Title: Department of Pharmacology
1Sri Lanka Prescriber Readers Survey
International Society of Drug Bulletins (ISDB)
General Assembly - Nicaragua 1st -4th Dec 2008
Dr Priyadarshani Galappatthy Honorary Editorial
Secretary Sri Lanka Prescriber
- Department of Pharmacology
- Faculty of medicine
- University of Colombo.
2Sri Lanka Prescriber
- Continuous publication from 1993
- Member of ISDB from 2001
- Published jointly by Department of Pharmacology
Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo and
State Pharmaceuticals Coorporation of Sri Lanka - Quarterly publication
- Distributed free of charge to all doctors
employed by MOH and Universities - Current readership - 5500
3Readers Survey -2007
- Done after 14 years of continuous publication
- Inspiration from the readers surveys of
- Essential Drugs Monitor of WHO (In the 20th year)
- Outlook Readers survey
- Questions were designed as suited for The Sri
Lanka Prescriber - A reward of a BNF was offered to the winner of
responders in a draw to increase the response
rate !
Number of questionnaires sent 3500 Number of
respondents 842 ( 25)
5Respondents primary field of practice
6Usefulness of Reading Sri Lanka Prescriber
(marking any number of responses allowed)
7Usefulness of Reading Sri Lanka Prescriber
(marking any number of responses allowed)
8Satisfaction on identified areas ( Mean score on
a scale of 0-5)
9Adequacy of areas covered Mean scores in a
scale of 0-5
10Any other areas prefered to be covered in Sri
Lanka Prescriber
11The areas suggested
- Surgery
- Obstetrics/Gynaecology
- Pediatrics
- Psychiatry
- ENT, Eye
- Dermatology, Neurology
- Anesthesia
- Human genetics, Forensic Medicine, Radiology,
- Therapeutic hints
- Family Medicine and Community Medicine
- New drugs and related topics
- Management of medical emergencies
- Vaccines
- Management of common diseases
- Information about new researches and results
- Information about improvements of medicines
12Satisfaction regarding the following sections of
Sri Lanka Prescriber (Mean scores from 1-5)
13The proportion of the Sri Lanka Prescriber read
by readers
14Number of people reading the copy
15Is the information in the Sri Lanka Prescriber
easily available elsewhere?
- If yes specify the source
- Australian Prescriber
16How can we improve the Sri Lanka Prescriber?
- Content
- Increase number of pages
- Increase number of issues per year
- More information in brief
- Give useful information on newly researched drugs
- Increase MCQ questions in all subjects
- Increase number of topics published
17How can we improve the Sri Lanka Prescriber -Ctd
- Design
- Including more pages
- Reducing the size of the Journal
- Including colour photographs, charts ,diagrams
- Use a hard cover
- Any other comments
- Send to all college libraries and hospital
libraries - This is the only source of CPD resource we
recieve - Increase the price !
- Good work !
18What have we done to improve the journal since
the readers survey
- Increased the number of pages ( additional cost
of Rs 80,000/ (USD 800) per year for the sponsor
SPC - Increase the length of articles to 1500 /- 200
words more information on the topic allowed - Increase the articles in areas requested eg.
Surgery, vaccines - Given the prize to the winner !
19What more do we hope to do ?
- Publish the results of survey in the Sri Lanka
Prescriber and actions taken for improvement - Request each editorial Board member to identify
topics of their speciality and authors to get
articles for publication - Get the journal published on time
- Upload to the website on time
20Problems in implementation
- Dearth of suitable articles to be published
- Delays in publications
- All members of Editorial Board working on an
honorary basis - Limitations of the time spent for the journal due
to other commitments of Editorial Board members -