Title: Ethical Dilemmas for E-Health
1Ethical Dilemmas for E-Health
- David Zitner
- Director Medical Informatics
- Dalhousie University
- Kimberly Tomasson
- Ethicist, University of Victoria
2E-HealthBenefits or ethical morass?
- Holding the promise of beneficence, information
technologies are purported to increase access,
improve quality, and decrease the costs of care.
Aspects of these technologies, however, create
conflicts with the ethical principles of
autonomy, fidelity, and justice.
3Apparent Ethical Dilemmas Impede Progress!
Framing ethical dilemmas differently leads to
different conclusions An understanding of the
various ways to frame ethical dilemmas helps
resolve them, and surprisingly will increase
the speed of adoption of worthwhile information
4E-Health Holds Promise for Good
- Barriers
- Privacy
- Security
- Deontological views
- Personal Information is a public good for public
benefit? - Utilitarian
- Appropriate personal information is a public good
for public benefit?
5Developing a Course for Technically Advanced HI
- When does attending to a particular ethical value
produce a result which is bizarre, or
inappropriate or fails to meet needs of one or
another constituency?
- Utilitarian orientations focus on trying to
achieve the greatest amount of good for the
greatest number of people - Deontological perspectives view ethical issues
from a right-duty perspective and attempt to
resolve moral conflict by balancing competing
interests. (Tommason, U.Vic) - Sometimes these views conflict
7Failing to address ethical conflict leads to
- Caring for patients vs. caring for
community-Informed consent! - Are duties to individual patient or to community?
What information should be aggregated? Should we
defer implementing EMRs because some are fearful
that the information will be misused? Is the
question philosophical (deontological) or
empirical (utilitarian)
8Dilemmas and Predicaments
- Parentalism vs. Autonomy
- Adequate information about
- Access and results can lead to anxiety
- Access and results is necessary for personal
9Public Health Issues
- Disease surveillance
- Health Promotion
- Treating predilictions
- Certain information will benefit some and clearly
harm others
10Constituency ViewsWhere is the Obligation?
- Public
- Patients
- Health Services Administrators
- Provider Organizations
- Policy Makers
- Providers
11Sometimes doing right doesnt seem to fit with
a utilitarian model
- 300,000 for Fabrys Disease
- Insurance cost 6.00/year per person if 20
people in Nova Scotia need the drug - The cost of paying for this represents only a
small fraction of N.S. drug costs per person - 6/457.56 1.3
12Should we pay for expensive drugs if they are
- Cost of covering Fabrys disease represents only
1.3 of total drug costs (possibly less). - Is this compatible therefore with both a
deontological model and a utilitarian model?
13Looking for Scarcity but Finding abundance?
- 1993-1998 12 increase in spending on
antidepressants yet some drug manufacturers
state the drugs arent effective. - How IT and Tracking will help us build on
14Contemporary Issues
- Line ups- few for things we all can normally
afford - Longer for expensive procedures
- Payment issues
- Is there a benefit to beneficiaries of medicare
contributing when they receive service (As Tommy
Douglas, Romanow and Kirby all suggest). How? - Or is health care a right which everyone must
get free of cost regardless of consequences on
other community spending. - What if this means we are all subject to
illegible scrawls on scraps of paper? -
15Health care cooperatives (user pay) to adopt
- Will cooperatives lead to tears about tiers?
- Should people be able to pay for technologies
that governments only provide to selected
16Privacy vs. Informed Consent
- People have a right to privacy
- People also have a right to receive the
information they need for informed consent - Conflict between access to information needed for
informed consent, and ability to prevent others
from gaining access to personal information
needed for aggregation
17Privacy vs. Informed Consent
- Deontological
- Responsibility of all to share for public good
- Utilitarian
- Everyone benefits if information about the
results of care are readily available - THEREFORE, Information gathered for one purpose
should be available for use for other purposes
with appropriate safeguards for confidentiality.
18Benevolent Deception?Percival Med Ethics 1847
- Deontological
- Absolute duty to tell the truth
- Utilitarian
- Boy who cried wolf
- Both perspectives produce same result. Clinicians
should never deceive patients.
19Ethical dilemma 1Home Care(Xiamin Lou)
- What should caregivers do when there is
conflict with patients autonomy
(self-determination, advance directives) and
beneficence? - For most common instance On one hand,
patients may refuse treatment even though it is
reasonable and would be beneficial on the other
hand, patients and families may demand services
that are not required or maybe harmful to them.
20Dilemmas and Predicaments
- Solutions?
- Is this an appropriate discourse for informatics
students? - What if there are no clear solutions does that
mean that anything goes? Or do we become
paralyzed? - Are there choice rules based on deontology? On
utilitarian principles? - COMMENTS?
21Kimberly Tomasson
- An ethical experts approach
- Panel discussion and audience participation
- How do we ethically overcome apparent barriers
to progress? - Are we doomed?