Title: From attention to intention
1From attention to intention
- Modelling decisions and plans in clinical practice
2Hot buttons
- Notations
- cognitive processes
- tasks
- Planning and design
- Distributed and autonomous agents
- Software engineering
3Motivation medicine and music
Guido d'Arezzo Benedictine monk, musical theorist
and teacher.
4Elementary cognitive entities and processes
Candidate solutions
5Reifying processes into tasks
Candidate solutions
6Triple assessment of women with suspected breast
cancerV Patkar, C Hurt, , J Fox (Brit J Cancer
Triple assessment of women with suspected breast
cancer V Patkar, C Hurt, (Brit J Cancer 2006)
7Modelling decisions, plans and processes
decision 'WhichRadiologyDecision'
caption "Which radiology?" choice_mode
multiple support_mode symbolic
candidate 'mammogram' caption
"Do a mammogram of both breasts"
argument -, patientAge lt 35 '
caption "The patient is younger than
35yrs" argument ,
patient_latestHistory_priorThoracicRT "yes"
and patient_latestHistory_priorThoracicRT_ti
ming gt 8 and patientAge gt 30
caption "Patient is over 30 years of age and
has received chest radiotherapy
argument , (patient_historyPreviousMaligna
ncyType includes "breast in situ" or
patient_historyPreviousMalignancyType includes
"breast invasive") caption
"The patient has had a previous breast
malignancy" argument ,
patient_latestHistory_pain "yes" and
patient_latestHistory_pain_cyclicity "non
cyclical" caption "The
patient has non-cyclical breast pain
recommendation netsupport( WhichRadiologyDecisio
n, mammogramCandidate) gt 1 candidate
'ultrasound' caption "Do an
ultrasound of the affected area"
argument , patient_latestMammography_appea
rance includes "mass lesion" or
patient_latestMammography_appearance includes
"asymmetric density
recommendation netsupport(WhichRadiologyDecisio
n, ultrasoundCandidate) gt 1 candidate
'neither' caption "No imaging is
necessary" recommendation
ultrasoundCandidate) lt 1 AND netsupport(
WhichRadiologyDecision, mammogramCandidate) lt 1
end decision.
8PROforma decision
- decision 'Diagnosis_decision'
- caption "Diagnosis decision"
- candidate ''peptic ulcer''
- argument for,age lt 35 OR weight
normal attributes - argument_name 'age lt 35 OR
weight normal' - end attributes
- recommendation netsupport(decision_11,
'peptic ulcer') gt 1 - candidate 'cancer'
- argument for,biopsy abnormal
attributes - argument_name 'biopsy
abnormal' - end attributes
- argument for,age gt 50 AND Weight
down attributes - argument_name 'age gt 50 AND
Weight down' - caption "Elderly patient has
lost weight" - end attributes
- recommendation netsupport(decision_11,
'cancer') gt 1 - end decision.
9PROforma plan
- plan 'Simple_plan_example'
- caption "Example of a plan with 4
components" - abort patient_discharged yes
- terminate patient_recovered yes
- component 'Diagnosis_decision'
- schedule_constraint
completed('Patient_history') - number_of_cycles 1
- component 'Patient_history'
- number_of_cycles 1
- component 'Pathway_1'
- schedule_constraint
completed('Diagnosis_decision') - number_of_cycles 1
- component 'Pathway_2'
- schedule_constraint
completed('Diagnosis_decision') - number_of_cycles 1
- end plan.
10Project proposal
- Services
- Annotation
- Simulation
- Composition
- Review
- Debate
- Notation
- Synoptic process (agent)
- Describe (beliefs)
- Frame (Goals)
- Options (Worlds)
- Assess (Argue)
- Select (Commit)
- Do (Implement)