Title: Electronic Health Record Standardisation in India
1Electronic Health Record Standardisation in India
- Baljit Singh Bedi
- Advisor, Health Informatics, Centre for Dev. for
Advanced Computing (CDAC)Ministry of
Communication IT(MCIT),Govt. of India
Member, National EMR Standardisation Committee,
MoHFW Chair, Sub-Group, Interoperability -
- Chair, FICCI IHIN Working Group on HER and
Standards - Past President, Telemedicine Society of
India(TSI) - Ex. Sr. Director Head, Telemedicine
Div.,Dept. of IT, MCIT, Govt. of India )
International Conf.Transforming Healthcare with
IT(THIT),Bengaluru, 16-17 Oct 2015
- Background Relevance of ICT in Health Sector in
India - Relevance of Standards for Healthcare Sector-
Case for EHR Standardization - Ministry of Health Family Welfare Expert
Committee for Standards - Notified EHR Standards by MoHFW
- Important Policy Directions
3Understanding Information and Communication
Technologies (ICTs)
- Healthcare area is highly Data dependent. Power
of ICTs lies in its capacity to effectively - Access data
- Store data
- Analyze data
- Transmit data
Utilizing this capability of ICTs has the
potential to significantly contribute in
preventive care, improving delivery , disease
control , medical education and training, health
management and health research
4The Need for Standards for Healthcare Sector
- A set of guidelines/standards optimally
leverages existing technologies, ensure
continuity to evolving technical innovations and
deliver cost effective solutions and sharing
medical knowledge - Would help indigenous enterprises provide the
right platform for eHealth and further provide
all with a practically attainable and sustainable
standard of health care - To provide a framework for interoperability and
scalability across Health Information Systems and
eHealth/mHealth services within the country and
outside - Electronic Health Record(EHR) is one of the most
important parameter in this standardisation
5An Example of Accepted Multi Media
Tele-conferencing Standards
- The International Telecommunications Union
(ITU)-T T.120, H.320,H.323,and H.324 standards
comprise the core technologies for multimedia
teleconferencing (video conferencing). - The T.120 standards address Real Time Data
Conferencing - (Audiographics),
- The H.320 standards address ISDN
videoconferencing, - The H323 standard addresses Video (Audiovisual)
communication on Local - Area Networks,
- The H.324 standard addresses High Quality Video
and Audio Compression - over POTS modem connections.
6What is EHR?
- A repository of information regarding the health
of a subject of care in computer processable form - Stored and transmitted securely, and accessible
by multiple authorized users - It has a commonly agreed logical information
model which is independent of EHR systems - Purpose is the support of continuing, efficient
and quality integrated health care and it
contains information which is retrospective,
concurrent and prospective - -The "Integrated Care EHR" as defined in ISO/DTR
7EMR Standards Committee of MoHFW
- Ministry of Health Family Welfare (MoHFW),
Govt. of India constituted a Committee of
Experts for Development of Standards on EMR in
Sept 2010 under Chairmanship of Additional
Secretary DG,CGHS, MoHFW - Objective of above Committee to recommend a set
of EMR Standards for India to be followed by both
public private healthcare provider - Procedure for continuous up gradation
8Activities Undertaken
- EMR Standardisation Committee set up following
Sub-Groups in October 2010 - Sub-Group Task I Standards- Terminology, coding
standards - Sub-Group Task II Data connectivity- including
H/W,S/W Interoperability - Sub-Group Task III Data ownership-Data
protection including security and legal aspects - The current EHR standards are a result of the
deliberations of the EMR Standards Committee
Subgroups and consolidation by the Sub-committee
under FICCI of the public comments on the draft
report put up by MoHFW, GoI in their website in
May 2013 and deliberations thereof, finalized in
August, 2013. - Notified in September, 2013 on MoHFW Website
- National Implementation Committee for roll out
has been set up - Recently a Fourth Sub-Group has been set up to
take into consideration the Legal and manadatory
aspects of notified EHR Standards
9 Categories of Standards required for
eHealth/mHealth and other Healthcare Information
Codes Terminology
Content Formats
Security Access Control
- Patient Id
- Provider Id
- Payer Id
- Health Plan Id
- Pharmacy Id
- Disease Codes
- Procedure Codes
- Observation Codes
- Drug Codes
- Surgical Consumables
- Patient Enrollment Registration
- Patient Medical Records
- Billing Formats
- Minimum Data Sets
- Lab Formats
- Authentication
- Access Control
- Non Repudiation
- Privacy Protection
10Some Healthcare Informatics Organisations /
Standards considered
Organization Standards
National Recommendations for Health Information Infrastructure in India Information Technology Infrastructure for Health (ITIH) framework Recommendations on Guidelines, Standards Practices for Telemedicine in India Indian health information network development (iHIND) recommendations from the National Knowledge
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Requirements for Electronic Health Record Architecture (ISO / TS 18308)
European Committee for Standardization (CEN) CEN / TC 251 EN 13606
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Health Information Technology Standards, Implementation Specifications, and Certification Criteria and Certification Programs for Health Information Technology (Title 45, Part 170)
11Healthcare Informatics Organisations/ Standards
.. Contd.
Organization Standards
American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) Continuity of Care Record (CCR)
Health Level 7 (HL7) HL7 v2.x HL7 v3 HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) EHR - System Functional Model
HL7 ASTM Collaboration Continuity of Care Document (CCD)
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM PS 3.0 2004 onwards)
Office of National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONCHIT) United States EHR Meaningful Use
12Approved StandardsCodes
- Clinical Terminology (for clinical observations)
- Laboratory Observations
- Regenstrief Insts LOINC
- Diseases (Diagnosis)
- WHOs ICD 10
- Procedures
- ICD 10 PCS
- Disability
13Messaging, Imaging, Clinical Document Format
- Messaging
- HL7 V3.0 RIM (Reference Information Model)
- HL7 V2.5 (for backward compatibility)
- Imaging
- NEMAs Digital Imaging Communication in
Medicine (DICOM) PS3.0-2004 - Later revisions can be included as evolved
- Clinical Data Format
- HL7 CDA 2.0 (Clinical Document Architecture)
- ASTM CCR (Continuity of Care Record)
14Recommended IT Standards Phase 2
DSM Psychiatric conditions Diagnostic statistical manual of mental disorders
NIC/NOC/NANDA Nursing interventions classification This is optional
CDT 2, US Dental Procedures This is optional
Unknown AYUSH clinical terminology, treatment planning including medication details Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy systems of medicine as distinct from the allopathic (Western) system of medicine
15Minimum Data Set (MDS)
- Minimum amount of health information required
about a patient to profile a disease in a
standard format. - Ensure that the health information is precise,
unambiguous and acceptable to all stakeholders. - Represented in such a manner that they can be
easily analysed and conclusions drawn from the
16EHR-Preservation, Ownership Security Guidelines
Guidelines are present in the EHR Standards
of Health Family Welfare)NOTIFICATION
regarding Clinical Establishments (Registration
Regulations) Act 2010 (23 of 2010) New Delhi,
the 23rd May 2012
18G.S.R.387 (E).-In the exercise of powers
conferred by Section 52 of the Clinical
Establishments (Registration Regulations) Act
2010 (23 of 2010),the Central Government makes
the following Rules, namely-
- 9. Other conditions for registration and
continuation of clinical establishments.- For
registration and continuation every clinical
establishment shall fulfill the following
conditions, namely.- - .
- (iv) Clinical establishments shall provide and
maintain Electronic Medical Record or Electronic
Health Records of every patients as may be
determined and issued by the Central Government
or State Government as the case may be from time
to time.
19National eHealth Authority(NeHA) of India Draft
National Health Policy 2015
- A major initiative to set up National eHealth
Authority(NeHA) of India by MoHFW is underway
with a Vision to ensure adoption of e-Health and
notified EHR standards in India in an orderly way
and thus realize maximum benefits from use of ICT
for all stake-holders in Healthcare domain. This
is reflected in the Draft National Health Policy
2015 - Initial focus of NeHA would be on addressing
implementation issues and promoting mechanisms in
support of the same.The concept document was put
up on MoHFW website for wider discussion before
finalisation -
- MoHFW has become a member of IHTSDO in April 2014
. with a view of widespread adoption of SNOMED-CT
in India MoHFW has also nominated C-DAC as
interim NRC. -
20General Recommendations
- It must be added that these recommended standards
cannot be considered either in isolation or as
etched in stone for all eternity. - This document must be a living document
- These will need to undergo periodic review and
update as necessary - A high level Committee has already been set
up in MoHFW under Chairmanship of Additional
Secretary to review and suggest updation. Draft
is already under advanced stage of finalisation
21Thank you