Title: Culturally Competent Approaches to Teaching and Learning
1Culturally Competent Approaches to
Teaching and Learning
2Opening Reflection
- As an educator, what difference do you make in
the lives of students and their families?
3- What successes have we had in working with a
diverse population? - What challenges do we face in working with a
diverse population? - What questions do you have regarding working with
a diverse population?
4- Diversity training must go beyond providing human
relations activities to providing meaningful
opportunities for educators to examine their
beliefs about cultural differences and to
consider the impact of culture on teaching and
5Table Talk
- What?-What does this statement mean to you?
- So What?-What are the implications for us as we
work with families? - Now What?-What actions might you consider next?
6Diversity Defined
- A general term indicating that people who differ
from one another are present in an organization
or group. It refers to ethnicity, language,
gender, age, ability, sexual orientation and all
other aspects of culture.
7Aspects of Culture
- Sense of self and space
- Communication and language
- Dress and appearance
- Food and eating habits
- Time and time consciousness
- Relationships, family and friends
- Values and norms
- Beliefs and attitudes
- Mental processes and learning style
- Work habits and practices
8What is Cultural Competency?
- The awareness of ones own cultural background has
been consistently identified in the literature as
critical to the process of acquiring cultural
9Culture Defined
- Everything you believe and everything you do that
identifies you as a member of a group. Cultures
reflect the belief systems and behaviors informed
by ethnicity as well as other sociological
factors such as gender, age, sexual orientation
and physical ability.
10Culture Defined
- All communities have a culture. It is the climate
of their civilization
11Culture Defined
- All people have culture. Culture is the name of
what people are interested in, their thoughts,
their models, the books they read and the
speeches they hear, their table-talk, gossip,
controversies, historical sense and scientific
training, the values they appreciate, the quality
of life they admire.
12Culture Defined
- The ways of believing, feeling and behaving of a
group of people the way of life of a people,
their values, skills, customs, and resulting
material culture.
13Culture Defined
- The ever changing values, traditions social and
political relationships, and - world view shared by a group of people bound
together by a combination of factors that can
include a common history/her story geographic
location, language, social class, and or
14Culture Defined
- The collective behavior patterns, communication
styles, language, beliefs, concepts, values,
institutions, standards, symbols, and other
factors unique to a community to conform.
- Discuss the definitions provided with your table
group. As a group, using 12 words or less, and
come up with own definition of culture. - Select a reporter to share definition with large
16Principles of Culture
- People are served in varying degrees by the
dominant culture. - Describe the dominant culture of education and
the impact on families.
17Principles of Culture
- Diversity within cultures is vast and significant
- What are the major cultures represented in your
school? What diversity is present within those
18Principles of Culture
- Each group has unique cultural needs.
- What are some of the cultural needs you have
observed in your classroom? - Nuri Robins, K., Randall B. Lindsey, Delores B.
Lindsey and Raymond D. Terrell (2002). Culturally
Proficient Instruction A Guide for People Who
Teach. Thousand Oaks, CA Corwin Press, Inc
19Sample Questions
- What questions have you used as you work with
families? - What questions might you ask that would provide
insight into the cultures of your families?
20Greetings! I am pleased to see that we are
different. May we together become greater than
the sum of both of us.Mr. Spock (on the
television series Star Trek)
21We know what we are, but know not what we may
be.William Shakespeare
22We have become not a melting pot but a beautiful
mosaic. Different people, different beliefs,
different yearnings, different hopes, different
dreams.Jimmy Carter
23There never was in the world two opinions alike,
no more that two hairs or two grains the most
universal quality is diversity.Montaigne, Of
the Resemblance of Children to Their Fathers
24Diversity the art of thinking independently
together.Malcolm S. Forbes
25Closing Reflection
- Think about the conversation we have engaged in.
What insights have you had? What ideas do you
want to consider further?