Title: Population Genetics
1Population Genetics
- Alleles A a
- Genotypes AA Aa aa
- Frequencies 50 30 20
- Symbol P Q R
- Calculate the individual gene frequencies
- freq. A (p) P ½Q 0.5 0.15 0.65
- freq. a (q) R ½ Q 0.2 0.15 0.35
- p q 1, therefore 1 - p q or
- 1 q p
2- If we know gene freqs (p and q), how can we
calculate the genotype frequencies? - What is probability of getting an A gamete?
- gene freq of A p
- Therefore, freq of AA p2
- Probability of getting an a gamete? q
- Therefore, freq of aa q2
3- How do we calculate the heterozygote freq?
- Probability of egg A (p) x sperm a (q) pq
- Probability of egg a (q) x sperm A (p) pq
- Therefore, freq of Aa 2pq
- So all 3 genotypes can be calculated by their
gene freqs using the equation - p2 2pq q2
- Hardy- Weinberg Equation!
4- MN blood group and Hardy-Weinberg Eq.
- MM freq. 29
- Therefore, p2 0.29, and p 0.54
- If p 0.54, then q 0.46, so q2 0.21 and
- 2pq 0.50
- 0.29 0.50 0.21
- And these are very close to the actual
frequencies in the European American population
5Assumptions of the H-W Equilibrium
- No selective advantage of one allele over
another, i.e., no natural selection - No new alleles introduced via mutation
- No gain or loss of alleles due to immigration (no
gene flow) - No random changes in gene freqs assumes an
infinite population size - Totally random mating every individual has an
equal chance of mating and producing equal
numbers of offspring
6What is the value of H-W equaiton?
- Since not all of the assumptions will hold true
in natural populations most of the time, the
numbers predicted by the H-W equation wont be
accurate - Why use it?
- H-W equation can serve as a null model for a pop
not undergoing evolution - The ways in which a real pop deviate from the
expected H-W values give us clues as to what
evol. mechanisms are at work
7What if Natural Selection is working?
- AA Aa aa
- Lets say that aa is being selected against
- Selection coefficient s of population with
that genotype selected against - If s 0.1, then 10 of aa are lost in each
generation and 90 survive - So chances of aa survival is 1-s fitness of
- that genotype
8- So you can modify the H-W Equation to account for
selection if you know the selection coefficient - p2 2pq q2 (1-s)
9Can you lose a entirely?
- If all a alleles are lost and all genotypes are
AA, we say that A has become fixed - But as q declines, fewer aa individuals occur to
be selected against, so the rate of loss of a
declines - Most a alleles occur in Aa heterozygotes
- As long as fitness of Aa AA, you cant lose a
entirely the locus remains polymorphic
10What if heterozygote is more fit than either
- Selection coefficients for both homozygotes
- (s and t). Modify the H-W equation to account
for selection - AA Aa aa
- p2(1-t) 2pq q2(1-s)
- If st, rate of change of p will q gt
equilibrium - If sltt (fitness of AAltaa), p will decline rel. to
q - If sgtt (fitness of aaltAA), p will increase rel.
to q
11Sickle-cell disease
- HbHb HbHbs HbsHbs
- In Nigeria, selection against sickle homozygote
(s) 0.86 against normal (from malaria) (t)
0.12 - HbHb HbHbs HbsHbs
- p2(0.88) 2pq q2(0.14)
12- If one gene or its homozygous genotype is
consistently favored, selection will be
directional no equilibrium gene freqs will
shift - If heterozygotes are consistently favored, the
gene pool can reach a stable equilibrium, p q - What if selection fluctuates, favoring one
genotype at one time and another at a different
time? - gt Frequency-dependent selection fitness of a
genotype varies with its frequency in a population
13Frequency-dependent selection
- Your fitness depends on how common you are in the
population usually rare genotypes are favored
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15How much can mutation affect the H-W equilibrium?
- Mutation rates at individual loci appear to be
low 1 in 10K to 1 in 1M per generation - So in one generation the effect on p or q will be
very slight - Over long periods of time these changes in
frequency can accumulate
16How do mutations interact with natural selection?
- Neutral mutations will accumulate according to
the natural mutation rate (low) - Positive mutations will increase depending on
their fitness, i.e., selection can amplify
mutation - Negative mutations should disappear quickly
before they can accumulate
17Exception to loss of negative mutations
- Mutation-selection balance equilibrium
frequency of a mutant allele if - selection rate mutation rate
- q vm/s
- q equilibrium gene frequency
- m mutation rate
- s selection coefficient
18Example of mutation-selection balance
- Spinal muscular atrophy high mortality (s0.9)
counting numbers in current pop, estimated gene
freq is 0.01 (1 in 100) hi! - If this mutant is maintained by m/s balance
- 0.01 vm/0.9, so m 0.9x10-4
- Looking at known family trees, 7 of 340 patients
were new mutations - From this m was calculated at 1.1 x 10-4
19Is cystic fibrosis governed by mutation-selection
- Frequency of cf allele is 0.02 (2 in 100)
- Selection coefficient is high (gt0.8)
- If the cf freq is maintained because of m/s
balance, m 4 x 10-4 - Actual mutation rate 7 x 10-7
- What other factor(s) might cause the gene freq to
be so high?
20Look at biology of cf
- cf homozygotes have very thick mucus that traps
bacteria gt develop severe, chronic lung
infections most die before age of reproduction - Heterozygotes produce moderately thick mucus so
have fewer lung infections, but it traps
enteropathic bacteria like salmonella - Normal homozygote has thin mucus no lung
infections but also susceptible to gut infections
from enteropathogens - Heterosis!
21What if gene flow is going on?
- Few natural populations are totally isolated
- But gene flow may be low
- - due to random migration among pops
- - part of mating system, e.g., exclusion of
young males plant pollination - Gene flow maintains genetic variation within
populations (demes) minimizes variation among
demes - more later!
22What if gene freqs change at random?
- Random fluctuations in gene frequencies
- This is an evolutionary mechanism because it
changes gene frequencies, but since the shifts
are random, it is non-adaptive
23- Genetic drift derives from sampling error
- by chance, the gene pool does not remain in
equilibrium from one generation to another - E.g., heterozygote Aa should pass on equal
numbers of A and a gametes, so ½ of its offspring
should get A and ½ should get a - By chance, it may not likelihood depends on
- of offspring (pop size)
24Strength of GD depends on population size
- Analogy to coin toss
- If you toss a coin 10,000 times you are likely to
get a 5050 ratio of headstails (by chance if
you toss several heads in a row, youll also toss
several tails in a row) - If you toss a coin only 10 times, what are the
chances youll get 5 heads5 tails? - Small sample gt random skewing of frequencies
25- Whats different about a coin toss vs.
reproducing a gene pool? - Drift is additive (will accumulate) unlike coin
toss, starting freqs change in each generation - Drift typically leads to loss of one allele
fixation of the other gt monomorphic loci - GD tends to decrease genetic diversity within
26Why does GD lead to fixation?
- Random walk model
- Drunk on a runway runway length time width
pop size with enough time /or small pop, he
will fall off (allele will be lost) - So as GD gt fixation, heterozygosity will decline
which may affect fitness
27GD may vary during the lifetime of a population
if its size varies
- 1) Bottleneck effect - E.g., snowshoe hares in
the Arctic
28Variable effects of GD (cont.)
- 2) Founder effect small colony founds a new
population - - small colony not likely to be repre-sentative
of parent gene pool (sampling error) - - GD will quickly skew gene freqs in a small
29What determines pop size?
- Census accurate in random-mating pop
- But in many pops, census is not accurate does
not reflect actual number of breeding adults
effective pop size - Limited by
- Assortative mating
- Unequal sex ratios
- Overlapping generations
- Bottleneck effect
30- Most species comprised of many small demes
- Each is drifting randomly with respect to A a
- GD tends to lead toward fixation (? diversity)
within demes, but since each deme is drifting
randomly, we get maximum diversity among demes
3565 Aa
31Sewall Wrights Model
- Small demic structure with low gene flow is best
to respond to evolution - Maximizes genetic diversity among pops
- Even rare alleles can ? and become fixed in some
demes - Small amount of gene flow among demes will keep
all pops from becoming monomorphic - Thus, survival and local adaptation of pops is
possible if natural selection is acting, e.g., if
environment changes this variation will increase
likelihood that at least one deme has the right
gene combinations to be able to respond to
32Neutralists vs. selectionists
- If most variation is neutral then GD is the only
evolutionary mechanism (i.e., freqs of neutral
alleles change at random) favored by
Neutralists (NS only gets rid of deleterious
mutants) - Selectionists argue that many (or most) mutant
alleles have selective value and NS is the
primary force governing gene frequencies
33What if mating isnt random?
- Non-random mating is seen in inbreeding
relatives mating - Most extreme case
- AA x AA Aa x Aa aa x aa
Inbreeding gt ? in heterozygosity and ? in
34- If pure inbreeding is going on (no GD or NS), the
H-W equation can be modified with an inbreeding
coefficient (F) probability that 2 alleles came
from the same ancestor (low diversity) - If all genotypes are equally fit (no NS), p and q
dont change only the genotype frequencies
shift toward the two homozygotes (no evolution)
35Inbreeding Natural Selection
- NS usually will select against the homozygous
recessive genotype gt ? q - Since inbreeding increases likelihood of many aa
individuals being born, it causes ? fitness
inbreeding depression - If aa is highly lethal (s is high), A may
increase rapidly - If you add GD to the mix, fixation and loss of
genetic diversity may happen very quickly in the
36Outbreeding mechanisms
- Plants perfect flowers (both ? ? parts)
- Protandry/protogyny male (anthers) and female
(stigma) flower parts mature at different times - Heterostyly e.g., stigma taller than anthers
- Self-incompatibility self-sterility alleles
prevent pollen from forming pollen tube on its
own stigma/pistil
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38Outbreeding mechanisms (cont.)
- Animals
- Protandry in hermaphroditesgtcross-breeding
- Behavior!
- Young males banished from natal group
- Mate recognition preference for the unfamiliar
39Summary of GD Inbreeding
- GD changes gene freqs (evol. mechanism)
- Inbreeding changes genotype freqs (no evolution
if only inbreeding) - Both have strongest effects in small pops
- Both ? genetic diversity GD by random fixation
and loss inbreeding by ?ing homozygosity gt
inbreeding depression - Gene flow is major counteracting force to bring
new diversity into demes, but keep it low so GD
/or NS can gt divergence among demes gt local
adaptation gt new species
40GD and Inbreeding in a real population Greater
Prairie Chickens
- Large, relict pops remain in KS, MN, NE
- In IL (Jasper Co.) they are in trouble!
- farming caused pop ? thru 19th century
- 1933 total hunting ban, but pop continued ?
- only a few 100 left by 1960
- 1960s habitat sanctuaries established small
rebound of pop s - 1980s crashed again only 6 adults found in 1990
41Why the pop decline?
- Hypothesis small, isolated pop w/o gene flow
- gt high GD with ? genetic diversity high
inbreeding with ? homozygosity - gt unmasks lethal recessives
- gt inbreeding depression w/? fitness
- gt fewer survivors gt smaller pop
42Is an Extinction Vortex affecting Greater Prairie
- Evidence for decreased genetic diversity
- Normal pop. has mean of 5.5 alleles/locus
- Jasper Co. pop has mean of 3.7 alleles/locus
- Evidence for decreased fitness
- Hatching rates normal (KS, MN, NE) 90
- Jasper Co 40
- Thus, ? genetic diversity due to GD and
inbreeding depression appear to be causing an
extinction vortex among the Greater Prairie
Chickens of Jasper Co., IL
43How do we counter the problem?
- We must ? genetic diversity ? pop size
- Gene flow individuals from MN, KS and NE were
introduced to Jasper Co. in 1992 - By 1998 hatching rates were up to 90
- No new data on allelic diversity, but the pop
size has rebounded into the 1000s
44Gene flow as an evol. mechanism
- Amount of gene flow is often dependent on spatial
organization of populations - Island model individuals may move to any other
pop with equal frequency gt random gene flow among
45- Stepping stone individuals move to deme closest
to them probability of mating ? with distance
In a continuous pop model this can lead to
isolation by distance
46Estimating gene flow rates
- Did genes get exchanged?
- GF is probably overestimated methods
- Mark recapture bird banding, ear tags, etc.
- Release genetically marked (mutant) individuals
to study dispersal and infiltration of gene pools - Measure genetic diversity among continuous pops
to see how similar/different they are
47GF varies with habits of species
- Sedentary species have very low GF but mobile
species have higher GF - Slow movers or small animals disperse little vs.
coyotes other highly mobile species (e.g.,
planktonic vs. benthic) - Seed dispersal is often low unless large carriers
(mammals birds) - Pollen dispersal is better but pollinators may be
localized (bees)
48What do the studies show?
- GF in most species is low to moderate
- Few species form a unitary gene pool among
populations - Even if geographic distances are not great, many
species have low GF - Implications
- GD may gt strong divergence among demes
- Demes may easily adapt to local conditions gt
- Polymorphic species
- Freq-dependent selection (balanced polymorphism)
- Heterosis maintains multiple alleles
- Sexual dimorphism
- Environmental heterogeneity gt adaptation to
microhabitats (different genotypes have different
fitness in microhabitats) - E.g., iron-adapted plants color polymorphs gt
- Ecotypes
50Ecotypic variation
- Clinal ecotypes occur in a linear pattern
- e.g., with altitude, latitude, rainfall (Glogers
Rule, Bergmans Rule) - Mosaic ecotypes occur wherever appropriate
habitat occurs
51Are ecotypes always genetic?
- Genetic ecotypes vary because of NS and can
evolve - Ecophenotypes vary because of environ-mental
effects non-heritable variation, e.g., stunted
growth in cold or windy habitats height affected
by nutrition eunuchs - Ecophenotypic variation does not play a role in
evolution so we need to identify it
52Design experiments to test genetic vs.
ecophenotypic ecotypes
- Salmon vertebrae story
- Potentilla glandulosa (sticky cinquefoil)
53Another example of NS producing polymorphism
Allopatric pops
Sympatric pops
What is the selective force? Low hybrid fitness
54- Another pattern of polymorphism is geographic
races geographically distinguishable pops with
consistent and correlated patterns of
polymorphism subspecies - This may be adaptive (ecotypic)
- It may also be due to random differences
accumulated during reproductive isolation (e.g.,
oriental eye fold in humans curly vs. straight
hair in mammals) - If mating of subspecies gt ? hybrid fitness gt
character displacement, then gt speciation
55Can we use H-W to look at more than one locus?
Lets say we have genes at 2 loci A,a and
B,b What are the haploid genotypes
(haplotypes)? AB, Ab, aB and ab If all the
alleles are independent of each other, i.e., A is
not found with B any more freq than with b, etc.,
then haplotype frequency is predictable based on
the freq of the individual alleles
56- pA 0.6 AB pAxpB 0.48
- qa 0.4 Ab pAxqb 0.12
- pB 0.8 aB qaxpB 0.32
- qb 0.2 ab qaxqb 0.08
- Of 60 of individuals carrying A (0.480.12)
- 80 (0.48/0.60) carry B and 20 (0.12/0.60)
carry b - Of 40 carrying a (0.320.08), 80 (0.32/0.40)
carry B and 20 (0.08/0.40) b -
57- Linkage equilibrium B and b do not segregate
with A or a more frequently than their gene
frequencies would predict (same proportions as
their allele freqs) - In this case we can use H-W for haplotype freqs
58- pA 0.6 but AB pAxpB 0.44 B in 73
- qa 0.4 Ab pAxqb 0.16 b in 27
- pB 0.8 aB qaxpB 0.36 B in 90
- qb 0.2 ab qaxqb 0.04 b in 10
- So haplotypes occur in higher or lower
pro-portions than expected of their gene freqs - B is less freq linked to A and more freq linked
to a than Bs gene freq predicts, etc. - Linkage disequilibrium haplotypes are over or
under-represented have to adjust H-W equation
with LD coefficient
59Why linkage disequilibrium?
- 1) At random in a small pop, GD can lead to LD,
e.g., by chance one of the haplotypes may be
lost, or a mutation shows up changing Agta in only
one individual that carries B but not b gt skews
haplotype freqs away from predicted
60- 2) Gene flow mixing populations with different
haplotype freqs may gt LD - Say aB occurs at higher freq compared to AB in
one pop than in another if the 2 pops merge you
add both aB and AB, but in different proportions
than in the original pop gt LD - 3) Natural selection if it favors certain
haplotypes over others, one will ? and another ?,
e.g., if the abab homozygote is lethal, the ab
haplotype may disappear altogether
61Why does LD matter?
- If 2 loci are in LD, a change in freq at one
locus gt a change in freq at the linked locus that
may be independent of its fitness gt - E.g., if A and B are linked in LD (A occurs
- more freq than expected with B than with b)
- say NS favors A because its linked to B,
- B will automatically ? even if B has no
- selective advantage
- So selection cannot independently change the freq
of A without B being carried along
62- In linkage disequilibrium we cannot assess the
independent fitness of the linked loci we dont
know whether freq of A B are ?ing because both
are being favored, or whether one is along for
the ride! - LD can also act as a brake on evolution gt if A
has high fitness but B has low fitness, it might
be impossible to ? A because LD would also ? B - As long as they remain linked NS may not be able
to optimize the freq of A
63How common is LD?
- Most studies show it is uncommon
- Why?
- Sexual reproduction automatically ? LD
- Recombination shuffles genes to randomize alleles
at the two loci and recreate any missing or
low-freq haplotypes - How long does it take to eliminate LD?
- Depends on pop size (? effects of GD) rates of
crossing over (location on chromosomes) how
strong NS is in favoring certain haplo-types over
64Sexual vs. asexual reproduction why sex?
- Sexual reproduction is energy consuming gt Meiosis
vs. mitosis - gt finding and securing a mate
- It is risky gtaggression from potential mates
- gt exposure to predators
- Wasteful gt mate may be infertile
- gt gametes may be damaged
65- Asexual repro should swamp out sexual
reproduction - Asexuals produce 2X as many offspring as do
sexuals (high fitness potential) - Asexuals should ? rel. to sexuals and ultimately
take over a population - Vast majority of multicellular species reproduce
sexually even if they use both asexual and
sexual modes (e.g., aphids, cnidaria, most
plants) - Sex must be good!
66Why reproduce sexually?
- 1) Sex decreases Genetic Load accumulation of
deleterious mutations - in asexuals new mutations are eliminated only by
NS and GD high mortality - in sexuals these are also lost thru out-crossing
and recombination - e.g., AA x Aa, with a deleterious mutation
Some of offspring would not carry a at all (½
in this cross ¼ in heterozygote cross
67- 2) Recombination breaks LD and contin-uously
shuffles genes gt genetic diversity - in unchanging environment there is no sexual
advantage asexuals should ? - in changing environment, asexuals will either all
do well or all do poorly - Because of genetic diversity in sexuals, unique
gene combinations will develop that may ?
potential to respond to changing environment - Downside is that sex breaks up favorable gene
68Evidence for value of sex
- Most multicellular organisms have sexual
reproduction either exclusively or as part of an
alternation of generations - In forms with alternation of generations, the
asexual forms predominate during good times when
rapid ? in s is beneficial when environment
becomes unstable, they switch to the sexual form