Title: Symbolic Model Verifier: Introduction
1Symbolic Model Verifier Introduction
2Useful Link
- CMU Model Checking homepage
- http//www.cs.cmu.edu/modelcheck/smv.html
- Cadence SMV
- http//www-cad.eecs.berkeley.edu/kenmcmil/smv
- http//nusmv.irst.itc.it/
3SMVSymbolic Model Verifier
- Ken McMillan, Symbolic Model Checking An
Approach to State Explosion Problem, 1993. - Finite-state Systems described in a specialized
language - Specifications given as CTL formulas
- Internal representation using BDDs
- Automatically verifies specification or produce
4SMVSymbolic Model Verifier
5SMVSymbolic Model Verifier
- SMV is a program that verifies whether a logic
model ? representing a systems behaviour
satisfies temporal logic (CTL) formulate f
representing desired properties of the system - ? f
- In SMV, the logic model is a symbolic
representation of the systems reachable state
space. - Developed to verify synchronous circuits
- Extended to verify asychronous circuits
- Successfully used to verify models of reactive
software system
6Reactive Systems
- System interacts with its environment, monitoring
and responding to environmental events - Computation may not terminate
- System behaviour changes over time, in reaction
to history of inputs - Complexity is due to concurrency and interactions
among components - Examples operating systems, embedded systems,
process-control systems, financial trading
systems, automated banking machines, etc.
7Compared to Transformational Programs
- Program computes a function from inputs to
outputs - Complexity is in data transformations
- Examples compilers, filters, payroll systems,
scientific computations
8SMV Modelling
- Goal is to describe control and interaction.
Hence, no complex data structures, not much data
manipulation. - SMV Language Communicating Finite State Machines
(FSMs with variables and communication channels) - System may consist of several modules
- Modules consist of several simple parallel
assignments - Model may also specify constraints on
environments behaviour
9SMV Modelling
- A system is described as a set of modules. Each
module is a reactive system interacting with
other modules and the systems environment. - Each module has variables that it reacts to, and
that it manipulates. - In each module, there are variable declarations,
variable assignments, and properties that we want
to check. - The main module is like a main program. In the
simplest SMV descriptions, we use only the main
module and no sub-modules. - Modules can be parameterized, and the main module
can create instances of modules to describe the
10SMV Modelling
- Recall, that the SMV modelling notation is used
to describe communicating finite state machines. - It consists of a set of modules, with one main
module. - In each module there are
- variables declarations,
- variable initialization,
- assignments, and
- properties that we want to check.
11Symbolic Model Verifier
- SMV language
- Module
- Module name
- Variable declaration
- Boolean, Bounded Integer, Enumerated
- Initial and next value of variables
- Macros
- Constraint on systems transition relation
- Property to check
12Symbolic Model Verifier
- SMV language
- The set of initial states of the model
- The set of all states of the model restrict to
those that satisfy a Boolean expression under the
INVAR keyword.
13Data types and type declarations
14Boolean, enumerated and subrange types
- An array of signals is declared in the following
way - ltsignalgt array ltxgt..ltygt of lttypegt
- This declares a collection of signals of type
lttypegt, with subscripts running from ltxgt to ltygt.
For example, the declaration - zip array 2..0 of boolean
- is equivalent to declaring.
- zip2 boolean
- zip1 boolean
- zip0 boolean
16Multidimensional arrays
- Arrays of arrays can also be declared. For
example, - matrix array 0..1 of array 2..0 of boolean
- is equivalent to
- matrix0 array 2..0 of boolean
- matrix1 array 2..0 of boolean
- The boolean signals declared in this way are
- matrix00 matrix01 matrix02
- matrix10 matrix11 matrix12
17Generic arrays
- Note that an array in SMV is not really a data
type. It is simply a collection of signals with
similar names. This means that it is possible to
declare an array'' whose elements have
different types, by simply declaring the elements
individually. For example - state0 ready, willing
- state1 ready, willing, able
- state2 ready, willing, able, exhausted
- A structure is a collection of signals that are
referred to by symbolic names, rather than
numeric subscripts. A structure declarion has
this form - foo struct
- c1 type1
- c2 type2
- ...
- cn typen
- where c1...cn are symbolic names. This
declaration is exactly equivalent to the
declarations - foo.c1 type1
- foo.c2 type1
- ..
- foo.cn type1
- That is, like an array, a structure is simply a
collection of signals with similar names.
19Arithmetic Operators
20Comparison Operators
21Boolean Operators
- The boolean operators are
- '', for logical and,
- '' for logical or,
- '' for logical not,
- '' for exclusive or ,
- -gt'' for implies, and
- lt-gt'' for if-and-only-if (exclusive nor).
- The boolean values are 0 (false) and 1 (true).
22Signals and assignments
- A value of a signal is an infinite sequence of
values of a given type. For example, - 0101...
- is a sequence of type boolean (of course, it is
also an integer sequence). Normally, we
interpreted this sequence as being a seqeunce of
values occurring over time, although this
interpretation is not necessary.
23Operations on signals
- An operator is applied to a signal value one
element at a time. For example, the operator
stands for logical not''. Thus if - foo 0101...
- then
- foo 1010...
- That is, it is the result of applying logical
not'' to each element of the sequence.
Similarly, stands for logical and''. Thus, if - foo 0101...
- and bar 0011...
- then
- foo bar 0001...
- An assignment is of the form
- ltsignalgt ltexprgt
- where ltexprgt is an expression that combines other
signals using operators like and . Unlike an
assignent in a typical procedural'' language,
this assignment means exactly what it says that
ltsignalgt is equal to ltexprgt. So for example,
suppose we make the assignment - zip foo bar
25Rules for assignments
- An SMV program amounts simply to a system of
simultaneous equations, with a set of unkowns
that are the declared signals. With an arbitrary
set of equations, there is, of course, no
guarantee that a solution exists, or that the
solution is unique. Examples of systems that have
no solutions are - x x 1
- or
- next(x) x 1
- next(x) x - 1
- An example of a system with many solutions is
- x y
- y x
26Rules for assignments
- The single assignment rule - each signal may be
assigned only once. - The circular dependency rule - a program may not
have cycles'' in its dependency graph that are
not broken by delays.
27Nondeterministic assignments
- Non-determinism more than one outcome possible.
- Non-deterministic assignments
- x 1,2,3,4
- Undefined assignments
- A variable of undefined value may take on any
value in its type. See examples next page. Note
undefined assignments are not a good idea!
28Undefined Assignments
29Unit delay assignments - the next'' operator
- If x is a signal, then next(x) is, intuitively,
the next'' value of x. More precisely, the i-th
value of next(x) is equal to the (i1)st value of
x. Thus, for example, if x 0,1,2,3,... Then
next(x) 1,2,3,4,... - For example, assuming x and y are boolean
signals, next(x) y x - We can determine this initial value by assigning
- init(x) 0
- In this case, if we had
- y 0101...
- we would get
- x 00110011...
- The default'' construct provides a way of
automatically filling in the cases where a signal
is undefined with a default value. The syntax is
- default
- ltstmt1gt
- in
- ltstmt2gt
- The effect of this statement is to use the
assignments in ltstmt1gt in any cases in ltstmt2gt
where the given signal is unassigned.
35Complex conditionals - switch and case
36Complex conditionals - switch and case
37Complex conditionals - switch and case
38Complex conditionals - switch and case
39Basic for-loops
- For example,
- for(i 0 i lt 3 i i 1)
- xi i
- is in every way equivalent to
- x0 0
- x1 1
- x2 2
- The general form of the loop is
- for(var init cond var next)
- ltstmtgt
40Kripke structure
MODULE main VAR state s0, s1, s2 ASSIGN
init(state) s0 next(state) case
states0 s1 states1 s2
states2 s2, s0 1 state
esac DEFINE p states0 q
states2 SPEC AG(p ? AFq) SPEC AG AF p
? true
? false Counter example s0,s1,s2,s2,s2
Kripke structure
SMV code
41Ready-Busy Example
MODULE main VAR request boolean task_done
boolean state ready, busy ASSIGN
Init(state) ready next(state) case
state ready request busy state busy
task_done ready 1 state esac
- Module declarations
- Instantiations
- Input and output declarations
- Instance hierarchies
- Structured data types
- Defined types
43Module declarations
45Input and output declarations
46Instance hierarchies
47Instance hierarchies
48Structured data types
49Structured data types
50Defined types
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