Title: Mobile Library Satellite Communication Links
1Mobile Library Satellite Communication Links
2How Chocolate Cake gave us our well connected
3- The History
- One of our long term aims has always been to
have all of our - branches online with full, live access to the
library - management system and any other applications
available - across our network.
- Our Mobiles visit 72 sites on a fortnightly
schedule - this is reviewed every 6 months
- each review sites may be added, removed,
relocatedor have their time contracted or
expanded - traditional forms of connection, i.e. power poles
andphone sockets, have never been a practical
The Grant Presented with a solution that we
thought would work - only had to find the
money NTN suggested and an expression of
interest lodged Great burst of interest from
NTN Great flurry of activity at UMRL Grant
application submitted, covers the
following Purchase and installation of
hardware Call / connect costs for 18 months
5NEXT STEPS Tenders called Tender awarded to
Electrotech for hardware, Xantic for connectivity
- all this through Telstra Equipment ordered,
PCs, routers etc. configured, tested and
installed Desk and work area in Mobiles
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10The Launch
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13The Technical Bits On each Mobile 2 e-hp pcs 1
printer/copier/scanner 1 cisco 1630 router 15
port switch 1 data terminal (satellite phone) 1
automated tracking antenna contained in a
weatherproof pod, mounted on the roof of the
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15AT HQ No additional equipment was required
as our existing Onramp 10 and router were
sufficient A small amount of network reconfigurat
ion was done to cope with 2 new network locations
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17IN BETWEEN Two way satellite connection between
Mobile, Inmarst Satellite and ground station in
Perth From the ground station data is
transferred to the ISDN network Data comes to
UMRL through existing ISDN connections and
straight into our network All connections are
connection is pretty good (800 milliseconds) MPDS
(packet switching is being used Latency not as
good but the cost is better ISDN
10.80/min MPDS 8.58/min
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