Title: Diabetic Retinopathy Grading
1Diabetic RetinopathyGrading Burden
- Dr John A. Olson
- Consultant Medical Ophthalmology
- Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
(Please use Notes Page view)
2Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy
- Non-Proliferative
- Proliferative
- Maculopathy
3Manual Grading
4How Did We Get Here?
- DRS - does laser work ?
- ETDRS - when should it be applied ?
- But
- Pre- HBA1c
- Pre- Home glc monitoring
5Grading Today
- 2 X 50 fields per eye
- Interim ETDRS grading
- Aldington 1995
6 of Patients Developing PDR by severity of
7Cotton Wool Spots Exudates
- in isolation, same risk of severe visual loss as
8 of Patients Developing PDR by severity of
Venous Beading
IRMA, see later
Retinal pallor indicating areas of extensive
capillary occlusion either side of beading
9 of Patients Developing PDR by severity of IRMA
10New Vessels
- Presence
- Site
- Size
- Vitreous Haemorrhage
- ? 3 High Risk PDR
11Advanced DR
- Persistent Vitreous Haemorrhage
- Traction Retinal Detachment
- Rubeotic Glaucoma
12ETDRS Final Retinopathy Severity Scale
13Practical Retinopathy Severity Scale
14Risk of High Risk PDR
tide mark of exudates
Clinically Significant Macular Oedema (CSMO)
((grey patches)
1620/20 VisionCSMOETDRS
Geometric Centre NOT involved
Geometric Centre INVOLVED
17Grading Options For Screening
- Interim ETDRS
- Final ETDRS
- All current drug trials
- New Grading system
- Empirical
- Redefine
18Image Quality
19Red-free vs Colour
- Red-free
- Better contrast
- Haemorrhages
- VB
- NV
20The Burden
- Digital Camera
- Trained Graders
- Sensitivity 81-100
- Specificity 97-100
2121st Century Solution
- Automated grading willreduce the workload by 50
22The Advantages of being the Professor
Queens Anniversary Prizefor Medical Imaging
23The Eye Clinic may not be the best place
3 step deterioration in retinopathy
Cumulative incidence of laser
24Anyone can measureblood pressure
- No/ Mild NPDR
- Annual review
- Mod/ Mod severe NPDR
- 6 monthly photography
- Dedicated Diabetes clinic
- ? Severe NPDR
- Ophthalmology referral
- UK National Screening Committee's
recommendations Preservation of Sight in
Diabetes a risk reduction programme - Health Authority 600,000
- 2.5 diagnosed with diabetes
- 85 initially attend
- 8 referred first year ( ? pre-proliferative)
- 3 by year 4
- Ad hoc schemes already reach 60 but sensitivity ?
27Ophthalmology Manpower
- 600,000
- 2.5
- 15,000 to screen
- 1020 new visits year 1
- 2 clinics a week
- 4 return clinics a week
- 420 year 4
- 1 clinic a week
- Nurse, Photographer, Optician,Secretary, Reception
28Laser Sessions
- 6 patients per session
- 5 of 12,000
- 250 sessions year 1
- 6 clinics a week !
- 117 year 4
- 2 clinics a week
- One WTE Ophthalmologist
29Only if carefully planned.Yes, but lets make
sure its the right difference.
30Will it be enough ?Will it make a difference ?