Title: The PPR
1The PPR Generalist Exams
- By Michelle, Christina, Cortney, Cheyenne,
Christina, Adriana
2 Tips
- Pretend like it is a PERFECT classroom. The
world is perfect! - Go with your gut- the first choice is usually
right! - Take the test that you feel more comfortable
with. CAT computer test OR PB- paper based - Take your time and read through the questions
slowly. - You are allowed to take a break- TAKE IT!
- Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to get
there. - You cannot take anything into the room- no
vitamins, phones, purses-NOTHING. Your personal
items go in a locker.
3How to Apply for the Tests
- 1. Get school approval- e-mail education
director and they will get you approved to sign
up! - 2. Go to the SBEC website and get your TEA
number. - 3. Go to www.texes.ets.org to register for the
test (with your tea ) The test is 120 dollars.
- 4. Be sure and print your ticket and do not lose
it! That is your pass to take the test!
4Good Studying Resources for the TEXES PPR
Generalist Exams
- www.certifyteacher.com
- www.texes.ets.org
- www.texesexampracticetests.com
- Any prep books with exams in the back
- Take A LOT of practice tests!
- Do not use Cliffnotes!
- 90 questions
- Domain I Designing Instruction and Assessment to
Promote Student Learning - (approximately 31 of the test)
- Domain II Creating a Positive, Productive
Classroom Environment - (approximately 15 of the test)
- Domain III Implementing Effective, Responsive
Instruction and Assessment - (approximately 31 of the test)
- Domain IV Fulfilling Professional Roles and
Responsibilities - (approximately 23 of the test)
6When taking the test, REMEMBERIt is a perfect
world and as a teacher you have all the resources
that you will need. Money is not a problem, the
children are perfect, and you go to work everyday
as happy as you can be!That is how you have to
think when answering the questions!Answers with
hands-on and more active activities/lessons are
usually the right one!Direct teaching is a
7The TEXES Generalist EC-4, EC-6
Test Structure The Generalist EC4 test contains
the following domain and test item structure I.
English Language Arts and Reading 40 -40 II.
Mathematics 15 -15 III. Social Studies 15
-15 IV. Science 15 -15 V. Fine Arts, Health, and
Physical Education 15 -15
81. At least half of the questions are PPR based
very situational. The other half are like TAKS
questions.2. Again- It is a perfect world!
9The Day of the Test
- Do not panic!
- Get plenty of rest!
- Breathe!
- Remember- It is not as bad as you think.
- Get a good breakfast!
- Make sure you have everything ready ahead of
time- gas in your car, bag packed, etc. - Give yourself plenty of time to get there- you
never know how traffic will be!
10When you finish the test