1 Whats new in Respiratory Sepsis? 2 Voltaire Patients mostly get better by themselves. Its the job of the physician to entertain them on the way 3 Need to entertain
Acute exacerbations of COPD
(not pleural sepsis or opportunistic infections)
4 Need to distinguish
Non-severe from severe
Community from hospital acquired
5 Pulmonary infections
Very common
Pneumonia alone gt60 000 deaths in UK each year
Remain a major cause of death despite antibiotics
Unprecedented increase in antibiotic resistance
6 What can we do?
Discover more antibiotics?
70 of antibiotics fed to animals
Judicious use of antibiotics
7 Acute exacerbation of COPD(AECOPD) 8 AECOPD Neutrophil inflammation
9 Treatment of AECOPD
Not Pneumonia
Which antibiotic?
2nd line - Co-amoxyclav
or erythro / clarithromcyin
not ciprofloxicin alone
Oral cephalosporins not great
10 New drugs
Once daily
Oral only
3rd generation quinolone with activity against Pneumococcus
Anti-inflammatory properties
Used as 10 day course during AECOPD
11 Pneumonia 12 Distinguish
URTIs, AECOPD, pneumonia and bronchiectasis
Non-severe from severe
Community vs. hospital acquired
13 Community Acquired Pneumonia
Who can be treated at home?
Who should be hospitalised?
How aggressive?
Ordinary ward or ITU?
Are there useful markers of severity to allow appropriate triage?
14 Assessing severity
20 parameter assessment
Pneumonia severity index (PSI score)
18 reduction in admission rate for non-severe CAP
5 or 4 score parameters (CURB-65)
Useful to predict 30 day mortality
15 CURB 65
C onfusion MMT 8
U rea gt 7
R espiratory rate gt30
B lood pressure diastolic BP 60
or systolic BP lt90
65 age or older
Where Urea result not available
16 CRB-65 17 Investigations 18 Value of sputum culture is poor
non-severe pneumonia
no co-morbid disease
received prior antibiotics
Dont culture unless
severe infection
previous multiple antibiotics
will usefully help guide management
19 Investigations urinary antigen
Legionella urinary antigen
Pneumococcal urinary antigen
more sensitive than sputum and blood culture
no evidence yet for benefit in final outcome
20 CRP
Better than WCC to detect CAP in febrile patient
Not related to severity
Useful to distinguish CAP from AECOPD
lt 50 CAP unlikely
gt 100 CAP likely (AECOPD unlikely)
21 Differential diagnosis
Opportunistic infection (TB, MAI, PCP)
Foreign body
COP (cryptogenic organising pneumonia)
Connective tissue diseases
Eosinophilic pneumonia
22 Differential diagnosis Right upper lobe tumour 23 If partial lung collapse -consider obstructive lesion 24 Bronchoscopy 25 Voltaire Yes, but can you do anything useful? 26 What about recurrent infections? Diagnose, CRB65 and Rx
Not Amoxicillin 250mg tablets in adults 27 Bronchiectasis 28 Definition
Chronic nerotizing infection of the bronchi and bronchioles
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