Title: David ColinThom
1David Colin-Thomé
- National Clinical Director for Primary Care
- GP, Castlefields, Runcorn
- Honorary Visiting Professor,Centre for Public
Policy and Management, Manchester University - Honorary Visiting Professor, School of Health,
University of Durham - Adviser to Central Manchester University Hospital
- High levels of oppositional behaviour imply that
confrontation and criticism are valued more than
creativity and risk taking - leaders are made as they gradually acquire, in
the course of their lives and careers, the
competencies that make them effective. These
competencies can be learned by any leader at any
3Leadership in NHS
- Patient Centred and Community Orientation
- Clarity of vision
- Providing certainty and confidence in an
uncertain world - Influencing skills as leadership is essentially
an influencing process - Keen to encourage self starters
- Working within and across organisational
boundaries - Principled opportunism to implement vision
- is the process by which identify the health
needs of the population and make prioritised
decisions to secure care to meet those needs
within available resources
- The advocate for patients
- The custodian of the taxpayers money,
- The guardian of values eg the ambition of the
White Paper
6Our health, our care ,our say a new direction
for community services (www.tso.co.uk/bookshop)
- Ambition
- Enabling health, independence and well being
- Better access to GP
- Better access to community services
- Support for people with longer term needs
- Care close to home
- Ensuring reforms put people in control
- Making sure change happens
7Health reform framework
Incentives and tariff Information and
Demand side
Choice and Commissioning
New providers and competition
Better Care Better patient experience Better
value for money
System Management Regulation
Targets, Institutions and Regulation
8Commissioning Primary Care
- nGMS
- nPMS ( incl APMS,SPMS)
- Liberating the talents
- Agenda for Change
- nCommunity Pharmacy
- (LPS, PDS)
- Community Dentistry Options for Change
- Secondary to Primary care-PwSI, PBR, One Stop
care incl Community Hospitals. - LTC- NSFs, QOF, EPP, Community Matrons
- ...and Practice based commissioning
9A key finding of the evidence is that promotion
of learning, leadership and devolved management
to small teams is the major determinant of
organisational effectiveness. HR in the NHS Plan
10PSA Targets
- I. Access to treatment
- II. Improving the patient experience
- III. Long Term Conditions Management
- IV. Health of the population
11- Medical costs rise to equal the sum of all
private insurance and Government subsidy - Aaron Wildavskys
- Law of Medical Money
1221st Century Primary Care
- Information and access points ( eg W-in-Cs, NHS
Direct) - Continuing importance of Personal Care
- The potential of the registered list
- Emphasis on Long Term Conditions Management
including Self Management and especially of
Co-morbidity - Public Health oriented Clinicians
- Expanding Ambulatory Care
- Quality Assured
- Integrated services
- Active in commissioning of Secondary Care
- Choice for patients, clinicians and all staff
- Increasing accountability
- Improved infrastructure (premises, IT)
- New forms of ownership
- Significant contributor to social capital