Title: Big Bad Bugs in the Dialysis Unit
1Big Bad Bugs in the Dialysis Unit
- Douglas Shemin, MD
- Kidney Diseases and Hypertension Division, Rhode
Island Hospital
2Big Bad Bugs
3Microbiology study of microscopic living
- Algae
- Protozoans
- Fungi
- Viruses
- Bacteria one cell structure, have cell walls
45,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000
bacteria in the world!
5Gram staining of bacteria
Gram positive
Gram negative
6Classification of bacteria
- Gram positive cocci
- staphylococcus
- streptococcus
- enterococcus
- Gram positive rods
- clostridia
- Gram negative cocci
- Neisseria gonorrhea
- Gram negative rods
- Pseudomonas
- E. coli
- Vibrio cholera
- Colonize skin and soft tissue
- Staph epidermidis (coagulase negative)
- Staph aureus (coagulase positive)
- 1940s treated with pencillin
- 1970s treated with methicillin
- 1990s methicillin resistant (MRSA)
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- Introduced into health facilities from endemic
areas (nursing homes, hospitals) or by HCWs - Rapidly disseminates and colonizes patients
(especially with skin diseases or breakdown) and
HCWs. Also lives on machinery, environmental
surfaces - Risk of colonization highest in elderly, in ICU
patients, HD patients
12MRSA in hemodialysis patients CDC, 2005
- 813/5287 invasive MRSA cases in 2005 in HD
patients (15 of the total) - 45.2 cases invasive MRSA/1000 dialysis patients
100 times greater risk - 70 cases in patients gt 70
- 85 cases in patients with catheters
- In hospital death rate with invasive MRSA 17
13Treatment of MRSA
- Vancomycin historically agent of choice
- Newer agents linezolid, daptomycin
- But look out for VRSA (first reported in 2002
in a patient on long term hemodialysis
14Control of MRSA
- Screening for carriage with swabs from nares and
skin lesions - Isolation techniqueshandwashing, gloves, gowns,
masks - Eradication of the carrier state (with intranasal
or topical mupirocin (Bactroban)
- Enterococcus are gram positive cocci
- Normally reside in gastrointestinal tract (feces,
mouth and pharynx) and vagina - Historically susceptible to vancomycin VRE
(vancomycin resistant enterococcus) reported in
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- Found in stool
- Risk factors chronic illness, kidney failure,
long hospital stays, use of antibiotics - VRE is resistant to virtually all antibiotics
penicillin, cephalosporins, sulfa, quinolones
18Prevention of VRE
- Avoidance of use of vancomycin
- (use of cefazolin for treatment of staph
infections instead, or waiting for culture
results before starting antibiotics)
19Treatment of VRE
20Control of VRE
- Screening for carriage with stool cultures
- Isolation techniqueshandwashing, gloves, gowns,
designated equipment - Stricter isolation with diarrhea or incontinence
21Clostridium difficile (c.diff)
- Gram positive rod
- Usually associated with membrane formation in
colon (pseudomembranous colitis) - Clinical manifestation diarrhea
- Always associated with previous use of
antibiotics - Diagnosed by c. difficile toxin in stool
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23Pseudomembranous colitis due to c.diff infection
24Pathogenesis of c. diff
- Use of antibiotics that alter the intestinal
flora in the colon - Age or illness related susceptibility
geriatrics, immunosuppression, poor nutrition
25Symptoms of c. diff infection
- Fever, abdominal pain and diarrhea soon after
treatment of an infection with an antibiotic - Toxic megacolon can occur, with colonic
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27Treatment of c.diff
- Prevention avoidance of unnecessary antibiotics
- Stopping antibiotic once diagnosis made
- Oral vancomycin or metronidazole (Flagyl)
- No anti-diarrheal agents
- Lactobacillus tablets may be helpful
28Big Bad Bugs MRSA, VRE, c. diff
- All associated with immunodeficiency, chronic
illness, and chronic kidney disease - All associated with antibiotic use
- Although definitive treatment is with
antibiotics, the most effective treatment is
prevention, with isolation techniques and
29What can you do to protect your patients?
- Protect yourself cooperating with isolation and
gowning/gloving procedures - Educate your patients isolation techniques
decrease trasnmission - Educate patients and families antibiotics can
have significant negative consequences
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