Title: Clinical%20Trials%20Market%20in%20Russia
1Clinical Trials Market in Russia
- 17 October 2008
- ACTO objectives, structure, members
- CROs in Russia current status and perspectives
- Market of clinical trials in Russia current
status and perspectives - Regulatory system in Russia and its compliance to
international guidelines (ICH GCP, FDA, EU)
3Association of Clinical Trials Organizations
- non-commercial organization of the
companies/legal entities and clinical research
community engaged in clinical trials in Russia
4Areas of interest
5ACTO The main objectives
- Further development of Russia as a leading
clinical research country/market by engaging in
capacity building and activities to shape the
professional environment - Generation of awareness of clinical research as a
specialty and establishing the high Industry
reputation amongst the general public and
governmental agencies
6ACTO The main objectives
- Representing the interests of the members of the
Association - Creating a favorable business environment for the
companies conducting the clinical trials in
Russia - Maintaining constructive dialogue with regulatory
authorities and general public aimed at the
development of stable local legislative basis for
the clinical trials conduct harmonized with the
respective worldwide standards
7ACTO The main objectives
- Promoting an ethical business model
- Ensure a proper and effective balance between the
interests of parties involved in clinical trials
including the patients, the medical community,
and the general public and governmental agencies.
8The members of ACTO
- Pharmaceutical Companies
- Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Janssen Pharmaceutica
- Pfizer
- Candidates
- Bayer Schering Pharma AG
- Eli Lilly Vostok S.A.
- Contract Research Organizations
- Almedis ClinStar
- Worldwide Clinical Trials (WCT)
- i3 MB Quest (POI)
- Parexel PharmaNet
- PRA International
- PSI Quintiles Synergy
9Association management structure
10Committees Workgroups
- Regulatory committee
- Logistic committee
- Legislative committee
- HR Working group
11Projects and Activities
- Analysis of initiatives in changing of
legislation - Monitoring of Regulatory procedures and timelines
- Standardization of documents and procedures
- Preparation of draft national standard Clinical
Safety Data Management Definitions and Standards
for Expedited Reporting (an analogue of the ICH
E2A) - Good Taxation Practice (VAT rate 10)
- Salary Survey
- ACTO objectives, structure, members
- CROs in Russia current status and perspectives
- Market of clinical trials in Russia current
status and perspectives - Regulatory system in Russia and its compliance to
international guidelines (ICH GCP, FDA, EU)
13CROs in Russia
- About 60 CROs operating now
- Up to 5 new CROs appear every year
- 42 of trials have been initiated by CROs and 31
by foreign pharmaceutical companies
14Types of CROs in Russia
- Global CROs established their own offices
according to development plans (Quintiles, Icon,
PharmaNet, MBQ/POI, PRA) - Global CRO bought established local business
(WCT, i3, Parexel, Kendle, AAIPharma) - Joint venture (PSI)
- Local CROs (Almedis, Synergy Research Group)
- ACTO objectives, structure, members
- CROs in Russia current status and perspectives
- Market of clinical trials in Russia current
status and perspectives - Regulatory system in Russia and its compliance to
international guidelines (ICH GCP, FDA, EU)
16Russia important clinical research (CR) market
- Developed Market
- Population 143 million
- Centralized healthcare system
- Pool of physicians eager to conduct CR
- Large untapped patient source
- Number of well established vendors
- High quality of data
17Main areas of operation
182043 Clinical Trials in 2004-2007
Global CT
Global CT
Local CT
Bioequivalence Studies
Source Roszdravnadzor
19Structure of CT market
Global CT
Local CT (Local Manufactures)
Local CT (Foreign sponsors)
Bioequivalence (Local Manufactures)
Bioequivalence (Foreign sponsors)
Source Roszdravnadzor
20 Phases of CT (Foreign Sponsors)
2008, III quarters (Total 315)
I phase
II-III phase
IV phase
I-II phase
III phase
II phase
III-IV phase
Source Roszdravnadzor
21Japan in CT in Russia in 2008
- Cardiology 3 studies
- Neurology 2 studies
- Psychiatry 1 study
- Infectious diseases 1 study
- Infectious diseases / pulmonology - 1 study
- Pulmonology 1 study
- Infectious / skin diseases 1 study
- Rheumatology 1 study
Source Roszdravnadzor
22Quality of studies
- Based on 36 FDA inspection 1995 - 2007
- No Actions Indicated (NAI) 18 inspections (50)
- Voluntary Actions Indicated (VAI) 17
inspections (47) - Official Actions Indicated (OAI) 1 inspection
Source Applied Clinical Trials, Apr. 2008
- ACTO objectives, structure, members
- CROs in Russia current status and perspectives
- Market of clinical trials in Russia current
status and perspectives - Regulatory system in Russia and its compliance to
international guidelines (ICH GCP, FDA, EU)
24Regulatory system (structure and timelines)
25Laws and Regulations
- Federal Law On Medicines 22.06.1998 ? 86-??
- National Standard of the Russian Federation GOST
P 52379-2005 GOOD CLINICAL PRACTICE - Order of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation
of 19.06.2003 ? 266 Procedures of clinical
practice in Russian Federation" - Order of Roszdravnadzor of 17.08.2007 ?
2314-??/07 Statement of Central Ethics Committee"
- The standard is identical to Consolidated
Guideline on Good Clinical Practice, issued by
the International Conference on Harmonisation of
Technical Requirements to Registration of
Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH GCP)
27Questions Answers