Title: The Evolving Meaning of Scholarship in Academic Medicine
1The Evolving Meaning of Scholarshipin Academic
- Topics for Educators of
- Emergency Medicine Conference
- February 23, 2003
- Ruth-Marie E. Fincher, MD
- Vice Dean for Academic Affairs
- Medical College of Georgia School of Medicine
2Fact No One Cares More About Your Promotion
than YOU
- Recommendation
- Take the lead!
- Be sure you are ready
3Read and Understand the Rules at Your School
- What?
- Faculty Handbook
- Guidelines for Promotion
- School of Medicine
- Department of Emergency Medicine
- When?
- Before you sign your contract!
4By the Time You Are Notified by Your Deans
Office. . .
- that you are eligible for promotion or tenure
based on time in rank, you should be putting the
finishing touches on your promotion packet. . . . - not beginning to think about whether or not you
meet the criteria. . . . - or have documented your achievements
5As a Clinical Faculty Member, You Are Probably
Expected to. . . .
- Care for patients and earn money
- Teach medical students residents
- Emergency department practice
- Small groups
- Lecture
- Engage in scholarly activity
- Provide service to the institution
- Committees
6Teaching Should Not Be Willy-nilly Activity You
Must Decide. . . .
- How important is teaching to your career
development? - How much time do you invest?
- Do you and your chair have agreed-upon
- goals?
- expected outcomes?
- Should be an extension of your primary
responsibilities - Is your research/scholarship
- Teaching/education?
- Bench research?
- Clinical research?
8Plan Your Activities and Assess Outcomes
- Are your activities congruent with your career
development goals? - Teaching responsibilities
- How will you document and assess?
- Scholarship
- Extension of primary responsibilities
- Clinical care
- Committee assignments
- Are you are on the appropriate academic track for
your responsibilities?
9Varying Interpretation Can Lead to. . . .
- inappropriate track appointment
- disconnect between fulfillment of
responsibilities and meeting expectations for
promotion - underestimation of expectations for teaching
quality and quantity - failure to engage in or demonstrate accepted
forms of scholarship
10Educational Contributions Could These Be
Scholarly Activities?
- Curriculum design or development
- Direct teaching responsibilities
- Instructional materials
- Educational administration
- Educational scholarship
- Professional development in education
- Advising/mentoring
11What Is teaching?
12What is scholarship?
13ScholarshipA Broader Definition
- Scholarship is demonstrated when knowledge is
advanced or transformed by application of ones
intellect in an informed, disciplined, and
creative manner. - Hansen Roberts Tch Learn Med 4136-9,1992.
- Teaching becomes scholarship when it demonstrates
knowledge, pedagogical innovation, invites peer
review, and explores learning. - Hutchings Shulman Change 11-15,1999.
14Products Might Include. . .
- Instructional materials
- Web-based, syllabi, modules/cases
- Evaluation tools
- Program development
- Educational leadership or administration
15Scholarly Products Must Be. . .
- assessed for quality and value by peers, using
agreed-upon criteria - How? By whom?
- made public for others to learn from or build
upon - What constitutes dissemination?
16Scholarship Must Be Assessed by Consistent Methods
- Clear goals
- Adequate preparation
- Appropriate methods relative to goals
- Significant results that contribute to field
- Effective communication
- Reflective critique
Glassick et al., Scholarship Assessed, 1997
17Glassicks Model Applies to Discovery and
TeachingClear Goals
- Discovery
- Hypotheses
- Clearly stated
- Pose questions that are important to field
- Testable
- Teaching
- Objectives
- Clear
- Achievable
- Measurable
- Appropriate to course expectations and level of
18Effective Presentation Includes Dissemination
- Discovery
- Publication of papers in peer-reviewed journals
- Presentation in public domain
- Teaching
- Evidence of sharing results
- Curriculum committee
- Web site information
- Adoption of materials, techniques or process
- Mentoring colleagues
- Influencing teaching skills of others
19Future Directions Teaching and Educational
- Single measures
- Emphasis on student evaluation for summative
purposes - Teaching - technical
- Teaching - private
- Emphasis on faculty characteristics
- No. Contact hours
- Emphasis on teaching
- Strive for adequacy
- Multiple measures
- Emphasis on peer participation for formative
purposes - Teaching - scholarly
- Teaching - public
- Emphasis on learning environment characteristics
- Demonstrated learning
- Emphasis on learning
- Strive for excellence
20Illustrative Cases
- How does each individual demonstrate/fail to
demonstrate scholarship related to teaching? - Assuming no additional scholarship, should this
individual be promoted? - If not, what advice would you give?
21Your Own ExperienceTalk with your neighbors
- In what teaching activities are you involved?
- What is your scholarship related to teaching?
- If none (and you are interested), how could you
generate a two-for-one?