Title: The joys of geriatrics
1The joys of geriatrics
- Yes, its more fun than you imagined!
- Your concerns Attitudes
- who are older patient and why are they
interesting - general suggestions
- specific circumstances
- hearing
- cognition
- bad news
3Imagine your first day as a clerk!!!
4What are your concerns about elderly patients?
- they know better
- theyve been through a lot
- they have difficulty understanding me
- they take too long
- vague historian
- their relatives!
5UCLA Geriatric Attitude Survey
- Most older people pleasant to be with
- if I have choice, rather see younger pts
- medical care for elderly use resources
- elderly more appreciative
- I pay more attention have sympathy
- tx of chronically ill is hopeless
- interesting to listen to accounts of past
6What problems do we see at SMOL
- Falls
- urinary fecal incontinence
- chronic pain
- functional impairment
- depression
- dementia/delirium
7Problems at SMOL
- Elder abuse
- placement issues
- polypharmacy
- elder abuse
- strokes
- Parkinsons disease
8What cheers us up?
- Humour
- historical perspective
- appreciation
- feeling of achievement
- we celebrate complexity!
- Christmas gifts!!!
9Are Older people different?
- Who are the elderly
- 11 of Canadians are over 65
- young old 65-74
- middle old 75-84
- old-old over 85
- a heterogeneous bunch
10Clinical encounters with the elderly
- Complexity
- atypical presentation of illness
- time constraints
- multiple medications compliance
- functional limitations
- sensory impairments
11Older people and MD interactions
- Less time
- less concordance on major topics goals
- less joint decision-making
- less egalitarian, respectful, optimistic
- patients less assertive
- more likely to have third person present
12What do older patients think of us?
- Loyalty to their physician
- attitude and personality important
- ?more comfortable providing information based on
MD questioning - caring and curing
- continuity of care important
13What is the outcome of good communication
- Improved medication compliance
- increased compliance with lifestyle
recommendation - ?? Decreased institutionalization
- patients reported satisfaction if
- physician engaged in discussion
- physician support
- shared laughter
14Improving your communication skills
- I like to be kept up to date. 96 yr old
- Make sure you inform me about my medications.
84 year old - Listen to what I am telling you. 93 yr. Old
- No, my brother never said that. 78 year old
with hearing troubles
15General points for older patients
- Patience
- talk to the patient not to the family
- get down to their level (physically!)
- make yourself heard
- watch your terminology
- be aware of subtle deficits barriers
- may have to get repeated histories
16The Importance of Good History Taking
- The Mahoney rule
- Ask the same question 3 times and the answer you
hear twice is the closest to the truth - History taking requires several ways to clarify
the meaning - Patients do not always provide unsolicited
information about significant symptoms
17 The Importance of Good History Taking
- Pain may be described differently
- Depression may not be dysphoria
- Less emphasis on open-ended questions
- And
- Dont forget to get the corroborating history!
18Dealing with cognitive impairment
- Is it dementia or delirium?
- Dementia
- insight, memory, language disturbance
- paranoia, ?? reality reorientation
- caregiver support
19Remember the vague presentations of dementia
- Head turning sign
- Eye rolling of family members!
- wt loss in the patient living alone
- Stress related illness in caregiver
- Catastrophe when caregiver hospitalized
- New non-compliance
- Change in hygiene
20Talking with a demented patient
- Shorter sentences with pauses between
- avoid jargon and figurative speech
- caution with humour
- attention to nonverbal communication
- be aware of language changes of dementia
21Talking to a Delirious patient
- More paranoia, agitation, hallucinations
- greater benefit of reality reorientation
- think of safety of patient and you
- can be frustrating
22Dealing with the daughter from California
- Geriatrics and pediatrics have similarities
- Remember confidentiality
- try to keep patient as the focus
- remember value of family conference
- caregiver stress and guilt can play role
23An easier first day
24Tell Your grandad to Take His Photo to Hospital
- The athlete versus the GOMER !
25Labeling geriatric patients
- Pain under-treated in hip patients with
diagnosis of dementia - Dx of dementia affects stroke prophylaxis
26 Use Teams Battling complexity
- Time is of the essence for FPs
- RGPs
- Outreach, Inpatient, Day Hospitals
- Geriatric psychiatry programs
- Hospital consultation services
- Physical medicine rehab programs
- Day Centres
27Were all getting older!
28You and the older patient
- Relax
- take time when possible
- Keep patient the focus
- dont forget the role of family
- awareness of barriers to communication