Title: Investigator-initiated%20Multi-center%20Trials
1Investigator-initiated Multi-center Trials
- Jeffrey Clark, MDDF/HCC Medical Director for
Clinical Trials Operations - September 26, 2008
2- Whether a company, organization, or single
individual, the entity initiating the research
project is directly responsible for the overall
conduct of the entire study.
- Responsibilities of the sponsoring investigator
when conducting a multi-center trial - Requirements for planning and conducting a
multi-center trial - Strategies for managing a multi-center trial
4Investigator-initiated Defined
- Investigator conceives the concept to be
researched, develops the protocol and, as an
investigator acting as a sponsor, takes
responsibility for the initiation, conduct, and
management of the trial - Protocol development
- Study coordination
- Regulatory sponsor
Source ICH GCP Guidelines 1.53, 1.54
5Multi-center Trial Defined
- Single protocol conducted at more than one
location - Locations external to DF/HCC or DF/PCC Network
Source ICH GCP Guidelines 1.40 DF/HCC SOP PM-402
6Why Conduct a Multi-center Trial?
7What Is My Role?
- When you initiate a multi-center trial, you
become a Sponsor - Regulatory responsibility for entire trial at all
sites and for maintaining protocol in accordance
with all regulations - Your site (Lead Site) becomes the DF/HCC
coordinating center -
Source DF/HCC SOP PM-402
8Sponsor Responsibilities (1)
- Plan the study
- Develop and manage the protocol
- Register the trial with clinicaltrials.gov
- Perform all regulatory requirements
- Single liaison with regulatory agencies, review
and oversight authorities, and all participating
sites - File applications/revisions/amendments
- Maintain records
- Review and report adverse events
9Sponsor Responsibilities (2)
- Select and train all site personnel
- Protocol, study procedures, SAE reporting, and
data collection - Coordinate conduct of the study at all sites
- Protocol adherence, appropriate drug
handling/dispensing, adverse event reporting - Review and report all Serious Adverse Events
(SAEs) - Monitor the study at all sites
- Assure complete and accurate data collection,
analysis and reporting - Close the study
10How Do I Fulfill My Sponsor Obligations?
- Chances for success will be highest when you
adhere to the following guidelines
11Establish a Team that will
- Plan/organize the study
- Recruit participating sites
- Oversee aspects of the study
- Perform data analysis
- Write study reports and/or papers
- Source Friedman et al. Fundamentals of Clinical
Trials, 3rd edition -
12Determine Trial Feasibility
- Review literature/preclinical data
- Calculate sample size
- Estimate trial cost
- Evaluate availability of participants and/or
- Source Friedman et al. Fundamentals of Clinical
Trials, 3rd edition -
13Identify Essential Centers
- Source Friedman et al. Fundamentals of Clinical
Trials, 3rd edition -
14Initiate Inter-institutional Agreements
- Work with Research Administration to develop a
formal agreement/contract in situations where - Information/samples will be sent by or between
participating sites and the Lead Site - Financial arrangements must be made
- No other agreements exist between the
institutions - Must be reviewed and approved by DF/HCC Research
Administration Office prior to study activation
15Assess Organizational Structure
- Source Friedman et al. Fundamentals of Clinical
Trials, 3rd edition -
16Establish Quality Assurance Standards
- Develop consistent procedures for protocol
training and data collection - Discuss common problems
- Review proper ways to collect data and complete
- Source Friedman et al. Fundamentals of Clinical
Trials, 3rd edition -
17Develop the Data and Safety Monitoring Plan
- Set up procedures to review performance at all
sites - Recruitment, data collection, protocol adherence,
regulatory requirements - Determine the nature and frequency of site
monitoring - Base decision on complexity and risk level of
trial - Identify what will be monitored
- Consider plans for remediation and adjustment
- Select site monitor (s)
- Refer to DF/HCC Guidelines for Monitoring
Multi-center Trials - See DF/HCC website under QACT ? Multi-center
- Source Friedman et al. Fundamentals of Clinical
Trials, 3rd edition -
18Determine Authorship Policies
- Establish policies consistent with academic
standards - Publication
- Presentation
- Authorship
- Source Friedman et al. Fundamentals of Clinical
Trials, 3rd edition -
19Develop the Protocol
- Involve participating sites as much as possible
- Include in the protocol document
- Name of each participating site and site PI
- Multi-center data and safety monitoring plan
- Procedures for central participant registration
- Data submission schedule and method of
transmittal - Reporting policy for AEs, SAEs and unexpected
problems - Plan for site monitoring
- Source Friedman et al. Fundamentals of Clinical
Trials, 3rd edition DF/HCC SOP PM-402 -
20Initiate National Protocol Registration
- Register trial with clinicaltrials.gov
- Contact the Clinical Trials Education Office
(CTEO) for guidance - cteo_at_dfci.harvard.edu or 617-582-8480
21Coordinate Protocol Information
- Distribute protocol and subsequent amendments to
all participating sites - Assure each site is using and following correct
version of the protocol - Report any new information to DFCI IRB
- Include adverse events, protocol
deviations/violation, and unanticipated problems
occurring at all participating sites
- Source DF/HCC SOPs PM-402, PM-407
22Review and Report Deviations/Exceptions
- Request preauthorization of deviations and
exceptions from any site that might affect the
riskbenefit ratio or impact study integrity - Submit to DFCI IRB prior to initiation at any
site - Forward DFCI IRB written response to appropriate
site for submission to the local IRB - Submit other deviations on the deviation/violation
log at the time of continuing review
23Review and Report Violations
- Report protocol violations from any site that
affected the riskbenefit ratio or impacted study
integrity per the DFCI IRB reporting policy - Submit to local IRB and then forward to DFCI IRB
the local IRB determination using OPRS forms - Submit other violations on the deviation/violation
log at the time of continuing review
24Draft and File Amendments
- Pay attention to the frequency and nature of
deviations, exception and violations filed for
the protocol - Multiple deviations, exceptions or violations
associated with a specific aspect of the protocol
should elicit a protocol amendment - Submit amendments to DFCI IRB prior to
implementation at any site - Forward DFCI IRB written response and revised
documents to sites for submission to local IRB
25Oversee Essential Regulatory Documents
Regulatory Requirements
- Obtain and maintain the following documents from
each participating site - Federal wide assurance (FWA) number
- IRB approval letters for the protocol,
amendments, informed consent, and other
protocol-related approvals - Study-specific Form FDA 1572 accompanied by the
current and corresponding CVs - Delegation of Authority and/or Training logs
26Manage Additional Regulatory Documents
Regulatory Requirements
- Obtain and retain the following documents when
appropriate for the study - Approvals from other entities
- Study-related correspondence
- Confirmation of NCI investigator registration
- NCI/CTEP supported trial only
- Form FDA 1571
- Investigator-held IND trial only
27Summary of Regulatory Document Updates
Regulatory Requirements
Document Update
FWA Assurance Upon expiration, and when changes occur
IRB approval At least annually, and when changes occur
Study-specific Form FDA 1572 When changes occur at a site
CV Every 2 years
Delegation of Authority Log When changes occur
Form FDA 1571 At least annually, and when changes occur
NCI Investigator Registration Annually
28Observe Regulatory Reporting Requirements
Regulatory Requirements
- Report adverse events for all sites to DFCI IRB
and oversight authorities - Submit final reports at study completion to DFCI
IRB and oversight authorities
29Train Investigators and Staff
Study Conduct
- Train at the beginning and at intervals during
the trial - DF/HCC Standard Operating Procedures
- DFCI IRB Reporting requirements
- Study protocol and study-specific procedures
- Data collection
- Adverse event reporting
- Establish procedures for training new
investigators and study staff - Document training
30Establish Routine Progress Reports
Study Conduct
- Schedule progress reports with each participating
site - Suggested timelines
- Weekly (phase I)
- Monthly (phase II)
- At least every 3-6 months (phase III)
- Documentation
- Minutes from face-to-face meetings and
teleconferences, or email updates
31Register all Participants with QACT
Study Conduct
- Make sure all participants are registered with
QACT prior to initiation of the protocol
intervention - Submit eligibility checklist and signed/dated
consent form - QACT will review for completeness and confirm
registration - Notify participating site when registration is
- Source DF/HCC SOPs PM-402, QA-712
32Flow of Registration Procedures
Lead Site (Coordinating Center)
Local site
33Maintain Direct Drug Ordering
Study Conduct
- Non-DFCI sites should order any study drug (s)
directly from the supplier, except in unusual
circumstances - Make arrangement prior to the study
- Order after initial IRB approval for the site has
been forwarded to the Lead Site and/or supplier
34Monitor Drug Dispensing
Study Conduct
- Ensure implementation of local pharmacy and
dispensing procedures - Secure storage area
- No unauthorized access
- Dispense only for study use
- Accurate accountability records
Helpful hint In the case of NCI-supplied drug
(s), monitor the status of NCI investigator
registrations. Drug shipments may be delayed
until participating investigators are registered
with NCI.
35Develop Data Collection Procedures
Study Conduct
- Work with QACT to develop standardized case
report forms (CRFs) - eDC when appropriate
- Establish procedures to capture follow-up data if
long-term follow-up for toxicities and response
is needed
- Source DF/HCC SOPs PM-402, QA-715
36Oversee Data Accuracy
Study Conduct
- Monitor ongoing data submissions from all sites
to QACT - Submission schedule described in protocol and/or
multi-center data and safety monitoring plan - Respond to validity and accuracy checks (data
queries) within two weeks
- Source DF/HCC SOPs PM-402, QA-717
37Data Management Model
Returned to Lead Site (Coordinating Center)
Lead Site (Coordinating Center)
Combined data from all sites is generated by
the QACT data repository
Site A
QACT Data Repository
Each site sends data to the QACT data
Site B
38Promptly Report Adverse Events to DFCI IRB
Study Conduct
- Review safety evaluations from each site
- Report AEs and SAEs from any site
- Use the appropriate internal or external event
report form - Determine if any corrective actions should be
taken as a result of the event - Amend the protocol and/or revise the consent form
as necessary
- Source DF/HCC SOPs PM-402, PM-407, AE-601
39Report Events to all Participating Sites
Study Conduct
- Notify participating investigators of all SAEs
and request reporting to the local IRB - Events that are unexpected and related (or
possibly related) to the study - Forward any corrective actions that must be taken
as a result of the event - Amended protocol and/or revised consent form
40Flow of Adverse Event Reporting
Step 1 Sponsor reviews safety information from
each site to determine if any event
requires expedited reporting
Step 2 SAEs and any corrective actions are
shared with participating sites
Site A
Local IRB A
Local IRB B
Site B
41 Report Events to Other Entities
Study Conduct
- NIH/Office of Biotechnology Affairs (OBA)
- Trials using NCI-supplied investigational agent
(s) - Use the web-based reporting system (AdEERS) for
submission of serious and/or unexpected events - Copy OPRS on the transmission
- Trials using gene transfer
- Submit all SAEs
- Report by phone, email or fax
Important Reporting requirements for other
regulatory entities may differ from the DFCI IRB.
You must comply with all reporting requirements.
42Summary of AE Notification
Study Conduct
Who Circumstance Timeline
DFCI IRB Reportable event from any site Within 10 days of notification
NCI Agent under CTEP IND 24 hours Follow up within 5 days
OBA Human gene transfer study all SAEs 24 hours Follow up within 7 days
Participating Sites SAEs that are related (or possibly related) to study After DFCI IRB review and response
43Initiate Procedures for Site Monitoring
- Inform sites they may be audited by DF/HCC
- Examine site monitoring results/reports
- Adequacy of informed consent process
- Protocol adherence
- Appropriate adverse event reporting
- Verification that data matches the original
source documents - Submit to QACT copies of any external audit
- Source DF/HCC SOPs PM-402, QA-706
44File Data and Safety Monitoring Reports
- Submit information requested by the DF/HCC Data
and Safety Monitoring Committee (DSMC) in a
timely manner - Quarterly review
45Coordinate Study Closure Procedures
- Notify DFCI IRB and all sites when trial closes
to accrual - Participating sites must notify their IRBs as
local policy requires - Notify all sites when study-related activities
have ended - Participating sites must file study termination
reports with their IRBs as local policy requires - Report study completion to DFCI IRB and
applicable regulatory entities once all
study-related activities have ended
46Notify Sites of Record Retention Policy
- Inform sites to store data in locked, restricted
access, or password-protected location - Advise sites to retain all study-related
documents according to federal or institutional
policy, whichever is more stringent - HIPAA requires document retention for 6 years
following study completion
47What Your Coordinating Center Can Do
- Provide administrative support
- Confirm initial and ongoing IRB approvals for
each site - Manage regulatory documents
- Including study-specific Form FDA 1572 and CVs
from each site - Facilitate study participant registration
- Prepare information for oversight entities
- For example DFCI IRB forms or DSMB/DSMC reports
- Provide organizational support
- Organize investigator and staff training
- Keep an eye on data flow from each site
- Craft procedures for communicating with all
applicable parties - Coordinate monitoring or auditing visits
48How DF/HCC Can Help
- Supply templates for investigator-initiated
research - Protocol template
- Multi-center data and safety monitoring plan
template - Provide guidance about conducting a multi-center
trial - Multi-center Coordinating Committee
- Offer limited site monitoring services
- Funding and approval from QACT Director is
49For More Information
- Templates
- Visit the Clinical Investigator Toolkit
- Clinical Trials Portal or directly at
www.dfhcc.harvard.edu/toolkit - Guidance or monitoring requests
- Contact the Quality Assurance Office for Clinical
Trials (QACT) - qcc_at_dfci.harvard.edu or 617-632-3761
- Initiating a multi-center trial is a complex
undertaking - Understand your responsibilities as sponsor
- Think carefully before accepting responsibility
for a study at external sites - If a multi-center trial is appropriate and you
wish to proceed, make sure the necessary support
mechanisms are in place to ensure proper conduct
of the study at each site