Health Information System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Health Information System


?????? Health Information Management. ?????? Health Information Standard ... Centered largely around efforts to bring EHRs directly into clinical practice. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Health Information System

Health Information System
  • Feipei Lai
  • National Taiwan University
  • September 17, 2007

  • ?????? Health Information Management
  • ?????? Health Information Standard
  • ?????? Outpatient Information System
  • ?????? Inpatient Information System
  • ?????? Emergency Information System
  • ?????? Laboratory Information System
  • ?????? PACS
  • ??????? Computerized Medical Instrument
  • ???? Telemedicine
  • ???? Electronic Health Records
  • ?????? Health Information Security

  • Medical Informatics Computer Applications in
    Health Care and Biomedicine, By Shortliffe
    Perreault, Pub. Springer

Medical Informatics
  • Medical information science is the science of
    using system-analytic tools . . . to develop
    procedures (algorithms) for management, process
    control, decision making and scientific analysis
    of medical knowledge.

National Health Information Infrastructure (NHII)
  • Includes not only just technologies but, more
    importantly, values, practices, relationships,
    laws, standards, systems, and applications that
    support all faces of individual health, health
    care, and public health.
  • Encompasses tools such as clinical practice
    guidelines, educational resources for the public
    and health professionals, geographic information
    systems, health statistics at all levels of
    government, and many forms of communication among

  • http//

Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE)
  • To stimulate integration of healthcare
    information resources to improve clinical care.
  • IHE develops and publishes detailed frameworks
    for implementing established data standards to
    meet specific healthcare needs and supports
    testing, demonstration and educational activities
    to promote the deployment of these frameworks by
    vendors and users.
  • http//

IHE User Success Story
  • Johannes Gutenberg, University Hospital, Mainz,
  • Implementation of Scheduled Workflow Transactions
    and Consistent Presentation of Images

  • In a university hospital with 1500 beds,
    performing 120,000 exams/year (7,000,000 images
    or 5 TB/year) with a major PACS and more than 30
    imaging modalities, different transactions are
    implemented using IHE conformant standard
    transactions, including.
  • DICOM Modality Worklist (MWL),
  • Modality Performed Procedure Step (MPPS),
  • Storage commitment,
  • Structured Reporting and DICOM N-services for
  • database updates.

  • To realize interoperability in a multi-vendor
    PACS environment with different vendors for
    modalities and workstations.

IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework
  • Nine IHE IT Infrastructure Integration Profiles
    are specified as Final Text in the Version 2.0
    ITI Technical Framework
  • Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS),
  • Patient Identifier Cross-Referencing (PIX),
  • Patient Demographics Query (PDQ),
  • Audit trail and Node Authentication (ATNA),
  • Consistent Time (CT),
  • Enterprise User Authentication (EUA),
  • Retrieve Information for Display (RID),
  • Patient Synchronized Applications (PSA),
  • Personnel White Pages (PWP).

Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing
  • A patient record constructed as a collection of
    clinical documents and organized by a document
    registry is a key component of an electronic
    health record (EHR).
  • The goal of this project is to develop a
    standards-based registry prototype that will
    allow healthcare professionals to find and access
    all pertinent documents of clinical information
    regarding a patient regardless of the healthcare
    organization that creates and manage the

Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing
  • The use of document registries for sharing
    clinical information intra-organizationally
    presents unique challenges.
  • Standardized metadata, interfaces and formats are
    required for interoperability and interchange.
  • The strict adherence to security and privacy
    policies related to healthcare information must
    be supported by the technology.
  • Document registries, an emerging technology for
    indexing documents on a network, provide
    solutions to many of these challenges.

  • (Greek meta "after" and Latin data "information")
    are data that describe other data.
  • Business Intelligence is the process of analyzing
    large amounts of corporate data, usually stored
    in large databases such as the Data Warehouse,
    tracking business performance, detecting patterns
    and trends, and helping enterprise business users
    make better decisions.
  • Business Intelligence metadata describes how data
    is queried, filtered, analyzed, and displayed in
    Business Intelligence software tools, such as
    Reporting tools, OLAP tools, Data Mining tools.

OnLine Analytical Processing
  • is an approach to quickly providing answers to
    analytical queries that are multidimensional in
  • for complex queries OLAP cubes can produce an
    answer in around 0.1 of the time for the same
    query on OLTP relational data.
  • The single most important mechanism in OLAP which
    allows it to achieve such performance is the use
    of aggregations.
  • Aggregations are built from the fact table by
    changing the granularity on specific dimensions
    and aggregating up data along these dimensions.

Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing
  • NIST/ITL is the primary author of the IHE
    Profile Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing.
  • This profile tailors an ebXML registry to the
    healthcare environment.
  • NIST/ITL has also developed a reference
    implementation for the XDS profile and web-based
    test suite, allowing vendors to determine
    conformance to the XDS profile.

  • Information Technology Laboratory (ITL)
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • Technology Administration
  • US Department of Commerce

  • Electronic Business using eXtensible Markup
  • ebXML was started in 1999 as an initiative of
    OASIS and the United Nations/ECE agency CEFACT.
  • The original project envisioned and delivered
    five layers of substantive data specification,
    including XML standards for
  • Business processes
  • Core data components
  • Collaboration protocol agreements
  • Messaging
  • Registries and repositories

  • OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of
    Structured Information Standards)

Patient Identifier Cross-Referencing (PIX)
  • The PIX profile supports the Cross-referencing of
    patient identifiers from multiple Patient
    Identification Domains.
  • These Cross-referenced patient identifiers can
    then be used by "identity consumer" systems to
    correlate information about a single patient from
    sources that "know" the patient by different
  • This allows a Clinician to have more complete
    view of the patient information.

Consistent Time (CT)
  • The Consistent Time Integration Profile (CT)
    provides a means to ensure that the system clocks
    and time stamps of the many computers in a
    network are well synchronized.
  • This profile specifies synchronization with a
    median error less than 1 second. This is
    sufficient for most purposes.

Personnel White Pages (PWP)
  • provides access to basic human workforce user
    directory information.
  • This information has broad use among many
    clinical and non-clinical applications across the
    healthcare enterprise.
  • The information can be used to enhance the
    clinical workflow (contact information), enhance
    the user interface (user friendly names and
    titles), and ensure identity (digital
  • This Personnel White Pages directory will be
    related to the User Identity provided by the
    Enterprise User Authentication (EUA) Integration
    Profile previously defined by IHE.

  • http//
  • This Wiki is for collaborative creation of IHE
    materials and ongoing activities.

Vision for Consumer-centric and Information-rich
  • Medical information follows the consumer
  • Information tools guide medical decisions
  • Clinicians have appropriate access to a patients
    complete treatment history,
  • Medical records
  • Medication history
  • Laboratory results
  • Radiographs

  • A medical record, health record, or medical chart
    is a systematic documentation of a patient's
    medical history and care.
  • A medication is a licenced drug taken to cure or
    reduce symptoms of an illness or medical

Vision for Consumer-centric and Information-rich
  • Clinicians order medications with computerized
    systems that eliminate handwriting errors
  • And automatically check for doses that are too
    high or too low, for harmful interaction with
    other drugs, and for all allergies.

Vision for Consumer-centric and Information-rich
  • Prescriptions are also checked against the health
    plans formulary,
  • And out-of-pocket costs of the prescribed drug
    can be compared with alternative treatments
  • Clinicians receive electronic reminders in the
    form of alerts about treatment procedures and
    medical guidelines.

Strategic Framework
  • Goal 1 Inform Clinical Practice.
  • Centered largely around efforts to bring EHRs
    directly into clinical practice.
  • Strategy 1. Incentivize EHR adoption
  • Strategy 2. Reduce risk of EHR investment.
  • Strategy 3. Promote EHR diffusion in rural and
    underserved areas.

Strategic Framework
  • Goal 2 Interconnect Clinicians.
  • Strategy 1. Foster regional collaborations.
  • Strategy 2. Develop a national health information
  • Mobile authentication
  • Web services architecture
  • Security technologies
  • Strategy 3. Coordinate federal health information

Strategic Framework
  • Goal 3 Personalize Care.
  • Strategy 1. Encourage use of Personal Health
  • Strategy 2. Enhance informed consumer choice
  • Strategy 3. Promote use of telehealth systems

Strategic Framework
  • Goal 4 Improve Population Health.
  • Strategy 1. Unify public health surveillance
  • Strategy 2. Streamline quality and health status
  • Strategy 3. Accelerate research and dissemination
    of evidence.

To do list
  • Establishing a Health Information Technology
    Leadership Panel to evaluate the urgency of
    investments and recommend immediate actions
  • Private sector certification of health
    information technology products
  • Funding community health information exchange

To do list
  • Planning the formation of a private
    interoperability consortium
  • Requiring standards to facilitate electronic
  • Commitment to standards

Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM)
  • FDA and NIH, together with the Clinical Data
    Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) have
    developed a standard for representing
    observations made in clinical trials.
  • Will facilitate the automation of the largely
    paper-based clinical research process

Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (caBIG)
  • National Cancer Institute
  • The informatics infrastructure connects teams of
    cancer and biomedical researchers to enable them
    to better develop and share tools and data in an
    open environment with common standards, creating
    a network that links individual and national and
    international institutions.

  • is contributing standards-based applications from
    basic science in genomic and proteomics through
    those supporting clinical research to provide
    researchers with state-of-the-art tools to
    accelerate the discovery and development process.

  • is the large-scale study of proteins,
    particularly their structures and functions.
  • This term was coined to make an analogy with
    genomics, and while it is often viewed as the
    "next step", proteomics is much more complicated
    than genomics.
  • Most importantly, while the genome is a rather
    constant entity, the proteome differs from cell
    to cell and is constantly changing through its
    biochemical interactions with the genome and the
  • One organism has radically different protein
    expression in different parts of its body, in
    different stages of its life cycle and in
    different environmental conditions.

Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE)
  • A computer application that allows a physicians
    order for diagnostic and treatment services to be
    entered electronically.
  • The computer compares the order against standards
    for dosing, checks for allergies or interaction
    with other medications, and warns the physician
    about potential problems.

Electronic Health Record (EHR)
  • A real-time patient health record with access to
    evidence-based decision support tools that can be
    used to aid clinicians in decision-making.

Health Information Technology (HIT)
  • The application of information processing
    involving both computer hardware and software
    that deals with the storage, retrieval, sharing,
    and use of health care information, data and
    knowledge for communication and decision making.
  • http//

EHR Capabilities
  • Health information and data
  • Results management
  • Orders management
  • Decision support
  • Electronic communications and connectivity
  • Patient support
  • Administrative process
  • reporting

Dimensions of the AP Framework
  • Applications architecture
  • Integration level
  • Industry domain specificity

Applications architecture
  • Presentation logic
  • Business logic
  • Data logic

Presentation logic
  • Provides the ability to manage the interactions
    between an application system and its various
    presentation interfaces, including Web browsers,
    interactive voice recognition, mobile computing
    devices, fat clients, and dumb terminals.

Business logic
  • Implements the business rules that represent the
    business processes of an application system.

Data logic
  • Provides the ability to access and map data into
    a form that can be processed by business logic.

Integration level
  • Transport level
  • Provides the infrastructure and abstraction over
    the communication protocols needed to move data
    between similar and dissimilar entities in a
    transparent manner. (SOAP)
  • Data level
  • Facilitates integration of business applications
    by addressing the representation data elements in
    different systems, and associated transformation
    rules. (XML)

Integration level
  • Process level
  • Pertains to the integration of at least two
    different entities tasks at this level include
    orchestrating process interactions based on
    business rules and events providing process
    context, and handling process exceptions. (Web

Industry domain specificity
  • Industry domain independence
  • Standards are generic, providing capabilities
    across multiple industry domains examples are
    HTTP 1.1 and SQL.
  • Industry domain dependence
  • Standards are specific to a particular vertical
    industry domain examples are RosettaNet and HL7.

RosettaNet (RN)
  • RosettaNet is a non-profit consortium aimed at
    establishing standard processes for the sharing
    of business information (B2B).
  • RosettaNet is a consortium of major Computer and
    Consumer Electronics, Electronic Components,
    Semiconductor Manufacturing, Telecommunications
    and Logistics companies working to create and
    implement industry-wide, open e-business process
  • These standards form a common e-business
    language, aligning processes between supply chain
    partners on a global basis.

Rodent Phenotyping
  • Measurements of behavioral, physiological and
    biochemical traits of genetically developed
    models, for the study of human disease, focusing
    on the rat as the model animal species.
  • genotype environment random-variation ?

Information Content of DNA
  • The double-helix structure of DNA
    (deoxyribonucleic acid) was discovered in 1954 by
    James Watson and Francis Crick.
  • A DNA molecule is composed of four different
    bases, guanine, thymine, cytosine and adenine (G,
    T, C, and A, respectively) called nucleotide
  • The bases bind in pairs via a hydrogen bond, and
    the pairs of bases form a long string, shaped in
    the form of a double helix.
  • The pairs can only appear as guanine opposite
    cytosine (G-C) or thymine opposite adenine (T-A),
    as sketched below
  • T A C C G T A G G T C A . . .
    A T G G C A T C C
    A G T . . .

  • The string of base pairs forms a coded message,
    in which the bases are the characters of the
  • If one of the pairs of the string is known, then
    the other one is also known.
  • This property is used during cell division, when
    the helices unwind themselves and each half is
  • This copying activity can be considered
    information transfer, but errors in the code may
    also occur.

  • If we consider a long string of, say, 100,000
    bases, then the first "letter" may be either G,
    T, C, or A, or one of four possibilities.
  • For all 100,000 characters we then have
    4 x 4 x 4 x ... 4 4100,000 2200,000 possible
    strings of codes.
  • If the probability of occurrence of all strings
    of codes is equal, then the probability of
    finding a specific string is p  2-200,000.
  • By Shannon's formula, the information content of
    the code described by this molecule is therefore
  • I -log2 p -log2 2-200,000 200,000 (bits).

  • A DNA molecule of 100,000 base pairs has a length
    of approximately 500,000 Ã… and is 20 Ã… thick (1 Ã…
    10-10 m), which is impressive compared to the
    amount of space required to store a code of
    100,000 bits in a computer.
  • A chromosome that contains on the order of
    5 x 109 nucleotides, may code for 10 x 109 bits.
    For the 23 chromosome pairs in the human genome,
    this would mean on the order of 5 x 1011 bits
    (equivalent to about 60 gigabytes).

Computer Technology and Clinical WorkStill
Waiting for Godot
  • Health Care - the most complex enterprise in
    modern society from an organizational standpoint

Still Waiting for Godot
  • Many of the difficulties do not result from bad
    parts of the systems but are inherent in the
    perspectives and theories of medical work that
    are prevalent among health informaticians and
    those who make decisions on acquisition and

Still Waiting for Godot
  • Rather than framing the problem as not
    developing the systems right, these failures
    demonstrate not developing the right systems
    due to widespread but misleading theories about
    both technology and clinical work.

Still Waiting for Godot
  • a more useful approach views the clinical
    workplace as a complex system in which
    technologies, people, and organizational routines
    dynamically interact. This view holds the
  • (1) Organizations are simultaneously social
    (e.g., consisting of people, values, norms,
    culture) and technical (i.e., without tools,
    equipment, procedures, technology, and
    facilities, the people could not work and the
    organization would not exist).

Still Waiting for Godot
  • (2) These social and technical elements are
    deeply interdependent and interrelatedhence, the
    term sociotechnical systems. Every change in one
    element affects the other.
  • (3) Accordingly, good design or implementation is
    not a technical problem but rather one of jointly
    optimizing the combined sociotechnical system.

Henry Ford Health System in Detroit
  • A general physician may be able to order one of
    thousands of medications
  • One of hundreds of clinical laboratory tests and
    radiological procedures
  • Along with changing patient condition and
    co-morbidity, the sequencing and timing of all
    these events will ultimately determine the
    relative utility of a selected approach to
    patient treatment.

  • There are more than 1,000 diseases, each of
    which, in theory could have a different pathway
    or guideline.

Still Waiting for Godot
  • The play is in two acts.
  • The plot concerns Vladimir (also called Didi) and
    Estragon (also called Gogo), who arrive at a
    pre-specified roadside location in order to await
    the arrival of someone named Godot.
  • Vladimir and Estragon appear to be tramps, as
    their clothes are ragged and do not fit, while
    another theory suggests that Vladimir and
    Estragon could be refugees or soldiers displaced
    from a conflict, such as World War II, which had
    recently ended when Beckett wrote the play and
    which provided him with much inspiration.
  • Vladimir and Estragon pass the time in
    conversation, and sometimes in conflict.
  • Estragon complains of his ill-fitting boots, and
    Vladimir struts about stiff-legged due to a
    painful bladder condition.
  • Though they make vague allusions to the nature of
    their circumstances and to their reasons for
    meeting Godot, the audience never learns who
    Godot is or why he is important.

Still Waiting for Godot
  • They are soon interrupted by the arrival of
    Pozzo, a cruel but lyrically gifted man who
    claims to own the land they stand on, and his
    servant Lucky, whom he appears to control by
    means of a lengthy rope.
  • Pozzo sits down to feast on chicken, and
    afterwards throws the bones to the two tramps.
  • He entertains them by directing Lucky to perform
    a lively dance, and then deliver an ex tempore
    lecture, loosely based around the theories of the
    Irish philosopher Bishop Berkeley.
  • After Pozzo and Lucky depart, a boy arrives with
    a message supposedly from Godot, which states
    that Godot will not come today, "but surely
  • The boy also confesses that Godot beats his
    brother and that he and his brother sleep in the
    loft of a barn.

Still Waiting for Godot
  • The second act follows a similar pattern to the
    first, but when Pozzo and Lucky arrive, Pozzo has
    inexplicably gone blind and Lucky has gone mute.
  • Again the boy arrives in order to announce that
    Godot will not appear.
  • The much-quoted ending of the play might be said
    to sum up the stasis of the whole work
  • Vladimir Well, shall we go?
  • Estragon Yes, let's go.
  • They do not move.3

Delivering Mobile Point of Care with Pervasive
Wireless Networks
  • At EL Camino Hospital in California, the number
    of errors per 1000 patient days dropped from six
    to four following the implementation of
    electronic medical records and a WLAN.
  • In the United Kingdom, staff at the George Eliot
    Hospital admitted to saving up to 4 hours per
    week after they were given wireless access to
    hospital and patient information.
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