Title: Accelerated Technologies Center for Gene to 3D Structure
1Accelerated Technologies Center for Gene to 3D
ATCG3D is a PSI-2 Specialized Center Funded by
the NIGMS and NCRR, Grant U54-GM074961
- ATCG3D Mission Accelerate the development,
integration, and deployment of three emerging
technologies which have high potential to improve
the economics of protein structure determination
by X-ray crystallographic methods.
- Tunable laboratory Synchrotron X-ray source
- Nanovolume microfluidic crystallization labcard
- Computer-aided construct engineering and
synthetic gene design
PI, Lance Stewart
Co-PIs, Peter Kuhn Raymond Stevens
Collaborating PI, Rustem Ismagilov
Collaborating PI, Ron Ruth
Slide prepared by Lance Stewart
2Improving the Economics of the Gene-to-Structure
Transformation Process
PDB Deposition
Transformation Process(components)
Biological Interest
- Goal to develop new technologies and integrate
them with off the shelf technologies to arrive at
user friendly, high impact tools that make the
gene-to-structure transformation process more
economical - Dissemination of technologies through commercial
Slide prepared by Lance Stewart
3Downloadable Gene Composer Software
- deCODE has made Gene Composer Software available
via free clickthrough license download. - Feedback will help drive feature development in
Gene Composer. - Gene Composer is also commercially available
through Emerald BioSystems. - Growing user base for Gene Composer Software
since Jan. 2006. - On-line synthetic gene design workshops.
Slide prepared by Lance Stewart
4Simple 4-Microsyringe Pump System and
Microplugger Control Software and Labcard
Emerald BioSystems is offering commercial systems
as of July 2007
pH Gradient Test, 10nl Plugs
Microplugger Control Software
In Situ X-ray Diffraction of Protein Crystals in
Micro-Syringe Pump System
Labcard Prototype
Slide prepared by Lance Stewart
5Hybrid Method Combining Sparse Matrix and
Gradient Screening
L. Li, D. Mustafi, Q. Fu, V. Tereshko, D.L. Chen,
J.D. Tice, R.F. Ismagilov PNAS, 2006, 103, 19243.
Slide prepared by Rustem Ismagilov
6Counterdiffusion Confined Geometry Microfluidic
- Topas COC plastic microfluidic crystallization
Greiner Bio-One labcard - Individual Lysozyme Crystals grown in
microcapillary channels by counterdiffision
methods - In situ X-ray diffraction on individual crystals
reveals different diffraction quality
Greiner Bio-One Commercialization of Confined
Geometry Counterdiffusion Labcard
Slide prepared by Lance Stewart from data of Joe
Ng and Peter Kuhn
7DETECT-X Imaging of Protein Crystals in
Microfluidic Devices
- DETECT-X Imager used in conjunction with Millipol
software - High signal to noise imaging of crystals
- Crystal orientation imaging
- Potential to Enable Efficient Complete in situ
X-ray diffraction Data Set Collection
Emerald BioSystems, Commercial Launch of
DETECT-X, Q2 2007
W. Kaminski, Millipol Software Norgren Systems
LLC Hardware Engineering
Slide prepared by Lance Stewart with data from
Peter Nollert
8A Conceptual Picture of the Compact Light Source
Slide prepared by Lance Stewart
9The Compact Light Source Prototype and X-ray
ATCG3D Overview August 2007, www.atcg3d.org
Compact Light Source
X-ray Optics
Slide prepared by Lance Stewart, data provided by
Ron Ruth
10C-ME for Efficient Structure Annotation
- Efficient, interactive, database driven structure
annotation software - Wikipedia-like continuous community based
annotation - Knowledge saved, grown, useful, and built over
Slide prepared by Lance Stewart, data provided by
Peter Kuhn
11Technologies for Improving the Economics of the
Structure Grade Protein
Diffraction Quality Crystals
X-ray Structure Solved
Target Gene Cloned
Biological Interest
Codon Re-Engineering By Gene Synthesis
Crystal Orientation Imaging with DETECT-X
Micro-Pump System and Plastic Crystallization
Labcards for in situ X-ray Diffraction
Tunable Laboratory X-Rays
Annotation with C-ME
Slide prepared by Lance Stewart