Title: Computer Assisted Surgery and Medical Image Analysis
1Computer Assisted SurgeryandMedical Image
Computer Vision Group Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of
Technology Surgical Planning Lab Brigham and
Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School
2Computer assisted surgery
- Goal
- Use computer vision techniques to plan and guide
surgical interventions, by giving the surgeon the
ability to sense critical information that is not
normally visible to her - How?
- Capture models of patient anatomy and function
- Use to guide surgeons actions
3Conventional Surgery See the surface
Provided by Nakajima, Atsumi et al.
4Image Guided Surgery See under the surface
Provided by Leventon et al.
5Intelligently aiding the surgeon
- Convert medical images into models of patients
- Structural anatomy
- Functional anatomy
6(No Transcript)
7Central Vessels
common carotid artery
subclavian artery
brachio cephalic trunc
brachio cephalic trunc
pulmonary trunk
pulmonary veins
Courtesy of Lorigo
8Cartilage Thickness Mapping
Courtesy Warfield, Winalski
9Functional information
10Visualizing the surgical site
- Augmented reality visualizations
- Surgical guidance
- Simulation of surgical navigation
11Visualizing the surgical site
- Augmented reality visualizations
- Surgical guidance
- Simulation of surgical navigation
12Surgical navigation
13Visualizing the surgical site
- Augmented reality visualizations
- Surgical guidance
- Simulation of surgical navigation