Title: Natural Language Understanding:
1Natural Language Understanding
Conceptual Speech Recognition
- Speaker
- Philippe Roy
- Founder and CTO
- Conceptual Speech Technologies, LLC
- proy_at_conceptualspeech.com
- http//www.conceptualspeech.com
- 561-202-8457
Its not how you say it, its what you mean!
2Communications back to basics
Communicate concepts
Tools used to achieve objective
Perception - vision, hearing, touch
Syntax - words, rules
Sound - voices, recordings
Writing - paper, e-mails
Key points
Words are analyzed in relationship with each
Meanings are considered.
Speech recognitions possibilities explode.
Philippe Roy Conceptual Speech Technologies,
LLC 561-202-8457 - proy_at_conceptualspeech.com http
3Processing language through CSR
Medium - Sound - Writing
Potentially recognized words
Syntactically valid sequences of words
Syntactic Analysis
Sound Analysis
Conceptual Analysis
Sequences of words that are syntactically valid
and form a valid concept
Process Conceptual Speech Recognition
Most probable concept
Goal the concept
Philippe Roy Conceptual Speech Technologies,
LLC 561-202-8457 - proy_at_conceptualspeech.com http
4Achievements unique to CSR
Conceptual Speech Recognition...
- truly understands language (manipulates
- allows true natural language.
- can react flexibly to understanding.
- detects the mood in communications.
- is a breakthrough at the beginning of its
technological road, not at the end.
Philippe Roy Conceptual Speech Technologies,
LLC 561-202-8457 - proy_at_conceptualspeech.com http
5Introduction to conceptual representation
Variable (VAR)
a red car
Action or state primitive
Role-filler pairs
a colored car
is a red car a car?
?PPtypecarcolorredPPtypecar TRUE
is a red car a colored car?
(color) red
is a colored car a red car?
Philippe Roy Conceptual Speech Technologies,
LLC 561-202-8457 - proy_at_conceptualspeech.com http
patent pending
6John remembered that he gave his red car to
MTRANSactorJohn fromLTM
toCP timepast
toPaul timepast
Does the fact that John remembered that he gave
his red car to Paul have anything to do with the
transaction of an object?
?(Concept) has ATRANSobject(Object)
TRUE (Object) PPtypecarcolorred
Does the fact that John remembered that he gave
his red car to Paul have anything to do with the
past memory of a transaction from someone to
?(Concept) has MTRANSmobjectATRANSobject(Objec
TRUE (Object) PPtypecarcolorred (Who)
Philippe Roy Conceptual Speech Technologies,
LLC 561-202-8457 - proy_at_conceptualspeech.com http
patent pending
7Practical implementations of CSR
Text understanding
Speech recognition
Conceptual Speech Commander
- e-mail reader
- intelligent automated e-mail
answering - data-mining
- search engines
- e-mail reader
- intelligent automated e-mail
answering - data-mining
- search engines
- e-mail reader
- intelligent automated e-mail
answering - data-mining
- search engines
- e-mail reader
- intelligent automated e-mail
answering - data-mining
- search engines
- e-mail reader
- intelligent automated e-mail
answering - data-mining
- search engines
- call routing
- automated answering
- command control
- embedded input
- dictation
- call routing
- automated answering
- command control
- embedded input
- dictation
- call routing
- automated answering
- command control
- embedded input
- dictation
- call routing
- automated answering
- command control
- embedded input
- dictation
- call routing
- automated answering
- command control
- embedded input
- dictation
- call routing
- automated answering
- command control
- embedded input
- dictation
Philippe Roy Conceptual Speech Technologies,
LLC 561-202-8457 - proy_at_conceptualspeech.com http
8Conceptual Speech Commander and CLUE
Conceptual Speech Commander and CLUE include
Dictionary Explorer to set-up the conceptual
Try CLUE online!
Send an e-mail to air-scheduling-response_at_conceptu
alspeech.com with a scheduling question.
Philippe Roy Conceptual Speech Technologies,
LLC 561-202-8457 - proy_at_conceptualspeech.com http
9Conceptual Speech Technologies, LLC
Its not how you say it, its what you mean!
info_at_conceptualspeech.com http//www.conceptualspe
ech.com 561-202-8457