Requires full time enrollment for 4 terms
- Candidates spend 680 hours in school settings
- Includes community mapping and service
- learning components
- Available as a Post-Baccalaureate option
MAT Program
- Two cohorts
- Offered full time on campus (CB)
- Offered part time-hybrid online model (WB)
- Designed to prepare High School teachers
- Offers optional middle level endorsement
- Candidates spend 820 (CB) and 730 (WB)
- hours in school settings
- Experimental program with SK with Elem
- Elem/Mid authorization
Special Education Programs
- Two programs at the graduate level
- Early Intervention/Early Childhood
- Special Education
- Special Educator
- EI II and SE II--for those seeking initial
licensure - Can serve as endorsement area for MS in Ed
- EI program-490 hours in school settings
- SE program-580 hours in school settings
MS in Ed
- A 45 hour program which includes
- 18 hour Professional Core
- 21 hour minimum content core or endorsement,
- Exit requirement, and
- Electives
- Field involvement differs across programs
- Exit requirement options include comprehensive
exams, thesis, field studies, professional
project, or APD portfolio
Special Education Programs
- Two programs at the graduate level
- Early Intervention/Early Childhood
- Special Education
- Special Educator
- EI I and SE I--for those with a teaching
licensure - Can serve as endorsement area for MS in Ed
- EI program-490 hours in school settings
- SE program-580 hours in school settings
ESOL and ESOL/Bilingual Programs
- Available as an add-on endorsement
- Six courses plus a technology course
- Must pass PRAXIS II ESOL test
- Complete an ESOL Practicum
- Must demonstrate proficiency in a foreign
language (PRAXIS II Language Exams or 6 credits
of upper division foreign language)
Reading Endorsement Program
- Available as an add-on endorsement
- 21 credit program
- Must pass PRAXIS II Reading test
- Demonstrate IRA standards through Reading
practicum - Candidates may take some classes online through
20Advanced Proficiency Documentation
- Stand alone option for Post Masters-9 hours
- Exit requirement option for WOU MS in Ed-6 hours
- Includes course on Differentiated Assessment
- Portfolio seminar-15 weeks
- Elective to complete 9 hours
- Includes observations from school personnel and
university instructor - Action research/work sample requirement
21COE Student Credit Hour 2004-2007
Source Office of Institutional Research
September 2007
22Last Accreditation Visits
Spring 1998--Joint Re-accreditation site visit
from NCATE and TSPC for both Initial and Advanced
programs Summer 1998--Reaccreditation for both
Initial and Advanced program awarded by TSPC Fall
1998--Reaccreditation for both Initial and
Advanced programs awarded by NCATE with 2 yr
probationary status for Advanced Program
23Last Accreditation Visits
Decision Appealed by WOU to NCATE Jan 1999-NCATE
Appeal denied and visit for Fall 2000 for
Advanced Programs scheduled Fall 2000-NCATE
Initial Accreditation for Advanced program visit
conducted April 2001-NCATE continued
accreditation awarded for Advanced program with
next visit scheduled for five years
24Key Personnel Transitions Since our Last Visit
- President Conn retired--now John Minahan
- Provost Minahan replaced by Jem Spectar who
took a - presidency this fall--currently vacant--search
underway - COE Dean Brodsky became TRI director--now Hilda
Rosselli - LAS Dean Chadney retired--now Stephen Scheck
- New VP of Finance, Administration-Mark Weiss
- New VP of Student Affairs--now Gary Dukes
25Key Personnel Transitions Since our Last Visit
- TRI Director Brodsky retired-now John Killoran
- Library Dean Jensen retired--Interim--Anne Fox
- New dean of Admissions, Recruitment,
Enrollment - Management--now David McDonald
- New IR office--now staffed by Joe Sendelbaugh
(.50FTE) - New Registrar--now Nancy France
- New AALC Director--now Karen Sullivan Vance
- New full time CTL Director--Niki Young
- New COE Graduate Coordinator--Linda
26Improved Facilities
- ED 118, 116, 217, 240, 244, OPE 107 -
- expanded and improved
- 7 SMART rooms added
- Faculty offices--new desks chairs
- Storage area in NPE/new wrestling mats
- Revamping of ITC 001 computer lab
- Keyless locks NPE and Stadium new desks and
chairs - New Language Lab
27New Collective Bargaining
- Covers faculty who are .50 FTE or higher
- Salary increases-Step 1 now 40,500
- Refinements in Tenure and Promotion
- Reassigned time for scholarship (18)
- Credit banking for Individualized Studies
- Two addition FTE for student teacher
- supervision
28Faculty AccomplishmentsJuly 1, 2006-June 30, 2007
- 25 faculty presented at 45 international or
- national conferences
- 17 faculty presented at 28 state or regional
- conferences
- 3 faculty published abstracts
- 11 faculty had 21 books or refereed
- manuscripts published
29Faculty AccomplishmentsJuly 1, 2006-June 30, 2007
- 16 faculty held national or international
- service roles in professional organizations
- 20 faculty provided state and regional
- leadership
- 20 faculty received professional
- development or external grant funding
- 14 faculty received promotions or awards
- 5 faculty organized conferences
30I have sold my claim that I now reside on and
will move in a few days to a section of land I
have bought one and half miles from Monmouth, a
place where we are trying to build Up a school.
It is taking a beutiful sic start. 1861
letter from Ira F.M. Butler to friends and
relatives in Illinois
31(No Transcript)