Title: Geriatrics and the Advanced Practice Curriculum
1Geriatrics and the Advanced Practice Curriculum
- Mathy Mezey, EdD, RN, FAAN, Director
- The John A. Hartford Foundation Institute for
Geriatric Nursing - The Independence Foundation Professor of Nursing
Education New York University
Division of Nursing
2Older Patients are a hospitals Core Business
- As the number of elderly Americans rises in the
years ahead, hospitals will be taking care of a
larger proportion of older, sicker patients ...
treating more older patients, using more
technology, and being held accountable for higher
levels of quality will present formidable
challenges for the future hospital workforce - (Beurhaus et al, Health Affairs, 2002, 21(5) pg.
3Older Patients are 48 of hospital admissions
- 60 of adult primary visits
- 80 of home care visits
- 63 of patients with cancer
- 60 of visits to cardiologists
- 53 of visits to urologists
- 52 of visits to ophthalmologists
- 46 of patients in critical care
4As compared to other adults, Older Patients have
- Longer lengths of stay (7.8 days vs. 5.4 days)
- Stable discharge rates
- Higher rates of re-admission within 30 days
- Documented functional declines and iatrogenesis
5Advanced Practice Nurses NP
Berlin LE, Stennett J, Bednash, GD. (2003)
2002-2003 Enrollment and Graduations in
Baccalaureate and Graduate Programs in Nursing.
Washington, DC American Association of Colleges
of Nursing.
6Advanced Practice Nurses CNS
Berlin LE, Stennett J, Bednash, GD. (2003)
2002-2003 Enrollment and Graduations in
Baccalaureate and Graduate Programs in Nursing.
Washington, DC American Association of Colleges
of Nursing.
7Advanced Practice Nurses continued
- Fewer than 4,200 GNPs/ GCNSs nationally
- Less than 300 GNP graduates (2002)
8Advanced Practice Nurses continued
- 1999 - 2000
- 63 GNP programs 200 graduates
- 1999 - 2000
- 245 FNP programs 3,440 graduates
- 115 ANP programs 988 graduates
9Meeting healthcare demands Need for geriatrics
content in all Advanced Practice nursing programs
- How does one choose what geriatric content to
include in the advanced practice nursing program?
10Development of Recommended Baccalaureate
Competencies and Curricular Guidelines in
Geriatric Nursing Care
- In 2000, AACN and the Hartford Institute
developed baccalaureate core competencies, Older
Adults Recommended Baccalaureate Competencies
and Curricular Guidelines for Geriatric Nursing
Care - AACN/Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing
joint publication as companion piece to the
Essentials document - Available on AACN website http//www.aacn.nche.ed
11Development of Competencies continued
- Process for developing baccalaureate
core competencies - How competencies drive change
- Curriculum mapping
- Hospital Competencies
12Development of Competencies continued
- In 2003, AACN and the Hartford Institute are
developing core competencies for Advanced
Practice programs of nursing - Today is your opportunity to participate and
offer feedback
13Gerontological Certification
- Geriatric content will be essential because it
will be on certification exam - Healthcare demands for certification
(i.e. Magnet Status)
14Gerontological Certification continued
- 400,000 nurses who are members of specialty
nursing associations that work primarily with
older adults - Grant with ANA/ANF to impart geriatric content to
these nurses - special interest groups
- technical assistance materials, speakers
- certification
15Prepare nursing students to meet the changing
- 13 of Americans (35 million) are gt65
- By 2050, 20 of Americans (78 million) will be