Title: Education Informatics
1Education Informatics
- Christopher Cimino, M.D.
- Office of Computer Based Education
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine
2Education Informatics
- Teaching
- Interactions, tools, objectives
- Technology as a tool to teach medicine
- Teaching medical informatics
- Objectives, tools, faculty development
3How does teaching occur?
- Who is the student?
- Who is the teacher?
- What is being passed between teacher and student?
- What is the role of discovery?
4Where does teaching occur?
- Lecture vs. small group vs. one-on-one
- Self study vs. tutoring
- Examinations as learning tools
5What passes between teacher and student
- Communicating knowledge
- Assessing understanding and aptitude
- Changing the student's behavior
- Training skills
- Student as teacher (Dialogue)
6Where does technology fit in?
- Ancient "technology
- Books
- Present technology
- VCR, Slide projectors, Computer Aided Instruction
- Future technology
- WWW, Distance Learning
7Examples Computer as a failed teaching tool
- Strengths Communication, Assessment
- Graphics, simulations, item banks
- Weaknesses Role-modeling, Dialogue, Economics
- Emphasis on "self" study and "self" assessment
8U.C.Davis - Hematology
9Whole Brain Atlas
11Acid-Base Simulator
12Simulated Patient
15Examples WWW as a successful teaching tool
- Strengths Communication, Assessment, Work Flow
- Weaknesses Role-modeling, Dialogue
- What makes this a success when computers before
it failed?
16Merck Manual
18Clinical Pharmacology
19Clinical Pharmacology
20Medical Matrix
21Electronic Med. Rec. Sys. Project
22Live ICU Monitoring
23Cost of educational technology
- Why cost data is difficult to pin down
- Silly accounting tricks
- Real cost saving tricks
24(No Transcript)
25(No Transcript)
26(No Transcript)
27Evaluation of educational technology
- Education success as measured by science
- Why success is harder to measure in medical
education - Alternate measures of success
28Organizing principles
- Knowledge
- Skills
- Attitudes
29Organizing principles
- Mission
- Needs
- Goals
- Objectives
- Solutions
- Evaluation
- Skills
- Knowledge
- Attitudes
- Student Evaluation
- Program Evaluation
30Needs and Objectives
31Medical Informatics Objectives
- AAMC MSOP Project
- Nursing Informatics Objectives
- Other sources of Informatics Objectives
32AAMC Informatics Objectives
- Life-long learner
- Clinician
- Educator/Communicator
- Researcher
- Manager
33AAMC Required Objectives
- Computer literacy
- MEDLINE (Basic Complex)
- Maintain Lit. DB
- Retrieve full text
- Intellectual Property Law
- Evidence Based Medicine
- Navigate a CIS
- Evaluate lab result
- Use decision support tools
- Deal with uncertainty
- Electronic Security
34AAMC Suggested Objectives
- Educational technologies
- Presentation
- Locate data
- Data collection
- Data analysis
- Data presentation
- Gene sequencing and DB
- Lab automation
- Bibliographic DB structure
- Health care finance management
- Cost benefit analysis
- Scheduling tools
35Comparing Objectives
- Basic computer literacy
- Disagree on details
- Common themes
- Organizing principles
- Divergence
- Required vs. Suggested
36Teaching and assessing knowledge
- Intellectual property law as an example
- Putting teaching into practice
- Putting assessment into practice
37Teaching and assessing skills
- Doing a MEDLINE search as an example
- Putting teaching into practice
- Putting assessment into practice
38Teaching and assessing attitudes
- Regard for patient privacy as an example
- Putting teaching into practice
- Putting assessment into practice
39Educational technology revisited
- Intellectual property law " as an example
- Doing a MEDLINE search" as an example
- Regard for patient privacy" as an example
40Cost revisited
- Intellectual property law as an example
- Doing a MEDLINE search as an example
- Regard for patient privacy as an example
41Benefits of Integrated Education
- Benefits to students
- Benefits to faculty
- Benefits to the institution
42Obstacles to Integrated Education
- Assigning "credit"
- Logistical problems
- Faculty development
44Student vs. Physician
- Lower cost of student time
- Other measures in place to protect patient
- Captive audience - strong motivating tools
- Needs less sophisticated and more basic
- Perception that technology is good
45Student Educational Needs
- Administrative - communication, feedback
- Content Learning
- Image atlases (early phase), Self assessment
(early phase), Focused search for information
(later phase) - Learning to use tools
- Bibliographic database, Drug reference, Patient
information system
- Economic
- Infrastructure equipment and support
- Licensing
- Policy
- Shared infrastructure and protection of patient
- Envy of staff
- Faculty resistance to using motivational tools
47More Obstacles
- Access
- Platform dependance
- Slow
- Non-intuitive interface
- Work flow dissonance
- Linkage problems