Title: EPSCoR Centers Development Initiative CDI
1EPSCoRCenters Development Initiative (CDI)
- Rand Haley
- CDI Project Manager
- Melvyn Ciment, PhD
- Senior Science Advisor, CDI
- mel_at_ciment.com
- 301-622-5984
- PI, Pending ASCEND Proposal,
- Successor to CDI
- www.epscorfoundation.org/cdi
- ASCEND (Assistance Strategies for Centers
2EPSCoR Centers Development Initiative (CDI)
- CDI is an NSF-funded initiative of the
EPSCoR/IDeA Foundation aimed at increasing the
participation (by awards to ) of EPSCoR
researchers in NSF centers and other complex,
large-scale programs. - CDI provides direct technical assistance to
university research teams competing for NSF
centers and large-scale science, engineering, and
education projects. - In addition, CDI organizes Outreach, including
centers development workshops, hosts an
informative website, and conducts targeted
outreach activities.
3Selected NSF Centers and Large-Scale Programs
- Science and Technology Centers (STC)
- Engineering Research Centers (ERC)
- Materials Research Science Engineering Centers
(MRSEC) - Nanoscale Science and Engineering Centers (NSEC)
- Nanoscale Interdisciplinary Research Teams (NIRT)
- Integrated Graduate Education Research
Traineeships (IGERT) - Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers
(I/UCRC) - Centers of Research Excellence in Science and
Technology (CREST) - Partnerships for Innovation (PFI)
- Information Technology Research (ITR)
- Cyber Trust
- Research in Networking Technology Systems
(NeTS) - Computer Systems Research (CSR)
- Major Research Instrumentation MRI
- Plant Genome Research (PGR)
- Biological Databases Informatics (BDI)
- Frontiers in Integrative Biology (FIBR)
- Assembling the Tree of Life (ATOL)
- Biocomplexity in the Environment (BE)
- 2010 Project Arabidopsis thaliana
- Microbial Genome Sequencing Program
- Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER)
- Collaborative Large-Scale Engineering Analysis
Network for Environmental Research (CLEANER) - Center for Synthesis in Biological Evolution
(CSBE) - Centers for Ocean Science Education Excellence
(COSEE) - Math Science Partnership (MSP)
- Science of Learning Centers (SLC)
- Centers for Learning Teaching (CLT)
- Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education
CDIs website maintains a calendar of NSF
large-scale program deadlines.
4CDI Results
- Provided direct technical assistance to over 100
research teams from over 50 EPSCoR universities
across all EPSCoR jurisdictions. - CDI has aided EPSCoR teams to compete
successfully for 20 NSF centers or large-scale
projects, representing over 140 million in NSF
funding. - Highlights
- STC (Science and Technology Center)
- ERC (Engineering Research Center)
- 4 MRSECs (Materials Research SE Centers)
- 4 IGERTs (Integrative Graduate Educ. Res.
Traineships) - 2 CRESTs (Centers for Research Excellence in ST)
- Hosted (to date) 13 Centers Development Workshops
that attracted over 500 EPSCoR participants from
over 60 universities across all EPSCoR
jurisdictions and included participation from
approximately 50 NSF program managers and 60
outside experts. - Utilized the assistance of over 100 nationally
recognized science and engineering experts,
including Directors or PIs from numerous
successful, ongoing NSF centers.
5NSF Awards Assisted by CDI, in Chronological Order
6Technical Assistance
- CDI provides a range of technical assistance
services to EPSCoR university researchers,
including - Providing guidance to strengthen centers
proposals - Pre-reviewing proposal drafts and materials
- white papers, pre-proposals, prior proposals,
reviewers comments, full proposals and offering
constructive reviews along with suggestions to
improve competitiveness - Helping to identify, recruit, and support
appropriate consultation from outside experts
(with scientific discipline and/or specific NSF
center program expertise) - Serving as an information resource and providing
guidance about existing and emerging centers
programs - Working with PIs to arrange productive dress
rehearsals for upcoming NSF site visits
7CDI Workshops, in Chronological Order
Information about each CDI workshop available on
8Centers Development WorkshopsStructure
- Workshop components
- Presentations by NSF program officers on centers
programs - Best Practice presentations by Directors of
successful NSF centers explaining how they
organized, competed for, and manage their centers - Opportunities for participants to network with
other interested EPSCoR researchers, CDI staff,
nationally recognized SE experts, NSF center
Directors, and NSF program officers - CDI website provides information about each past
and upcoming workshop including agendas,
presentations, and attendee lists.
9Centers Development Knowledge and Experience
- CDIs team and network of over 100 experts has a
history of working productively with the EPSCoR
community, extensive centers development
knowledge, and first-hand consulting experience. - Senior Associates (Ed Abbott, Mel Ciment, Phil
Harriman) - Familiar with the EPSCoR community
- Knowledgeable about NSFs centers programs
- Experienced with managing complex technical
assistance projects - Skilled in specific science and engineering
disciplines - Numerous contacts and access to experts
- Network of disciplinary experts
- Experience and wisdom about what is necessary to
organize strong (often multi-disciplinary) teams
integrate required education, outreach, and other
components with research successfully compete
for NSF centers and manage and coordinate funded
- CDI has been a novel NSF technical assistance
program - that has pioneered an
- innovative interaction and consulting paradigm
- to the EPSCoR research community
- that has yielded
- improved understanding of how to compete for
complex, - large-scale NSF projects
- and
- a substantial number of funded NSF centers
- at EPSCoR institutions.
11Forming Multi-disciplinaryCyber-Infrastructure/Sc
ience Partnerships
- Applications
- Sciences
- Technologies
- Cyber-Infrastructure
- Hardware, software tools and systems
- People
- Organization and Structure
- Viable Funding Model
- Choose some reasonable targets and Sell It
13Teragrid for EPSCoR Science Education
- Applications
- Bioinformatics, HEP, grid computing,
nano-materials, hydrology/agriculture, etc - Sciences
- Grid computing, networking
- Technologies
- Next Slide
- CyberInfrastructure
- Hardware, software tools and systems
- People
- Apps scientists to networking researchers and
systems maintenance - Organization and Structure
- Regional alliance, consortium,
- Funding Targets - Selling It
14Getting Started
- Need Leadership for all components
- Develop White Papers, in addition to RD
- Establish a periodic reporting/conference
schedule - Establish Target Dates for draft proposals
- Involve consultants up front
- Centers Development Initiative
- ASCEND (Assistance Strategies for Centers
Development) - Others