Title: RunIIb Silicon Database
1- RunIIb Silicon Database
- Eckhard von Toerne
- Kansas State U.
- July 24th, 2003
2D0 Database Layout
3Run IIb Database Status
RunIIb database decision to use use ATLAS
database design and to modify it to D-Zero
needs Designer Group Stu Fuess, V. Sirotenko, S.
Krzywdzinski Liason E. von Toerne Document was
distributed to everybody that summarizes the
division of tasks. O http//www.phys.ksu.ed
Data are provided by ContentProvider at the test
sites. Raw data will be made accessible at the
test sites in web readable directories or
d0server directories at Fermilab. O
4Current Status of Design
o http//www-d0online.fnal.gov/sdb-dev/
- Detailed specifications are with the database
designers, including data formats and
web-locations - Tables will be filled with pre-production data
for testing as soon as the database becomes
available (less than 3 weeks)
5Do and Donts of Data Files
D0_L1_RIIb Flatness.RTN 071703 091724 Gordie
Gillespie 4 Point Reference Plane Flatness FLT
0000.000 Flatness Grid X -0000.004 Y
-0000.005 Z 0000.332 X 0007.895 Y
-0000.000 Z 0000.348 X 0015.795 Y
0000.004 Z 0000.357 X 0023.695 Y
0000.007 Z 0000.367 X 0031.593 Y
0000.007 Z 0000.370 X 0039.494 Y
0000.007 Z 0000.374 X 0047.392 Y
0000.005 Z 0000.370 X 0055.292 Y
0000.009 Z 0000.367 X 0063.192 Y
0000.006 Z 0000.363 X 0071.091 Y
0000.007 Z 0000.349 X 0078.993 Y
0000.008 Z 0000.331 X 0000.002 Y
0002.384 Z 0000.333 X 0007.895 Y
0002.389 Z 0000.349 X 0015.795 Y
0002.394 Z 0000.358 X 0023.696 Y
0002.398 Z 0000.368 X 0031.594 Y
0002.397 Z 0000.371 X 0039.495 Y
0002.398 Z 0000.372 X 0047.394 Y
0002.397 Z 0000.375
Bad Example
6Do and Donts of Data Files
Sensor ID L1-0022 Serial-Number 0022 Operator
Gordie Gillespie Recorded 07/17/2003 Analysed
07/17/2003 Mechanical-Grade A Thickness 323
microns Flatness 50 microns Cut-Tolerance-sides
3.9 microns Cut-Tolerance-ends 3.9
microns Maximum Fiducial Tolerance 3
microns raw data
follows (orignal file D0-Sensor-L1-0022.txt)
Flatness.RTN 071703 091724 Gordie Gillespie
4 Point Reference Plane Flatness FLT 0000.000
Flatness Grid X -0000.004 Y -0000.005 Z
0000.332 X 0007.895 Y -0000.000 Z
0000.348 X 0015.795 Y 0000.004 Z
Good Example Thanks to Jim Fast
7Graphical User Interfaces
- Database designer received our request for
graphical user interfaces for - Mechanical Assembly (Gangs, Modules, Staves)
- Shipping Information
Shipment example (no true functionality yet)
8Current Status of Sensor Testing Sites
- Testing sites need to be certified for
interaction with Database (this is in addition to
overall certification) - Stony Brook basically certified
- KSU basically certified
- Fermilab not certified
- Up until now KeyTest data were incomplete
New format by Frank and EVT - Rochester received no input from U.R.
- not certified
9Sensor Units
- Mandatory Units
- Resistance Mega-Ohm
- HV-current nano-Amps (same unit for Strip und
Sensor currents) - Capacitance pFarad
- Voltage Volts
- Temperature degree Celsius
- Humidity percent
- Distance microns
- Conductivity pA/ Volts
- If you have not published your data -gt do it
NOW - If you are not providing measurements that the QA
document specifies-gt contact your L3 manager and
me. - D0 expects every testing site to be certified for
Database interaction. (this is in addition to
being certified by Level 3 management) - After a long journey, sensor testing is getting
closer to production conditions - Hybrids testing is the next big target.