Title: Controlling a Syphilis Outbreak on a Native American Reservation
1Controlling a Syphilis Outbreak on a Native
American Reservation
- CDR Kara M Levri, MD, MPH
- Angela Fallon, RN, BSN
- Sells Service Unit, Tucson Area IHS
- USPHS Scientific Symposium
- June 12, 2008
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4The Tohono Oodham Nation
- Tribal Government
- 11 Districts
- 3M Acres
- 76 Mile Border
- Members 28K
- Reservation - 13K
- Off Reservation 13,500
- OIM 1,500
5Sells Service Unit
San Xavier Health Center
Sells Hospital
Santa Rosa Health Center
San Simon Health Center
6Sells Hospital
- Inpatient Ward
- Outpatient Clinic
- Emergency Room
- X-ray Dept.
- Laboratory
- Pharmacy
- Physical Therapy
- Dialysis Unit
- Opto/Ophtho
- Dental
- Public Health
- Social Services
- Dietary
7Ambulatory Clinics
- Continuity
- Urgent Care
- Prenatal
- Womens Health
- Colposcopy
- Well Child
- Developmental
- Teen
- Hospital F/U
- Podiatry
- TB
8Specialty Services
- Perinatology
- Surgery
- Rheumatology
- Cardiology
- Orthopedics
- Renal
9Tohono Oodham Culture
10T.O. Transportation
Without Automobile Transportation 30
11- Homes w/out Electricity 10
12 13T.O.
American Indians, Alaska Natives 2000 Census of
Population using 1999 Poverty Line
- Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)
- Stages
- Primary
- Secondary
- Latent
- Early
- Late
- Unknown Duration
- Congenital
- Tertiary (Late)
- Treatment
- Follow-up
15Syphilis Reported Cases by Stage United States
16Primary and Secondary Syphilis Cases and Rates
per 100,000 Population, Arizona 2000-2007
17PS Syphilis Rates per 100,000 Population by
Race/Ethnicity, Arizona 2002-2007
18Syphilis Cases by Diagnosis MonthTohono Oodham
Nation (n74)
19Syphilis Cases by Gender(n81)
Congenital cases not included
20Syphilis Cases by Age Group2006-2008(n72)
Congenital cases not included
21Syphilis Cases by Stage(n71)
22Syphilis Outbreak Risk Factors
MSM Men who have sex w/ men
23Outbreak Response Interventions and Strategies
- Indian Health Service
- Tohono Oodham Nation
- Arizona Department of Health Services
- Pima County
- Centers for Disease Control
- Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona
25Community Mobilization
- Weekly STD core group meetings
- Consultation from elder youth groups
- Intensive STD training
- Phlebotomy training
- Re-designing PHN Department
- TO Nation DHHS to establish STD Program
- Monthly updates
- Tohono Oodham Legislative Council
- TON Health Human Service Oversight
- School Boards
26Health Promotion Marketing
- Mass marketing campaign
- Informational material
- Local newspapers articles
- Tribal radio station
27Clinic- Based Strategies
- Universal Screening ages 12-55
- STD Standing orders implemented
- Prophylactic treatment of contacts clusters
- Fast track services through PHN department
- Triple screen pre-natal patients
- Rapid partner follow-up
28School- Based Strategies
- Local school STD screening
- Provided STD education
- Enhanced IHS School Health Program
29Community Based Strategies
- Community recreation centers
- Band concerts
- Door to door screening
- Worksite STD testing and screening
- Local grocery and convenience stores
- Recognition of TODHHS as a local health authority
- Underreporting of STD cases
- Lack of communication between all jurisdictions
- No protocol for data sharing
- Lack of communicable disease program in TODHHS
- Limited resources among all jurisdictions
- Vast geographical size of the TON
- Develop Partnerships
- Foster Collaboration
- Engage the Community
- Be Innovative
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts-
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