1Validate - A Nationwide Dynamic Travel Demand
Model for Germany
Peter Vortisch, Volker Waßmuth, PTV AG, Germany
2VALIDATE A Transport Model for Germany
- A nationwide model for Germany(82 million
residents) - Hourly volumes on roads
- Should use as many public (or commercial) digital
data as possible - Should be easy to update
- Applications
- Regional and nationwide forecasts
- Traffic volumes for the set up of billboards
- Travel time estimation for navigation systems
3VALIDATE at a glance
- Representing Germany and the surrounding European
countries - 1.4 million links
- About 7.000 traffic zones
- 9 trip purposes
- 21 person groups
- auto and truck traffic
- quasi-dynamic assignment(time-of-day volumes)
4Road Network Processing
- Initial German Navteq network consists of ca. 6
million links - Removing minor roads
- Generalization removing two-leg node
- Automated, reversible and repeatable process
- Mapping of Navteq attributes to assignment
relevant attributes - Adding a reduced European network
- Finally 1.4 million links
5Traffic Zones
- ca. 10,000 residents per zone
- 5 to 12 connectors per zone
- Finally 7,000 zones(refinement to 10,000 ongoing)
6Land Use Data
- National and regional population statistics
- 85,000 market analysis zones
- commercially available
- Inhabitants
- Employment by industry
- Buying power
- Additionally
- schools, universities
- special attractors(fun parks etc.)
7Survey data
- German nationwide travel behavior surveys
- MiD 2002 (Mobility in Germany)
- 62,000 persons
- 183,000 trips
- SrV (2003)
- 34,000 persons
8No. of car trips for different purposes
- trip generation by the EVA-Model (Prof. Lohse,
University of Dresden) - simultaneous destination and mode choice
Total 142.2 million
9Regional distribution of trips
No of trips / km²
10Road Traffic Assignment (24 h, static)
RGap 0.005 after 12 h computing time
11Calibration of the model
- 2000 permanent counting points from BAST
(Federal institute for roads) - additional survey points from different sources
- RMSE 23
12Validation Mean Trip distances
13Time-of-Day Trip Demand
14Time-of-day (quasi-dynamic) assignment
- method similar to the Duration based static
assignment presented by David Pickworth
ADT assignment
peak hour (7 a.m. 8 a.m.)
15Result Time-of-day traffic volumes
16Validation Comparision of volume time profiles
(video sequence of 100 count locations)
17Application Traffic volumes in Germany 2020
- ACATECH forecast 2020
- Mileage (private cars)
- 20 (30 on highways)
- Mileage (HGV)
- 34 (45 on highways)
- Mileage (all vehicles)
- 21 (33 on highways)
- compared to 2002
18Application Impact Studies
ExampleEffect of Toll on the A4 (Eisenach)
19Application Accessibility depending on day and
Access Mon 10 a.m. green lt 100 h red gt300 h
20Validate Network UK 11/2006
Directional Links 630708 Zones
8105 Connectors 29531
Thank you for your attention !
Contact infomation peter.vortisch_at_ptv.de volker.w
PTV Planung Transport Verkehr AG, 76131 Karlsruhe
22Additional data - Commuter trip tables
- from the German FederalEmployment Agency
- ca. 14000x14000 cells
23Trip Generation Model
- EVA-model developed by Prof. Lohse, University of
Dresden - simultaneous destination and mode choice for
origin-destination groups
24Deviation of counted and calculated daily volumes
RSME 23 (2000 count locations) RGAP 0.005
after 12 hours of computation
- Applications
- GPS navigation (automotive and personal, on-board
or off-board or hybrid) - Traffic information services
- Route planning portals
- Logistics and fleet management
- Geomarketing
- Urban, environmental and transportation planning
- Further Development
- Coverage of entire Europe
- Extension to 365 days
- Forecast for events
26Need for hourly volumes on specific days