Title: Sonde data for TES validation
1Sonde data for TES validation
- Jennifer Logan
- Harvard University
2Ozonesonde Data
- Data from WOUDC and SHADOZ analyzed at
Harvard and provided to TES team for early
validation as ascii files in a common format. - Obviously bad data omitted
- April, 2005
- Data for Sept. 2004 onwards, for 21 stations
- No regular sonde data at AVDC
- July, 2005
- Data for Sept. 2004 onwards, for 10 stations
- Status of sonde data at AVDC
- April, 2005 AVE sonde data at AVDC
- June, 2005 SHADOZ data at AVDC
- September CMDL, Canadian data at AVDC
3- Use sonde data to examine
- Are the validation profiles typical
- Spatial variability of tropospheric ozone on a
given day, using European stations - Temporal variability using European data
- Use TOMS data to examine
- Temporal variability at sonde locations - mainly
reflects the stratosphere - Contrast mid-latitude and tropical profiles
- MOZAIC data in Europe would be best for looking
at tropospheric variability vs. time, but not yet
available - MOZAIC data for August 2004 just released.
4Most stations have weekly data
5Are the sonde data from fall 2004 typical?
- Variability is very high in UT/LS
- Variability is higher in spring than in fall.
- TES averaging kernels are broad, so need good
match in space/time
Black mean one sd., for 1985-2000.
Color - profiles on Nov. 5, 10, 12
6Spatial variability on the same day - Oct. 13,
Hohen., Payerne 330 km apart Legion., Linden
470 km Hoh/Pay. to Lind./Leg 540-1190 km
Payerne and Hohen. very similar up to 400 hPa.
Oct. 13
7Another example - November 10
8Nov. 5th 15 ppb difference, almost 50. Can
TES differentiate such a gradient?
9Median difference between two stations 330 km
apartand 25th and 75th percentiles
Median difference is mostly lt10 in the trop.,
but differences often exceed 30 more than 25 of
the time in the UT/LS
10Temporal differences large in UT/LSNo daily
data available - 2 day differences
Compare blue and turquoise, brown and purple,
green and red
All profiles within a week of central (blue)
11Another example - Hohenpeissenberg, Nov.
Soundings on Wed/Fri in fall, Mon., Wed., Fri. in
12Daily ozone columns from TOMS Columns indicate
when temporal variability is an issue
Dashed lines month start Red line TES match
Comparison of mid-latitude and tropical
variability All profiles in two months
Payerne Oct-Nov
Ascension Sept-Oct
14Issues The criteria used so far for TES give
relatively few matches, even with data from 20-30
locations. Stricter criteria gt fewer
matches Analysis of MOZAIC data will provide
daily profiles, and show trop. variability for
Europe, as 5 flights in one day - but only for
0-11 km.
15MOZAIC flights offer the chance to examine
variability on short time scales - but note that
profiles are not vertical. They are within 250
km of each airport
Profiles measured within 24 h
10 h
17 h