Title: SPACE Slideshows
1SPACE Slideshows
- By Benjamin Taylor
- For Mrs. Alpers
2The Moon
- Oakview Elementary School
- Greenville County SC
3Earths Closest NeighborDid you ever wonder what
is Earths closest neighbor? Its the Moon. The
Moon orbits around the Earth like the Earth
orbits around the Sun.
4CratersDo you also wonder what those big holes
in the Moon are? They are called Craters. Craters
are holes that were made by huge meteorites
crashing into the moon.
5Galileo GalileiIn the late 1600s, Italian
mathematician Galileo Galilei made drawings of
the moons surface after studying it through his
simple telescope.
6The Phases of the MoonHave you ever wondered why
the moon changes shape? It doesnt. The Moon is
always a round sphere. We call this The Phases of
the Moon. The Moon does not have its own light.
The Moon is reflecting the Sun. Every day, a
little more of the Moons lighted side can be
seen on Earth. Its only the angle of the sun.
7A Lunar EclipseA Lunar Eclipse is when no
sunlight falls on the moon for a short period of
time. Say its a full moon and it becomes darker
and darker and darker until no sunlight is
shining on the moon. It usually lasts for about
15 minutes and then it goes back to a full moon.
8A Blue MoonOnce every 2.7 years, there are two
full moons in one month. This happens because the
twelve months in our calendar do not exactly
match the moons cycle. The second full moon in
one month is called a Blue Moon. This name has
nothing to do with the color of the moon, and it
is unclear how the term came about. The
expression once in a blue moon has come to mean
something that does not happen very often.
9Men on the MoonAstronauts have traveled to the
Moon many times. Sometimes astronomers sent
spacecrafts and telescopes to see images from the
10There are many stories about the Moon. Maybe you
could make up a story about the Moon.
11Dedicated to my Classmates. . .
- Logan A.
- Lydia A.
- Alexis B.
- Mia C.
- Wynn D.
- Ben H.
- Tomoya I.
- Charles J.
- Anvitha K.
- Emmy K.
- Leonora L.
- Matthew L.
- Connor M.
- Marissa M.
- Jack N.
- Madison S.
- Lauren S.
- Sophie S.
- Emma W.
- Ryan W.
12Oakview Elementary SchoolGreenville County SC
- Carmen Bredeson.
- The Moon
- Grolier Publishing
- 1998
14SPACE Slideshows