Title: P1252428426uhbSB
1(No Transcript)
2 - Paula Mills
- Clinical Specialist
- The Meriden Family Work Programme
- paula.mills_at_bsmht.nhs.uk
3I believe strongly that Family Work should be
included in pre-registration curricula because
- It seems common sense!
- Moral/ethical argument
- Research evidence regarding efficacy
- Policy
- Current workforce
- Health care professionals WILL be working with
families and Carers. - Biopsychosocial model, holistic practice.
- Group work skills.
5Moral/Ethical argument
- Carers need to have a voice and be recognised and
involved within services/ in training. - Carers need to have an understanding of the
issues they face/services they have contact with. - Carers need to have the skills to effectively
support those they care for, and to maintain
their own well being.
6Effects of Mental Health Problems on Families
- Financial difficulties
- Constraints on social activities
- Effects on work/employment
- Effects on children
- Effects on health
- Disruption of household activities
7Effects of Mental Health Problems on Families
- Stress
- Sense of loss
- Effects on own mental health
- Family relationships strained
- Emotional reactions anxiety about the future,
fear etc.
8The Evidence Base
- There is an evidence base that shows Family Work
to be effective.
9Family Intervention StudiesRelapse Rates at
6-12 months
10Recent reviews and meta-analyses
- Pitschel-Walz et al (2001) Psycho-educational
- interventions are essential to schizophrenia
treatment. - Bustillo et al (2001) Psycho-educational family
intervention should be available to the majority
of persons suffering from schizophrenia. - Pilling et al (2002) Family intervention should
be offered to people with schizophrenia who are
in contact with carers.
- There are numerous Government policies which
support carer involvement and the implementation
of Family Work.
12Government Policy Endorsing Family Work
- National Service Frameworks (1999)
- NHS Plan P.I.G (2000)
- Developing services for carers and families of
people with mental illness (November 2002) - NICE guidelines for Schizophrenia (December 2002)
- Delivering Race Equality (2005)
13NSF 6 The Carers Standard
- All individuals who provide regular and
substantial care for a person on CPA should - - have an assessment of their caring, physical
and mental health needs repeated on at least an
annual basis - - have their own written care plan which is
given to them and implemented in discussion with
14NICE Guidelines on Schizophrenia
Standard Family interventions to be offered to
100 of families of individuals with
schizophrenia who have experienced a recent
relapse, are considered to be at risk of
relapsing, or who have persisting symptoms, and
are living with or in close contact with their
family. All individuals who receive family
interventions should be offered more than 10
sessions, the course of treatment lasting for
more than 6 months.
15The Current Workforce
- There are a significant number of workers already
trained in family work across a variety of
different clinical settings.
16MERIDEN - current numbers
- Current number of therapists trained - over 2000
across the West Midlands. - Current number of trainers 123 across 13 Trusts.
17Trainer Profile - Profession(n 123) June 2005
18Professional Breakdown of TraineesJuly 2005
19Pre-Registration Training
- 5 day training currently running with
Wolverhampton University (Nurse Training). - Positive feedback received.
- Further details contact Mr Robert Peumalu
(Lecturer Practitioner) - robert.peumalu_at_smhsct.nhs.uk
20Pre-Registration Training
- Potential Benefits
- Increased likelihood of Family Work being seen as
core business? - Students more open-minded to new ways of
working? - Increased implementation rates?
21Contact Details
- www.meridenfamilyprogramme.com
- Telephone 0121 678 2896