Title: Pathology Case Collection
1Pathology Case Collection
- Dr. Venkatesh M. Shashidhar.
- Fiji School of Medicine.
2Case 1
- Female patient, 49y, Hodgkin's disease. On
3Clinical details
- Presented severe diarrhea and abdominal pain.
- Gastroduodenal and ileocolonic endoscopic
examination revealed severe lesions, with
multiple ulcerations, widespread oedema and
- In spite of a prompt antiviral treatment, the
course of the disease worsened and in two weeks
after the patient presented multiples intestinal
perforations, peritonitis and finally she died.
5Colonoscopy - well delimitated ulcerations
6CMV - Giant Nuclear Inclusions
7Duodenal mucosa with blunted vili, moderate
inflammatory infiltrate in the lamina propria and
cytomegalic inclusions in epithelial cells of
Brunner glands (arrows).
8Colonic mucosa with cytomegalic inclusion
demonstrated by in situ hybridisation, DIG
method 400x
- Disseminated infection of GIT by CMV.
- The CMV is a herpes virus that causes a latent,
asymptomatic infection. - Reactivated when cellular immunity is depressed.
- CMV infection with symptoms are seen in normal.
- Frequent in immunosuppressed patients - AIDS,
graft organs and, rarely, Hodgkins disease.
10Disseminated infection of the digestive tract
caused by cytomegalic virus in a patient with
Hodgkin's disease G. Becheanu a, R. Stoia b, C.
Gheorghe c, B. Stamm d a Department of
Pathology, "Carol Davila" University of Medicine,
Bucharest, Romania b Clinic of Haematology,
Fundeni Clinical Institute, Bucharest, Romania c
Clinic of Gastroenterology, Fundeni Clinical
Institute, Bucharest, Romania d Institute of
Pathology, Kantonsspital Aarau,
Switzerland Correspondence to Dr. G. BECHEANU,
M.D.Department of Pathology, "Carol Davila"
University ofMedicine and Pharmacy,P.O. Box
1-349, Bucharest 70700, Romania.Download Pdf of
caseDisseminated infection of the digestive
tract caused by cytomegalic virus in a patient
with Hodgkin's disease 744 KB
- Female patient 72 years old
- Nodule of 3 cm in upper outer quadrant of right
breast. - Radiological features of malignancy.
- A fine needle aspiration cytology is performed.
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- Telepath case On General Path site.
- http//pat.uninet.edu/zope/pat/casos/C135/index.ht
ml - Final Diagnosis Papillary carcinoma.
- Participants diagnosis varied from reactive
papillary hyperplasia to Pap carcinoma. - I called it low grade duct carcinoma.
19Case 3
- 23 y/o man, with cystic tumor in the
upper-anterior mediastine.
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- Thymic cyst.
- Benign cystic teratoma.
23Case 4
- massive bilateral parotid swelling in 70 yr male
for 1 yr. - FNAC specimen.
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27Differential Diagnosis
- Benign Lymphoepithelial lesion (autoimmune).
- Bilateral MALT lymphoma.
- Low grade NHL / CLL infiltration?
- ? Mikulicz disease ? Sjogren Sy
28Benign Lymphoepithelial lesion
- Autoimmune, females, adult gt50years.
- Majority will have features of sjogrens syndrome
either clinically or immunologic. - Progressive replacement of acini by lymphoid
29Case 5
- 25 year old drug addict with jaundice 9 months
duration. - (IAPM-Kerala chapter)
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- Raynaud's phenomena peripheral digit gangrene.
- Focal arterial spasms arterogram.
- Histology focal angiitis.
- Kidney inflammation of Glomeruli.
- ? Thromboangiitis obliterans. Buergers diseas.
35Case 6
- Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia
- (AFIP online seminar)
- Pneumonias with eosinophilic lung infiltration.
- Parasite, fungal, immune, drug, toxic, unknown.
- Infiltrates on chest radiographs combined with
peripheral blood eosinophilia. (not always..!) - Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) or lung biopsy is
diagnostic. -
- acute respiratory illness of 1 to 7 days.
- Fever, dyspnea, cough, pleuritic chest pain,
myalgias - Crackles on chest auscultation.
- hypoxemic respiratory insufficiency.
- many patients with AEP meet the criteria for
acute lung injury ALI, ARDS) SARS. - Excellent prognosis - rapid response to
38bilateral reticular opacities Kerley B (septal)
39CT- bilateral ground-glass attenuation,
interlobular septal thickening, parenchymal
40Features of diffuse alveolar damage with
interstitial and alveolar infiltrates of
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42Case 7
- 46 Year Female severe Menorrhagia
43Normal Ovarian Stroma
44Normal Infiltration by pale round
45Infiltration by pale round cells
Capsule intact
46peripheral nucleus (signet ring)
Blood vessels
47Note pleomorphism of nuclei (malignant)
Mucous production
48Malignant signet ring cells.
49Subcapsular infiltration by signet ring cells.
50Mucin production and malignant signet ring cells.
51Dermatopathology Case
- From Telederm group
- Cessare Massone. University Grez,
52Clinical details
- 72 year female.
- Since 6 months erythematous, ulcerated nodule.
(boil) - Side not specified.
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54Case Breast Lump
55Clinical Details
- 42 years, Female. 2x3 cm lump in breast hard,
non-tender. Free from skin and underlying
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- Marked epithelial proliferation, mitotic figures,
cribriform appearance. - Although infiltration out of duct is not seen,
cannot be ruled out without more study. - Intraductal carcinoma in-situ.
- Comedo carcinoma.