Title: Computing with Words
1Computing with Words
ECE 1001
- Professor Marian S. Stachowicz
- Laboratory for Intelligent Systems
- University of Minnesota Duluth
October 7, 2004
2What are Fuzzy Sets?
Problem 1 Given the set U 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1
0,11,12, describe the set of prime numbers.
A u in U u is a prime number
The elements of the set are defined unequivocally
as A 2,3,5,7,11
3Problem 2 Now using the same set U, suppose we
want to describe the set of small numbers.
M u in U u is a small number
Now, it is not so easy to define the set. We can
use a sharp transition like the following,
4Or an alternative way to define the set would be
to use a smooth transition.
Characteristic Function
A U --gt 0,1
Membership Function
M U --gt 0,1
5The set of small numbers which we described
earlier are represented as a fuzzy set in the
following manner in the Fuzzy Logic Pack.
Small FuzzySet1,1,2,1,3,.9,4,.6,5,.4
,6,.3, 7,.2,8,.1,9,0,10,
UniversalSpace -gt 0,12
6Fuzzy set theory provides a strict mathematical
framework in which vague conceptual
phenomena can be precisely and rigorously studied.
7Fuzzy Areas of Application
- Fuzzy Logic Control
- Fuzzy Modeling
- Fuzzy Arithmetic
8Fuzzy Logic Control
9Fuzzy Modeling
10Fuzzy Arithmetic
A1, A2, A1A2
A1, A2, A1-A2
11Where is Fuzzy Logic Used?
- Linear and Nonlinear Process Control
- Robotics, Automation, Tracking
- Consumer Electronics
- VCRs, Digital High Definition Television,
Microwave Ovens, Cameras,etc. - Pattern Recognition
- Image Processing, Machine Vision
- Decision Making
- Sensor Fusion, Risk Analysis
- Financial Systems
- Information Systems
- Data Base Management, Information Retrieval
- Data Analysis
- Meteorology
- Art and Music
12Fuzzy Systems
- Why fuzzy systems?
- What are fuzzy systems?
- Where are fuzzy systems used and how?
13Two kinds of justification for fuzzy system
- We need a theory to formulate human knowledge in
a systematic manner and put it into engineering
- The real world is too complicated for precise
descriptions to be obtained.
14Fuzzy Systems
- Fuzzy Systems are knowledge-based or rules-based
15A fuzzy IF-THEN rule is statement in which some
words are characterized by continuous membership
function (MF).
16Example 1.1
- IF the speed of car is high, THEN apply less
force to the accelerator.Where the words high
and less are characterized by membership
functions (MF).
17Fuzzy Systems
- Fuzzy systems are knowledge-based or rules-based
systems. - A fuzzy systems is constructed from a collection
of fuzzy IF-THEN rules.
18Example 1. 2
- Problem
- We want to design a controller to automatically
control the speed of a car.
19SolutionTwo approaches to designing such a
- use conventional control theory,
- for example, designing a PID controller.
- to emulate human drivers, that is, converting the
rules used by human drivers into an automatic
20Knowledge-based or rules-based.
- IF speed is low, THEN apply more force to the
accelerator, - IF speed is medium, THEN apply normal force to
the accelerator, - IF speed is high, THEN apply less force to the
accelerator. - Where the words low, medium, high and
- more, normal, less are characterized by
membership functions (MF).
21Note In this example, the rules are control
instructions, that is, they represent what a
human driver does in typical situations.
22Example 1. 3
- Problem.
- A person pumping up a balloon wishes to know how
much air he could add before it burst. With the
balloon there are three key variables - the air inside the balloon,
- the amount it increases, and
- the surface tension
- IF the amount of air is small and it is increased
slightly THEN the surface tension will increase
slightly, - IF the amount of air is small and it is increased
substantially THEN the surface tension will
increase slightly, - IF the amount of air is large and it is increased
slightly THEN the surface tension will increase
moderately, - IF the amount of air is large and it is increased
substantially THEN the surface tension will
increase substantially. - Where the words small, slightly,
substantially, etc., are characterized by
membership functions.
- The starting point of constructing a fuzzy system
is to obtain a collection of - fuzzy IF-THEN rules from human experts or based
on domain knowledge. - The next step is to combine these rules into a
single system.
25A distinguished feature of the fuzzy systems.
- FS are multi-input-single output mappings from a
real-valued vector to real valued scalar. - FS are constructed from human knowledge in the
form IF- THEN rules. - FS theory provides a systematic procedure for
transforming a knowledge base into a nonlinear
mapping. - The analysis and design can be performed in a
mathematically rigorous fashion.
26There are three types of fuzzy systems that are
commonly used in the literature
- pure fuzzy systems,
- Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) fuzzy systems,
- fuzzy systems with fuzzifier and defuzzifier.
27 Configuration of Fuzzy Systems
28Where Are Fuzzy Systems Used ?
- Fuzzy washing machine,
- Digital image stabilizer,
- Fuzzy systems in cars,
- Fuzzy control of a cement kiln,
- Fuzzy control of subway train.
29Digital image stabilizer.
- IF all the points in the picture are moving in
the same direction, THEN the hand is shaking. - IF only some points in the picture are moving,
THEN the hand is not shaking.
30The inverted pendulum system
- If x1 is small and x2 is small, then apply a
slight negative u force - If x1 is small and x2 is large, then apply a
negative u force - If x1 is large and x2 is small, then apply a
negative u force - If x1 is large and x2 is large, then apply a
large negative u force
32Application 1 Matsushita Vacuum
- Dust sensors are used to adjust air-flow
- System is closed-loop
- Fuzzy rules are applied to reduce power
consumption - Example of rule
- If there is little dust, then reduce power
33Application 2 Cannon Camera
- Screen is divided into 6 parts
- 2 Inputs per part
- 13 Rules
- 1.1 Kbytes of Memory
- Rules are used to bring the picture into focus
using less memory that traditional methods.
34Application 3 Mitsubishi Heating/Cooling
- 25 Heating Rules
- 25 Cooling Rules
- Heats/Cools 5x faster
- Reduces power consumption by 24
35Application 4 Maytag Dishwasher
- Measures soil in water, adjusts wash accordingly
- Adjusts for dried-on foods
- Determines optimum wash cycle
- System is open-loop
36Application 5 Smart Traffic Light
- 8 Sensors
- Inputs
- Cycle Time
- Cars Behind Red Light
- Cars Behind Green Lt.
- If/Then Rules
- And/Or Operators
- Example
- If cycle time is medium AND Cars Behind Red is
low AND Cars Behind Green is medium, then change
is Probably Not
37Application 6 Sony Palmtop
- Used directly for character recognition
- Each person writes letters slightly differently
- Fuzzy rules account for these differences
- 1 L.A. Zadeh, "Fuzzy sets", Information and
Control, vol.8, pp. 338-353, 1965 - 2 George S. Klir and Tina Folger, Fuzzy Sets,
Uncertainty, and Information. Prentice Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1988. - 3 H.J. Zimmermann, Fuzzy Set Theory and Its
Applications, Second Edition, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Boston, MA, 1991. - 4 M.S. Stachowicz and Lance E. Beall, Fuzzy
Logic Pack for use with Mathematica, Wolfram
Research, Inc. Champaign, IL 61820-7237,1995 - 5 C.M. Charlton, Strange Attractor, CD Album
of Piano Improvisations, Orange Moon Production,
Inc. 19672 Stevens Creek Blvd., 178, Cupertino,
CA 95014
- Adilbek Karaguishiyev
- Intelligent Stethoscope
- 1. Find five WEB sites that contain valuable
information about computing with words
applications. Provide the URL for each of the
sites. Provide a brief description of what
information is available on each site. - 2. Two page limit !!!
- 3. On the top of the first page, provide name and
e-mail address. - 4. Typed (Word Processor) is much preferred over
a hand written submission. - 5. Due in class on Thursday, October 14.
- 6. Mathematica by WOLFRAM Research has a
FuzzyLogic Package by Prof. M. S. Stachowicz and
Lance Beall with some good tutorial information.
http//www.wolfram.com/fuzzylogic - Study chapters
- FuzzyLogic - Documentation English
chapters 0.01, 1.01, 2.01, 2.08 example 1 and 2