Title: The Scientific Publishing Cycle
1The Scientific Publishing Cycle
- Cleo Pappas MLIS, AHIP
- Introduction to EBM
2Knowledge Cycle
- A description of the journey from the coffee
room to the coffee table.
3Knowledge Cycle
- Idea development/research design
- Idea discussion/funding(?)
- Research
- Preliminary results shared with peer group
4- Results/findings are reported formally
- Reports (publicly funded research)
- Peer Review
5- Results/findings are generalized
- Within a discipline
- Across disciplines
- For the interested lay person
- Results/findings are Popularized
- "in the news"
- "on TV"
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Current Invisible College, Email, memos, lab data, conversations No access for general audiences
Finished Research Report Unpublished papers, conference proceedings, letters to the editor Current awareness of research projects
Completion 1 year Journal article (refereed) Description of completed research research methodology, findings, conclusions
6 months - Books Broader overview, placing research in historical, disciplinary, interdisciplinary contexts
2 years - Disciplinary Reference Books Compilations of different viewpoints within a discipline
8Publication Cycle
9Access Cycle
- Proprietary Information
- Talk to instructors or professors
- Meetings, Seminars, Workshops
- Databases via WWW
- Research Reports
- Journals of Professional Associations and
Societies - Peer-reviewed journals
- Newspapers
- Popular magazines
- Library catalogs
11Knowledge Cycle
12Publication Types
13Publication Types
- Primary
- Secondary
- Tertiary
- Popular
14Primary Literature
- First result of research results
- Opportunity for criticism of research or theory
- Document is usually a refereed or peer reviewed
article - Author is a researcher.
- Audience is research peers.
15Secondary Literature
- The purpose is to generalize or integrate
research within a discipline. - The document is a review article and may be
published in a review series or professional
society journal. - Author is an authority in the field.
- Audience consists of interested colleagues from
other fields or students looking for state of
the art research.
16Tertiary Literature
- Purpose is to explain the ideas within a
discipline - May consist of textbook chapters, encyclopedia
articles, bibliographies, or feature articles in
scientific magazines. - Author is a technical writer.
- Audience consists of those unfamiliar with the
field or students.
17Popular Literature
- Purpose is to inform and to entertain.
- Found in popular magazines, radio, television,
.com web sites. - Author is often anonymous or a feature writer or
reporter. - Audience tends to be superficially curious.
18Diverse Contents of a General Medical
JournalFletcher, Robert W. and Suzanne W
Fletcher. Clinical Epidemiology. Philadelphia
Lippincott Williams Wilkins, 2005
Science Profession of Medicine
Original Research Medical Education
Preliminary Studies History
Review articles Public Policy
Editorials (synthesis and opinion) Book Reviews
Letters to the Editor News
Hypotheses Stories and Poems
19Structure of research publication
- Subject or section headings and their sequence
20Anatomy of a Research PaperBranson, Richard.
Respiratory Care October 2004 Vol 49 No.10 1222
- Title Page
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusions
- Acknowledgements
- Summary
21Title Page
- Title
- Authors
- Key Words
- Corresponding Author
- Financial and Equipment Support
- Conflicts of Interest
22The Organization of a Structured Abstract
Fletcher, Robert W. and Suzanne W Fletcher.
Clinical Epidemiology. Philadelphia Lippincott
Williams Wilkins, 2005
23Heading Information
Context Why is the research important? What is already known?
Objective What the investigators wished to learn.
Setting The setting to which results can be generalized.
Participants Describe patients and how many there were (speaks to statistical power/precision.
Design How strong is the study, and how well matched is it to the research question?
Intervention Is it state of the art and is it feasible in your setting?
Main outcome measures Are the outcomes clinically important?
Results What was discovered?
Conclusion Do the authors believe that the results answer their question? How convincingly?
- Background with seminal references
- Name or describe the problem.
- What is the issues importance?
- Research question and hypothesis.
- How was the study performed?
- Sufficient information for replication
- Subjects
- Equipment
- Intervention or study procedures
- Data analysis
- Findings in a sequential timeline with no bias or
interpretation. - Results only confirm or reject the hypothesis.
- Addresses the statistics.
- Interprets the results.
- Draw conclusions.
- What does the statistical validity of the study
imply? - Includes the preponderance of references.
- Reviews the current knowledge and demonstrates
how this study adds to that body of knowledge.
- Draw inferences and hunches with the caveat that
they are speculation. - State what the next step in the research process
should be.
- Cites those individuals who contributed but not
enough to earn authorship.
30Structure of a Research Publication
- Organization of content and its sequence.
31M.A.A.R.I.E. FrameworkRiegelman, Richard K.
Studying a Study Testing a Test. Philadelphia
Lippincott Williams Wilkins, 2005.
- Methods
- Assignment
- Assessment
- Results
- Interpretation
- Extrapolation
32Study Design
33Study Design - Descriptive
- Case Report
- Case Series
- Time Series
- Ecological Studies
- Cross-sectional Studies
- Design Surveys
- Surveillance Studies
34Study Designs - Evaluative
- Observational Cohort, Case-control
- Experimental Randomised/non-randomised
35Case Control Studies
- Cases are those with the disease
- Controls are those without the disease
- Prone to error and bias
- Good to demonstrate association or cause and
effect - Observational
36Benefits of case-controlled studies
- Efficient, relatively quick
- Useful for rare diseases
- Data mining
37Drawbacks of Case-control Studies
- Case and control selection
- Measurement of exposure
- Memory errors
38Cohort Studies
- Group of individuals who share a common
experience - Frequency of developing the disease is analyzed
- Observational
39Benefits of Cohort Studies
- Organized data collection
- Reliable, not memory
- Clear time order
40Drawbacks of Cohort Studies
- Time-consuming
- Expensive
- Loss to follow-up
41Both case-controlled studies and cohort studies
are observational.
42Randomized Clinical Trials
- Also called controlled clinical trials
- Employ randomization
- May be double blind
- Good for determining criteria for cause
43Criteria for Cause
- Association
- Prior association
- Altering the cause alters the effect
44Publication Characteristics (Publication Types of
PubMed) Scope Notes
- www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/pubtypes2006.html
- Or
- Search the NLM web site for Publication
45Study DesignMann CJ. Observational research
methods. Research design II cohort, cross
sectional, and case-control studies. Emerg Med J.
2003 Jan20(1)54-60
- Study Purpose
- Sample
- Control Group
- Quality of Measurements and Outcomes
- Completeness
- Distorting Influences
- Validity
46Types of Studies
- Meta-Analysis
- Systematic Review
- Randomized Controlled Trial
- Cohort studies
- Case Control studies
- Case Series/Case Reports
- Animal research/Laboratory studies
47Evidence Pyramid
48Types of Questions
- Diagnosis
- Therapy
- Harm/Etiology
- Prognosis
49Type of Question Suggested Study Type
Therapy RCTgtcohort gt case control gt case series
Diagnosis prospective, blind comparison to a gold standard
Etiology/Harm RCT gt cohort gt case control gt case series
Prognosis cohort study gt case control gt case series
Prevention RCT gt cohort gt case control gt case series
Clinical Exam prospective, blind comparison to gold standard
Cost Economic analysis
50What type of study would you choose?
- A colleague confides in you that her spouse has
been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease . She
asks you to research the likelihood that he will
need a transplant.
51What type of study would you choose?
- A physician asks you to research treatments for
side effects of breast cancer radiation.
52What type of study would you choose?
- A pediatrician asks you to research the impact of
pacifiers on SIDS.
53What type of study would you choose?
- 17 year old East Asian male presents with second
episode of optic neuritis. MRI shows
demyelination. In children with multiple
sclerosis, compare the use of interferon and
steroids to prevent relapse.
54What kind of study is this?
- N Engl J Med. 2006 Jun 22354(25)2655-66.
Comment in N Engl J Med. 2006 Jun
22354(25)2707-9. Cyclophosphamide versus
placebo in scleroderma lung disease.
55What kind of study is this?
- Margolin S, Johansson H, Rutqvist LE, Lindblom A,
Fornander T. Family History, and Impact on
Clinical Presentation and Prognosis, in a
Population-based Breast Cancer Cohort from the
Stockholm County. Fam Cancer. 2006 Jul 1 PMID
56What kind of study is this?
- 1 Kettlewell S, Moyes C, Bray C, Soutar D,
MacKay A, Byrne D, Shoaib T, Majumder B, MacKie
R. Value of sentinel node status as a prognostic
factor in melanoma prospective observational
study. BMJ. 2006 Jun 17332(7555)1423. Epub 2006
May 30. PMID 16735303
57(No Transcript)
58RCT Design http//pcpss2.rfc.ucl.ac.uk/SocInd/dat
59RCT Designhttp//www.endometriosisguide.com/image
60- Chalmers J, MacMahon S. Rationale and design of
the ADVANCE study a randomized trial of blood
pressure lowering and intensive glucose control
in high-risk individuals with type 2 diabetes
mellitus. J Hypertens. 200119(suppl4)S17-S24.
61(No Transcript)
- Cohort design commences from the suspected factor
and not from the disease as in case control
study. It proceeds prospectively in a forward
direction from the cause towards the occurrence
of the expected disease.
63Shaw AK, Morrison HI, Speechley KN, Maunsell E,
Barrera M, Schanzer D, Pogany L, Desmeules M. The
late effects study design and subject
representativeness of a Canadian, multi-centre
study of late effects of childhood cancer.
Chronic Dis Can. 2004 Summer-Fall25(3-4)119-26.
PMID 15841852
- The Late Effects Study of the Program was
designed to assess psychosocial and physical
health outcomes among survivors of childhood
cancer compared to general population controls.
The objectives of this paper are to describe the
design and methodology of the multi-centre,
retrospective cohort study, present clinical
characteristics of the survivor population, and
evaluate the representativeness of study
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- To determine if herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV1)
infection was associated with the development of
oral cancer, Starr et al (Cancer Res. 2001 Dec
161(23)8459-64) first identified 259 people
with oral cancer (cases) and 444 without oral
cancer (controls). The investigators then
measured the HSV1 antibody levels of each
individual in both the case and control groups.
Of the 259 cases, 190 (73) showed antibodies to
HSV1, while 287 out of 444 controls (64) had
HSV1 antibodies. Since the percentage of those
with HSV1 antibodies is greater in cases than in
controls (73 vs. 64), HSV1 infection might be
positively associated with oral cancer.
68Case Controlhttp//www.slackbooks.com/excerpts/16
- In a case-control study, patients are entered
into the study based on the presence or absence
of the outcome (or disease) of interest. These 2
groups (ie, those with the disease and those
without the disease) are then compared to
determine if they differ with regard to their
presence of risk factors of interest.
Case-control studies are always retrospective.
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