Title: Cortney Kasuba
1Overview of the Toner Supplies Market
- Cortney Kasuba
- Industry Analyst, Toner Consumables
- Lyra Research
2Worldwide Laser Cartridge Shipment Growth
3Worldwide Laser Cartridge Shipment Growth
4OEMs Continue to Lose Share to Aftermarket
5Aftermarketers Cut Time-To-Market
6Worldwide Laser Cartridge, Container, and Bulk
Toner Revenue Opportunity
7Worldwide Laser Cartridge, Container, and Bulk
Toner Revenue Opportunity
8Cartridge Shipments Continue to Outpace Revenue
- Majority of toner cartridges shipped will
continue to be monochrome cartridges - Low-end monochrome toner cartridges fuel shipment
growth - Monochrome cartridge revenue growth is flat
- Color cartridge market is expected to more than
double - Shift toward low-end machines impacts revenue
- Cartridges for color lasers will make up majority
of the toner cartridge revenue in 2011 - Aftermarket will continue to gain share
- Aftermarket companies are introducing compatible
cartridges faster than ever before - Toner technology has no impact
9Bulk Toner Market
10Global Overview Bulk Toner Shipments
11Two Types of Dry TonerMechanical and Chemical
- Mechanical toners
- Manufactured using a hot compounding process
- Raw materials are blended while molten to form a
paste - Raw toner is cooled, then ground
- Average toner particle is about 8 microns
- Chemical toners
- Toner particles are grown from the molecular
level - Toner particles as small as 4 microns can be
reliably produced - Small toner particles translate to improved
image quality and faster print times
12Toner Shipments for Color Lasers Chemical and
Mechanical Toner
13Prices of Both Mechanical and Chemical Toners
are Falling
14Toner Revenue for Color Lasers Chemical and
Mechanical Toner
15Toner Market is Still Dominated by Monochrome
- Monochrome toners will continue to be the largest
part of the worldwide toner market through 2011 - Monochrome toner growth is flat
- Color toner market is growing at a CAGR of 18
percent - Chemical toner is gaining market share slowly
- Mechanical toner technology is improving
- Technology is preferred in many applications
- Prices will continue to decline for all types of
toners - Revenue derived from the sale of chemical toners
will soon outpace revenue from mechanical toners
16Examination of Printing Costs
17Toner Cartridge Pricing Trends
18Toner Cartridge Prices Vary by Country
19Cartridge Prices Vary by Country
20Falling Hardware Prices Have Been Offset by
Rising Supplies Prices
21Low-Cost Printers High Cost per Page (Usually)
22Printing Costs Continue to Change
- Average cartridge price is pushed down by
aftermarket competition and shift to low-end
products - Toner cartridge prices are affected by region
- China has lowest-cost cartridges
- Cartridges are most expensive in France
- Toner cartridge prices have likely hit a low for
color lasers - Yields will continue to drop
- Competition is driving SKU prices down, but
vendors will continue to quietly raise the cost
per page - Non-toner technology typically has most
attractive cost per page
23Thank You