Title: Health Care Information System Standards
1Health Care Information System Standards
- Standards Development Process
- Standards that support Health Care Information
System Interoperability - Classification, Vocabulary and Terminology
Standards - Data Interchange Standards
- Health Record Content Standards
- Impact of HIPAA
- National Health Information Infrastructure
3Standards Development Process
- Four Methods (Hammond Cimino, 2001)
- Ad hocno formal adoption process
- De factovendor or other has a very large segment
of the market - Government mandate
- Consensusvolunteers from organizations come
together to reach a formal agreement
4Formal Standards Development
- Organizations
- International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) www.iso.org - American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
www.ansi.org - Standards Development Organizations (SDOs)
- ASTM International www.astm.org
- Health Level 7 www.hl7.org
- ANSI ASC X12 www.x12.org
- Facts
- Members are national standards bodies from many
countries - ANSI is the US national body member
- Oversees the flow of documentation and
international approval of standards developed by
its member bodies
- Facts
- US member of ISO
- Accredits SDOs from a wide range of industries
(including health care) - Oversees work of SDOs
- Does NOT develop standards
- Publishes the 10,000 standards developed by SDOs
- Facts
- Must be accredited by ANSI
- Develops standards in accordance with ANSI
criteria - Can use the label Approved American National
Standard - 270 ANSI-accredited SDOs representing many
industries, including health care
8Classification, Vocabulary and Terminology
- To date no single vocabulary has emerged
- Common coding and classification systems
- ICD-9-CM (chapter 1)
- CPT (chapter 1)
- DRGs (chapter1)
9Classification, Vocabulary and Terminology
- National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics
identified a core set of patient medical record
information (PMRI) terminology standards - SNOMED CT
- Several federal drug terminology including RxNorm
- Systemized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical
Terms - 340,000 concepts with unique meanings
- 900,000 English language descriptions or
synonyms - 1.3 million semantic relationships
- Maps to other systems, such as ICD-9-CM, ICD-10,
LOINC, and others
- Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes
- Developed to facilitate the electronic
transmission of laboratory results - 32,000 observational terms
- Applies to equivalent tests, not unique to
- RxNorm is a developing project within the
National Library of Medicine Unified Medical
Language System (UMLS) - Purpose is to define a nonproprietary drug
13Data Interchange Standards
- Examples of Data Interchange standards that
impact health care - Health Level 7 standards (HL7)
- Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
(DICOM) - National Council for Prescription Drug Programs
(NCPDP) - ANSI X12N standards
- HL7 is an ANSI-accredited SDO
- develops HL7 messaging standards to allow
interoperability among health care applications - Involved in other standards activities, but the
messaging standard is referred to as HL7
15(No Transcript)
- Other HL7 standards
- Clinical Context Management (CCM) specifications
- Arden Syntax for Medical Logic Systems
- Electronic Health Record functional model
(discussed later)
- American College of Radiology and the National
Electrical Manufacturers Association published
the first standard in 1985 - Promotes communication of digital image
information regardless of device manufacturer - Works with picture archiving and communications
systems (PACS)
- ANSI accredited SDO
- Developed a standard for the electronic
submission of third party drug claims
19ASC X12N
- X12N is the subcommittee of ASC X12 that deals
with EDI for the insurance industry - The health care task group is TG2
- X12N/TG2 develops and maintains standards for
health care EDI
20Health Record Content Standards
- Functional standards for electronic health record
content - HL7 EHR Functional Model
- ASTM Healthcare Informatics subcommittees
Continuity of Care (CCR) standard
21HL7 EHR Functional Model
- Second draft adopted in 2004
- Three components
- Direct care
- Supportive
- Information infrastructure
22(No Transcript)
- Currently being developed by the ASTM Healthcare
Informatics subcommittee - Intent is to provide a core data set of the most
relevant and timely facts about a patients
health care - Completed when patient is transferred to another
provider - Version 3 included eight elements
24(No Transcript)
25Impact of HIPAA
- HIPAA electronic transaction standards are
primarily from ASC X12N - HIPAA designated standard code sets include
- ICD-9-CM
- CDT (Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature)
- CPT-4
- HIPAA also identified designated standards
maintenance organizations to develop, maintain,
and modify relevant EDI standards - ACS X12
- Dental Content committee of the ADA
- HL7
27National Healthcare Information Infrastructure
- NHII is not simply a set of health information
standards - NHII is not a government agency
- NHII is not a centralized database for medical
28National Healthcare Information Infrastructure
- NHII (when realized) will be
- a comprehensive knowledge-based network of
interoperable systems of clinical, public health,
and personal health information that would
improve decision-making by making health
information available when and where it is
needed (NCVHS, 2001)
29National Healthcare Information Infrastructure
- NHII will include
- Technologies
- Standards
- Applications
- Systems
- Values
- Laws
30National Healthcare Information Infrastructure
- NHII has three overlapping dimensions (HHS, 2004)
- Personal Health
- Health Care Delivery
- Public Health
- In 2001 NCVHS outlined a three-stage, ten-year
plan for achieving the vision of NHII
31National Healthcare Information Infrastructure
- NHII stage one was realized in April 2004 with
the creation of the Office of the National
Coordinator for Health Information Technology
32National Health Information Network
- Authors Note in 2005 the title NHII is not
longer used. It has been replaced by National
Health Information Network (NHIN) - Local network components are Regional Health
Information Organizations (RHIO) - For More information go to
- http//www.hhs.gov/healthit
- Standards Development Process
- Formal Standards Development Organizations
- SDOs
34Summary (cont.)
- Classification, Vocabulary and Terminology
Standards - SNOMED CT
- RxNorm
- Data Interchange Standards
- HL7
- ASC X12N
35Summary (cont.)
- Health Record Content Standards
- HL7 EHR Functional Model
- Impact of HIPAA on standards
- NHII (now NHIN)