Title: Recycling, Reuse and Waste Reduction
1Recycling, Reuse and Waste Reduction
- Protecting Our Resources for Future Generations
2Whats In the Trash?
Metals 8.5 15.3 MT
Glass 7 12.5 MT
Yard Trimmings 17.6 31.6 MT
Plastics 8 14.4 MT
Other -Rubber, Leather, Textiles, etc 11.6
20.8 MT
Paper 40.4 71.6 MT
Food Scraps 7.4 13.2 MT
MTMillion Tons
Image Courtesy of US EPA
3This Decade In the US We Will Throw Away
- 1 million tons of aluminum cans and foil
- More than 11 million tons of glass bottles and
jars - Over 4.5 million tons of office paper
- Nearly 10 million tons of newspaper
4This amounts to nearly 9,000,000 Hummers Worth
of Recyclable Material Thrown Out Every Year!
5Do You Know Where Your Schools Trash Goes?
- Insert information, ie/ incineration, landfill,
etc and change picture accordingly
Photo courtesy of www.ejnet.org
6Trash Incineration is an Environmental and Social
Justice Issue
Why Should I Care?
- Incinerators release Dioxin, Mercury and other
Toxins - According to US EPA and the National
Academies, Dioxin, even at very low levels,
causes cancer, birth defects, and developmental
problems - Incinerators are often sited in
minority or impoverished communities
7Trash Sits In a Landfill For A Long Time
Why Should I Care?
- 700 Years
- Plastic Bottle
- 1 Million Years
- A glass bottle
- Styrofoam
8YOUR Mission Make Your School A Zero-Waste
- How? Recycle, Reduce, Reuse!
Image Courtesy of www.ecocycle.org
9Recycling-Viewing Trash in a Whole New Light!
- Reusing waste to save resources
Because Glass Doesnt Grow On Trees!
Courtesy of Glassco Recycling
10 Why Recycle?
- Its Good for the Environment!
- Recycled glass generates 20 less air
pollution and 50 less water pollution - SAVES ENERGY
- Recycling one glass bottle saves enough
electricity to light a 100-watt light bulb for
four hours - Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to
run a TV for 3 hours 1
11Why Is Recycling So Important?
Image Courtes of www.recycle.alcan.com
12Recycling Begins With You
- If everyone in the U.S. recycled just 1/10 of
their newsprint, we would save the estimated
equivalent of about 25 million trees a year - Recycling all of the waste newsprint, cardboard,
glass, and metal in one home can reduce carbon
dioxide emissions by 850 pounds a year
13Understanding Recycling
Guidelines Make Recycling Easier and More
Image Courtesy of www.ecologycenter.org
14How to Recycle Correctly
The plastic bottle numbers that your facility
recycles. Call the facility and ask
Lids Liquid Unfit for Recycling
Discuss if things are separated or commingled
NO pizza boxes, napkins, or anything with
permanent food residue
Photos Courtesy of P. Hayes
15Other Rules
- Plastic Bags Clean plastic bags may be placed in
containers at stores in your local area. - Hazardous Waste Check your localitys
16Odds and Ends
- Electronics and Computers
- Local drop-offs for batteries where?
- Recycle empty printer, fax, copier cartridges,
and cell phones as a fundraiser.
www.perscholas.org OR SIMILAR CHARITY IN YOUR
17The Two Most Important Factors For A Good
Recycling Program At Your School
18Clustering Recycling Bins Is Critical!
- Clustering Placing all disposal bins together in
one area
- A study found that positioning sign prompts over
receptacles resulted in a 29 higher rate of
recycling (Austin et al. 1993)
20RRR Can Take Many Forms
Think Outside the Box!
21Banish the Plastic Silverware and Styrofoam!
- Americans toss out enough paper plastic cups,
forks and spoons every year to circle the equator
300 times. - Using reusable silverware saves resources and
- Composting gives your trash a second chance, by
turning your organic waste into nutrient rich
humus - 2/3 of trash is biodegradable and can be
composted -
- 43,000 tons of food is thrown
- in the trash each day
- in the US
Photo courtesy of Mansfield Middle School,
23Students Have A Hand In Successful Recycling
24Charting Recycling Activity
25Making Recycling Signs
26Improving Recycling Through Creative Means
27Recycling saves
In Summary
- Energy
- Resources
- Pollution
- Landfill Space
- It is an easy, good environmental choice that
can enhance your curriculum!
Courtesy of Waste to Wealth
28Useful Links
- Waste Free Lunches
- http//www.wastefreelunches.org/
- Recycling Facts http//www.oberlin.edu/recycle/f
acts.html - EPA Guide to Waste Reducation In Schools
de.pdf - Composting Guide for Urban Areas
Photo Courtesy of Satish Hanumantha Rao