Guiding Children with Special Needs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Guiding Children with Special Needs


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Title: Guiding Children with Special Needs

Guiding Children with Special Needs
  • Chapter 30 WWYC

Terms to Know
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
  • Inclusion
  • Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
  • Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)
  • Referral
  • Articulation problems
  • Chronic health issues
  • Giftedness
  • Acceleration
  • Enrichment
  • Learning disability

  • Children with disabilities must be provided with
    free, appropriate public education when reach age
    of 3
  • IDEA- requires all states provide ed for
    children who are developmentally delayed federal
  • All children 3-5 must have IEP
  • Infants toddlers and preschoolers who might have
    physical, sensory, cognitive, or emotional
    disability guaranteed to right of assessment

  • Inclusion- placing special needs children in
    regular classrooms
  • Children learn in least restrictive environment
  • Role models and gain skills from others
  • Communication needs most common
  • Assistants helpful
  • All staff needs to know how to help child
  • Need to modify curriculum to IEP
  • Do not do too much for them
  • Need Patients!!

Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
  • IEP- federal law required- written for each
    child with diagnosed disability
  • Helps each child get the education they need
  • Jointly developed
  • Usually for 12 month period
  • Correctable disability children will not have one

  • IEP requires six components
  • Description containing assessment of child
    current level of performance and skill
  • Annual goals for child
  • Short-term ed objectives
  • Statement outlining involvement of child in
    regular ed program
  • Specific services that will be provided with a
    time line noting the dates services will begin
    and end
  • Evaluation criteria that will be used to decide
    if educational objectives

  • Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)
  • Familys needs in regard to enhancing childs
  • goals for the child
  • Services to be provided to the child and/or
    family, by whom and when
  • Plan for transitioning the child to other
    services and regular education

Teachers Role
  • Take part in iding children with special needs
  • Work with speech clinicians, school
    psychologists. Health professionals, and others
    to design individual programs
  • Teach children who have special needs and
    nondisabled children in the same classroom
  • Share info with parents and make suggestions for
  • Base program decisions on ipyt from several
    resources including parents, other professionals,
    and personal observations
  • Encourage parents to participate in their childs
    education keep them informed

  • Identification
  • Early id is key to promoting childs successful
  • To id need to understand development
  • Observations used keep detailed notes
  • Alert director
  • Administer other tests
  • Set up conference to intro suspected prob share
    your proof
  • If parents seem unconcerned keep up observations
    and conferences

  • Referrals
  • When parents agree with your assessment refer
    them to the proper people for further evaluation
  • Obtain diagnosis
  • Public schools responsible for planning and
    paying costs unless parents choose otherwise
  • referral- suggest a professional parents can
    take their child to see

Hearing Disorders
  • Usually ided by lack of vocab and overall delays
    in language development
  • Mild to profound
  • Mild vocab not as large as peers difficulty
    during large group activities appear inattentive
    and distracted
  • Moderate same as above along with trouble in
    large groups limited vocabulary face-to-face to
    understand child
  • Severe or profound- little understandable speech
    rely largely on their vision
  • Can wear ear hearing aid or Y-shaped aid over
  • Need to understand hearing aid used
  • Work in 10 ft radius do not seat near distracting

  • Teaching Suggestions
  • Get childs attention before speaking
  • Follow these suggestions
  • Speak in normal volume and speed
  • Use same sentence structure as you would for
    other children
  • Pause and wait for response after you speak
  • If child does not understand you, repeat,
    rephrase, or demonstrate
  • Encourage other children to imitate you when they
    communicate with child
  • Whenever needed, use gestures and facial
    expressions to reinforce spoken word
  • In group situation- let child sit in front of you

  • Need to adapt curriculum
  • Consult language and speech clinician
  • Visual skills important
  • Use concrete materials to demonstrate abstract
  • Provide variety of classification games and
  • Label classroom furniture and materials
  • Select books with simple pictures
  • Teach safety by using traffic signals
  • Teach daily routines and transitions using light
  • Use picture poster to point to upcoming activity

Speech and Language Disorders
  • Identification
  • Informal observations
  • See chart 30-5
  • See chart 30-6 for ages children can say sounds
  • Record sounds have problems with
  • Articulation Problems
  • articulation problems- most often omissions,
    distortions, or substitutions of vowels or
    constantans or both
  • Omissions- drop sound oat for boat
  • Distortion- trouble iding and producing intended
  • Substitutions- one sound for another f for th
  • Lisp- substituting th sound for the letter s

  • Therapy needed
  • Model good listening and speaking skills, give
    total attention- look directly at them have them
    talk demand all students speak
  • Voice (Phonations) Disorders
  • Pitch- lowness and highness of voice
  • Loudness- amount of energy or volume used when
  • Voice flexibility- changes in pitch and loudness
  • Voice-quality disorders- harshness, hoarseness,
    breathiness, and nasality
  • To help prevent or correct
  • Correct voice volume
  • Discourage too much screaming or yelling outdoors
  • Model good voice characteristics

  • Stuttering
  • Characterized by repetition hesitation, and
  • Good speaking conditions
  • Plan activates so all children will experience
    success. Praise children
  • Provide with enough time to say what they have to
  • Listen closely to what saying avoid rushing
    children through a task

Vision Disorders
  • Early Identification
  • Symptoms that may suggest problems
  • Excessive rubbing of the eyes
  • Clumsiness and trouble moving around room
  • Adjusting head in an awkward position
  • Moving materials so they are close to the eyes
  • Squinting
  • Crossed eyes
  • Crust on eye
  • Swollen, red eyelids
  • Types of Visual Disabilities
  • Amblyopia-muscle imbalance cause by disuse of eye
  • Glaucoma-failure of eye fluid to circulate
  • Nearsightedness- unable to see things far away

  • Farsightedness- difficult time seeing close
  • Color deficiency- inability to see a color
  • Uncorrectable conditions- optic nerve damage
  • Teaching Suggestions
  • Create need to see
  • Study vision
  • Keep glare down
  • Hang at eye level
  • Safety
  • Auditory cues
  • Large print books
  • Provide tactile, olfactory, auditory clues
  • Auditory reminders for transition
  • Have describe using senses

Physical Disabilities
  • Types of Physical Disabilities
  • Cerebral palsy- damage to brain
  • Lack of control of voluntary movements
  • Spina bifida- bones of spine fail to grow
  • paralysis
  • Amputation- severed limb
  • Teaching suggestions
  • Modify chairs
  • Provide space for equipment
  • Raise tables so wheelchairs fit under
  • Knobs on puzzle pieces
  • Secure all flooring
  • Two-handled mugs deep dished bowls
  • Finger foods for snack

Health Disorders
  • Chronic health need- illness that persists over a
    period of time
  • Allergies
  • 50 have mild or severe allergies
  • Four categories of allergenic substances
  • Inhalants- airborne substances
  • Ingestants- foods drugs etc. ingested
  • Contactants- touched
  • Injectables- chemicals or drugs injected
  • Arthritis-inflammation that produces swelling of
    joints and surrounding tissues
  • Rheumatoid arthritis- most common form of
  • General fatigue, fever, aching joints, stiffness
    of joints
  • Need to move around often

  • Asthma- chronic inflammatory disorder of the
  • Symptoms coughing wheezing rapid or labored
    breathing, shortness of breath chest tightness
  • Cystic Fibrosis-hereditary disease that involves
    persistent and serious lung infections failure to
    gain weight and loose foul-smelling stools
  • Diabetes-insulin not produced by pancreas
  • Epilepsy- convulsive disorder caused by damage to
  • Hemophilia-genetic blood disease in which blood
    cannot clot normally
  • Leukemia- form of cancer that affects
    blood-forming organs and the blood

Learning Disabilities
  • learning disability- having problem with one or
    more basic skills of learning
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Trouble focusing staying on task overactive,
    restless impulsive

Integrating Children with Special Needs
  • Several factors to consider when placing in reg
  • Teachers training and education
  • Adult to children ratio
  • Specific needs of children

Gifted Children
  • Giftedness- exceptional skill in one or more of
    six areas
  • Creative or productive thinking
  • General intellectual ability
  • Leadership ability
  • Psychomotor ability
  • Specific academic aptitude
  • Visual or performing arts
  • Identification
  • Difficulty to id
  • Teaching Suggestions
  • Acceleration- process in which gifted child is
    assigned to class with older children
  • Enrichment- range and depth of experiences is
    broadened to provide child with special curriculum
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