Title: Reimbursement Strategy 20042005
1The Happy Life of the Pathology
Practice Administrator
2Practice, Payment and Coding Issues 2004
PDAS Section Meeting presentation by Paul A.
Raslavicus, MD, MHA July 23, 2004
3(No Transcript)
4Objective of this presentation
- Pathology payment issues
- The Correct Coding Initiative (CCI)
- Adverse CMS initiatives
- Part A and part B issues
- Coding and pricing of the new technologies
- Opportunities and threats in pathology practice
- Overview of The Big Picture
5The Wheel of Fortune
6Public Policy Medicare Modernization Act
- 1.5 physician fee increase
- Five year clinical lab fee freeze
- Competitive bidding demonstration
- Oncology fee increases by legislation
- Section 942 procedures for new test pricing
- Two year histology granfather extension
- One year moratorium on PE recalculation
- New part B reassignment rules
7The CCI edits
- CCI edits involve pairs of CPT codes
- Mutually exclusive, or
- Codes within codes (components)
- CCI edits are applied to services
- billed by the same provider
- for the same beneficiary
- on the same date of service
- Indicators
- Use 59 Modifier to override edits for mutually
exclusive edits
8National Correct Coding Initiative--CCI
- CMS Contractor AdminiStar
- Over 500 edits in Path and LM
- Web site www.cms.hhs.gov/physicians/cciedits/
- All edits are part OPPS for hospitals
- Recent focus on physician services and new
technologies - Our mind is made up
- Complaints fax Neils Rosen,MD (317) 841-4600
9CCI editsclinical labRecent examples
- 85027/85004 Automated differentials
- 80061/83721, 82465/83721 Lipids
- 80074/individual hepatitis antibodies
- Clinical pathology consults in microbiology
- Denies 88500 with 87269, 87660
- Modifier 91 Modifier -91 should be appended to
laboratory procedure(s) or service(s) to indicate
a repeat test or procedure on the same day.
10Recent CCI edits in physician fee schedule
- Specimens/Smears
- Frozen sections/Smears
- Surgical pathology consultations
- IHC/flow analysis
- IHC/tumor morphometry
- ISH/tumor morphometry
- ISH/cytogenetic codes (88271-75)
11CCI Specimens/cytology
- Excludes cytology (FNA and smears) when billed
with surgical pathology (88160/2 and 88173 vs
88304/9) when same diagnosis is rendered on same
date - Modifier overrides
- Different provider
- Different diagnosis
- Different specimen
12CCI Frozen sections/cytology-FNA
- 88329-32/88160-2 or 88173
- Edits on same specimen
- Permits use with 59 modifier
- CMS challenges full RVU for intraop cytology
- CMS challenges use of intraoperative
13CCI Surgical pathology consultations
- Initially edits did not permit additional codes
to consultation - Now special studies allowed with modifier
- Documentation in the consultants report is key
14CCI Flow cytometry 88180 and IHC 88342
- CMS Considers services duplicative
- May use 59 modifier, but document!
- Different antibodies
- Challenge to standard practices
- Challenge to the unit of service (antibody)
- Coding changes for 2005
- Separation of TC codes from PC codes
15CCI IHC/Tumor Morphometry
- 88342/88358
- Denies payment for tumor morphometry by
Chromavision - Result2004 new code 88361
- Result two codes for 2005
- Pricing by PEAC/RUC underway
16 ISH/Tumor morphometry
- Disallows tumor morphometry with ISH
(88365/88358) - Coding changes underway for 2005
- Two codes for manual and computer assisted
techniques ISH morphometry - Practice expenses submission to PEAC/RUC
- Work evaluation submissionfailed, re-do
17CCI FISH/cytogenetics
- 88365 vs. 88271-75
- Issues raised
- Two ways to report same service
- CMS The sum is lesser than the parts
- Turf and payment issues
- Revised 88365 for 2005
18Challenge of coding for genetic disorders
- Currently
- In situ hybridization codes
- Molecular cytogenetics codes
- Molecular microbiology
- Molecular diagnostics generic codes
- Multiplex procedures (83901)definition?
- The future
- Codes for microarrays
- Codes for specific genetic disorders
19Genetic Test Coding Modifiers
- Solid tumor markers
- Lymphoid/hematopoetic neoplasms
- Non neoplastic hematology/coagulation
- Histocompatability
- Neurologic non neoplastic
- Muscular non neoplastic
- Metabolic
- Dysmorphology diseases
20Valuing costs and workThe RUC challenge
- The politics of RUC
- Costsa microcosting approach
- Submitted to PEAC/RUC then to CMS
- Adjusted through a top down process
- Workexpert panel or
- Survey process of 30pathologists
- Time for the service (intra, pre and post)
- Ranking of work effort (intensity)
21The RUC ChallengeImproving the Process
- Survey of practice costs
- Data on typical run size, failure rate, etc.
- Survey of professional work
- Education by experts
- Understanding the system
- Custom reference services
- Role of department chair
- Participation of academia is critical!
22CMS challenges
- The unit of service
- The same payment per unit of service
- The valuation of work (duplication of pre or
post service work) - Computer assisted image analysis
- Practice expenses moratorium expires 2005
23This months newsCMS moves against pathology
- Potential for transfer of physician services to
the CLFS-- - Flow cytometry
- Tumor morphometry (manual and automated)
- Affected codes
- New five flow codes
- Revised ISH code
- New two morphometric analysis codes ISH
- Public hearing July 26
- Call in 877-357-7851 8402656
24Where is the ?
- Defeat the CMS proposal
- Be aggressive in the five year review
- Academic surgical pathology consultations
- Resist CCI attempts to redefine services
- Continue to codify new services
- New concepts in surgical pathology practice
- Consultation () vs. second opinion (QA)
- Appropriately code procedures
- Medicare approved screening tests
- Keep the specialty and our labs intact
25Challenges in the Scope of Practice
- CMS initiatives
- Weakening of part A and professional component
- Pharmacists
- Pathologists assistants
- Laboratory scientists
- Our clinical colleagues
26Clinician survival tool 1
- Client billing for AP
- CEJA exploits patients
- Stark law and Medicare anti kickback
- State fee splitting provisions
- Legislative Remedies
- Direct billingLA, NJ, RI, SC,
- Anti markupCA, NV, MI, OR
- Full disclosureAZ, CT, MD, ME, PA, TN,VT
27Clinician survival tool 2
- The POD lab phenomenon
- Purchased TC can not be marked up
- If TC is performed, PC can be marked up
- Histology not a CLIA service
- New claim reassignment rules for physician
services - Need not be on premises (in office)
- Contractor in same carrier region
- Joint and several liability for claims
28The Macro View
- Economics is the principal driver, value is
second - Decreasing payment per unit of work
- Consolidation and regionalization for
productivity gain and market clout - The stars will shine, the cows will be butchered
- Be or be-ware the niche player
- Name branded pathology
- Stick close to the patient and his physician
- Embrace new tech, new paths
29The Happy Life of the Pathology
Practice Administrator???