Title: P1252428535VyZIv
1Report out from Wednesday Breakout Sessions
ASPH Resource Center Activities
- Issues Discussed
- Submission of requests for training to ASPH
- Recommendations for Action
- Old products should be archived
- POC in each center for resources
- Info to be submitted to resource center by
electronic submission to be reviewed by ASPH - ASPH to follow up if additional information would
be needed - Template ASPH to develop a draft form (combining
reporting form and the existing TRAIN form to
look at fields), all Centers would be allotted
time to review form, new form would be
established. - Keep in mind the work of the exemplar groups to
reduce duplication of efforts - Previous ACPHPs are asked to update existing
information for the time being
2Report out from Wednesday Breakout Sessions
ASPH Resource Center Activities
- Tabled discussion of evaluation
- Proposed that we link summary reports to the
resource center - Concerns about confidentiality
- Suggestions for users to evaluate one course
against another - Collect feedback
- May be something for an evaluators group to
consider - Need to establish common evaluation measures to
allow for comparisons against different training
programs - Provide links to URLs to avoid repeated updates
- Former SCPHPs are already reporting on similar
information - No need to recreate the system
3Report out from Wednesday Breakout Sessions
Network Coordination and Communication
- Issues Discussed
- Why and what do we need to communicate?
- Reacting to admin issues
- Sharing knowledge and inter/intragroup processes
- To report
- Who PI group, coordinators group, evaluators
group, entire network, by function, by region - Information sharing one way communication v.
what needs to be discussed - Continue calls on a trial for 6 months
- Evaluators exemplar group may replace need for
separate evaluator call - MegaCalls would be one-way with Q/A time at the
end - Recommendations
- Newsletter
4Report out from Wednesday Breakout Sessions
Network Coordination and Communication
- Quarterly marketing tool
- Need for face-to-face meetings in addition to
calls - May be helpful to have in varying locations
- Showcase meeting held in conjunction with
ASTHO/NACCHO - Additional Comments
- PI calls may be directed to specific topics to
reduce the numbers of calls that people really
need to spend their time on - Keep the ability to communicate as a priority on
calls - Have a committee to set the agenda for PI calls
- Keeping this informal may allow for additional
collaboration - Exemplar groups may not cover the needs that the
evaluators group was to address this network
may need to be re-established - Listservs havent proved as beneficial
5Report out from Wednesday Breakout Sessions
Defining Brokering Network Expertise
- Issue discussed
- What does brokering mean linking resources with
those that need it primarily those in
state/local agencies - How do we do this look at the past CDC, ASPH
have received requests for referrals - Do we formalize this KISS, not sure what the
volume of requests received will look like may
need to determine simple protocols for doing this - Closest geographic service to the entity
requesting services be referred first, then any
additional centers would provide input - Volume is unknown once CDC project officers
become aware of the resource the volume should
increase, ASTHO will also be eager to put this to
use - Recommendations
- Create a searchable database include information
on trainings, list of centers and expertise of
each center
6Report out from Wednesday Breakout Sessions
Defining Brokering Network Expertise
- May also want to include individual expertise
- List of ready services a Center could provide
fairly quickly - Be updateable by individual centers
- How do we define expertise?
- Centers can decide by themselves, and the market
will determine the use of expertise - Selection criteria degrees/training that
individuals possess and faculty appointment (NOT
RECOMMENDATIONS) - PI within the Center serves as a gatekeeper
- Additional Comments
- Concern that faculty appointment has such weight
practice experience loses weight that way - Concern that degrees/training carry such weight
7Report out from Wednesday Breakout Sessions
Defining Brokering Network Expertise
- Anyone who comes to centers for expertise should
come with funding - This is not part of the guided work
- Considered as part of ASPHs workplan
- Getting others to pay for your services outside
of your existing planned work - Negotiations of services and finances would be
between Centers and agencies requesting services - Issue of combined expertise (interdisciplinary)
- Requires blended expertise in terms of
credentials and combined excellence, knowledge,
and practice expertise
8Report out from Wednesday Breakout Sessions
Monitoring CPHP Contribution in Building Public
Health Preparedness Workforce
- Issues Discussed
- How should monitoring be done?
- Look at individuals graduating U-based credit
programs/degree programs - Track them through the pipeline to see what
professions they choose - Do a retrospective study, focus on people in
state/local health departments and consider where
they got their training from - Did individuals education include preparedness
training? - May be obtained through U surveys
- More difficult identifying curricula in the
graduate schools, and tracking individuals based
on such - Recommendations
- Several scenarios that could be done
- Prospective collection of data on graduates
- Survey of people currently in practice jobs
9Report out from Wednesday Breakout Sessions
Monitoring CPHP Contribution in Building Public
Health Preparedness Workforce
- Nebraska currently tracks graduates for target
access important for education development,
policy, workforce development issues - NIOSH has a long history of tracking graduates in
academic/continuing ed programs - Report back to trainingship programs
- Additional Issues
- Is this really what we want to do?
- Forces outside of the U system drive people
outside of public health, such studies may
reflect more poorly on us than we want it to do - Companion studies to address the whys should
be done as well - Comments
- Concern that public health isnt a licensed
field, more difficult to follow people - Consider what level of specificity is really
needed here - Tap into alumni associations for assistance
through surveys
10Report out from Wednesday Breakout Sessions
Monitoring CPHP Contribution in Building Public
Health Preparedness Workforce
- Other questions to ask
- Who attends those programs?
- What about public health system workers (not
just agency workers)?