Title: The Competency Benchmarks: Competence Initiatives in Professional Psychology
1The Competency Benchmarks Competence Initiatives
in Professional Psychology
- Catherine L. Grus, Ph.D.,
- Associate Executive Director,
- Professional Education and Training
- APA Education Directorate
3a culture of competenceRoberts, Borden,
Christiansen Lopez (2005)
- a shift within professional psychology toward an
emphasis on the acquisition and maintenance of
competence as a primary goal
4Culture of Competence
- Recent years have witnessed a burgeoning
interest in a competency-based approach to
student learning outcomes in professional
psychology - Educational programs are expected to produce
competence - Professional credentialing bodies are expected to
certify individuals as competent - Policy makers laud competence
- Consumers increasingly demand it
5Culture of Competence
- It is also time to embrace a culture of the
assessment of competence, as the assessment of
competence - fosters learning
- evaluates progress
- assists in determining curriculum and training
program effectiveness - advances the field
- protects the public
6Culture of Competence
- We can learn a lot from the efforts of our
colleagues in education and the other health
professions (medicine, pharmacy, nursing,
dentistry) - Assessment of Competence Toolbox (American
College of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) - APA Guidelines for the Undergraduate Psychology
Major (APA, 2007) - A lot of efforts have already taken place within
professional psychology that informed our work
7Competency Initiatives in Professional
- 1996 Revision Guidelines and Principles for
Accreditation of Programs in Professional
Psychology - Focus on program outcomes, less on curriculum
- Broad and general competency domains
- Council of Chairs of Training Councils
(CCTC)/Association of Directors of Psychology
Training Clinics (ADPTC) Practicum Competencies
8Competency Initiatives in Professional Psychology
- 2002 APA Ethics Code
- Board of Educational Affairs (BEA) Task Force on
Assessment of Competence in Professional
Psychology (2004) - 2002 Competencies Conference
- Goal to develop consensus about domains of
foundational and functional competencies from a
developmental perspective
9Rodolfa, E. R., Bent, R. J., Eisman, E.,
Nelson, P. D., Rehm, L., Ritchie, P. (2005). A
cube model for competency development
Implications for psychology educators and
regulators. Professional Psychology Research and
Practice, 36, 347-354.
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14Policy/Regulatory Developments
- APA Policy on Education and Training Leading to
Licensure (approved by APA Council of
Representatives, 2006) - Jurisdictions are and will be looking to this
policy as guidance
15- Applicants should be considered for admission to
licensure upon completing a sequential,
organized, supervised professional experience
equivalent to two years of full-time training
that can be completed prior or subsequent to the
granting of the doctoral degree. One of the two
years was to be a pre-doctoral internship for
those preparing for practice as health service
17Assessment of Competency Benchmarks Work Group
- Chair Nadya Fouad, Ph.D.
- Two-day meeting September 2006
- Gathered individuals knowledgeable about domains
of competence - 32 member work group
- Build on existing knowledge and advance the shift
to a culture of competence - Promote excellence in professional education and
training - Operationalize a developmental model of
competence in professional psychology - To better inform understanding of entry level to
practice in light of the APA policy on Education
and Training Leading to Licensure
- Applies most directly to those preparing for the
practice of health service provision, i.e., those
who will seek licensure - Not meant to be prescriptive, a tool for programs
to implement if they chose and in accordance with
their model of education and training - Assessment of competence must be balanced with
the primary mission of the program education and
20Product of the Group
- A working document that delineates competency
benchmarks, or measurable standards of
performance, that are developmental and
integrated through the sequence of professional
education and training and identifies methods of
assessing achievement
21How are Benchmarks Organized?
- Essential Component what are the critical
elements of/what knowledge/skills/attitudes that
make up this competency? - Behavioral Anchor what would it look like if you
saw it (essential component) - Assessment Method(s) what methods would you use
to measure it?
22Essential Components
A. Knowledge A. Knowledge
Readiness for Practicum Readiness for Internship
basic knowledge of expectations for supervision knowledge of purpose, roles and goals of supervision
23Behavioral Anchors
A. Knowledge A. Knowledge
Readiness for Practicum Readiness for Internship
demonstrates basic knowledge of supervision student knows their roles and responsibilities in the process student able to engage in goal setting related to practicum successful completion of supervision coursework completion of practicum placements supervision completion of comprehensive examinations
24Assessment Methods
A. Knowledge A. Knowledge
Readiness for Practicum Readiness for Internship
faculty, peer, and self judgments (with consideration to consensual validation) performance in courses and evaluation milestones completion of supervision coursework assessments by practicum supervisors about participant role in supervision process
25Competence Initiatives in Professional
Psychology Next Steps
- Benchmarks document underwent period public
comment fall 2007 - Available on APA website
- http//www.apa.org/ed/resources.html
- Group to be charged by APA Board of Educational
Affairs to review comment and make
recommendations - Future efforts to address professional
development from early career to specialty
26- Competence Assessment for Professional Psychology
Work Group - A Toolkit for professional psychology
- Met once Fall 2007 2nd meeting April 2008
- On-line resources for education and training
programs methods to assess competence - CCTC continued efforts to make communication
between doctoral and internship programs routine
and focused on promoting competence
27- Specialty/proficiency specific competency models
clinical health geropsychology - ASPPB Practicum Work Group
- Met July 2007
- Draft model language related to practicm training
- Informed by Benchmarks and Practicum Competencies
Outline - Goal incorporate competency-based outcomes in
regulatory language and processes
28- Interprofessional professionalism consultant work
group - Initiated by American Physical Therapy
Association in 2006 - Representatives from doctoral level health
professions - All have discipline specific initiatives on
fostering competence - Developing a tool to measure interprofessional